The smart grid is a complex cyber-physical system (CPS) that poses challenges related to scale, integration, interoperability, processes, governance, and human elements. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its government, university and industry collaborators, developed an approach, called CPS Framework, to reasoning about CPS across multiple levels of concern and competency, including trustworthiness, privacy, reliability, and regulatory. The approach uses ontology and reasoning techniques to achieve a greater understanding of the interdependencies among the elements of the CPS Framework model applied to use cases. This paper demonstrates that the approach extends naturally to automated and manual decision-making for smart grids: we apply it to smart grid use cases, and illustrate how it can be used to analyze grid topologies and address concerns about the smart grid. Smart grid stakeholders, whose decision making may be assisted by this approach, include planners, designers and operators.
Recently, IoT, 5G mobile, big data, and artificial intelligence are increasingly used in the real world. These technologies are based on convergenced in Cyber Physical System(Cps). Cps technology requires core technologies to ensure reliability, real-time, safety, autonomy, and security. CPS is the system that can connect between cyberspace and physical space. Cyberspace attacks are confused in the real world and have a lot of damage. The personal information that dealing in CPS has high confidentiality, so the policies and technique will needed to protect the attack in advance. If there is an attack on the CPS, not only personal information but also national confidential data can be leaked. In order to prevent this, the risk is measured using the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) Model, which can measure risk by element for situational awareness in CPS environment. To reduce risk by preventing attacks in CPS, this paper measures risk after using the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED).
Smart water networks can provide great benefits to our society in terms of efficiency and sustainability. However, smart capabilities and connectivity also expose these systems to a wide range of cyber attacks, which enable cyber-terrorists and hostile nation states to mount cyber-physical attacks. Cyber-physical attacks against critical infrastructure, such as water treatment and distribution systems, pose a serious threat to public safety and health. Consequently, it is imperative that we improve the resilience of smart water networks. We consider three approaches for improving resilience: redundancy, diversity, and hardening. Even though each one of these "canonical" approaches has been throughly studied in prior work, a unified theory on how to combine them in the most efficient way has not yet been established. In this paper, we address this problem by studying the synergy of these approaches in the context of protecting smart water networks from cyber-physical contamination attacks.
Cyber-physical systems are found in industrial and production systems, as well as critical infrastructures. Due to the increasing integration of IP-based technology and standard computing devices, the threat of cyber-attacks on cyber-physical systems has vastly increased. Furthermore, traditional intrusion defense strategies for IT systems are often not applicable in operational environments. In this paper we present an anomaly-based approach for detection and classification of attacks in cyber-physical systems. To test our approach, we set up a test environment with sensors, actuators and controllers widely used in industry, thus, providing system data as close as possible to reality. First, anomaly detection is used to define a model of normal system behavior by calculating outlier scores from normal system operations. This valid behavior model is then compared with new data in order to detect anomalies. Further, we trained an attack model, based on supervised attacks against the test setup, using the naive Bayes classifier. If an anomaly is detected, the classification process tries to classify the anomaly by applying the attack model and calculating prediction confidences for trained classes. To evaluate the statistical performance of our approach, we tested the model by applying an unlabeled dataset, which contains valid and anomalous data. The results show that this approach was able to detect and classify such attacks with satisfactory accuracy.
It is well-known that online services resort to various cookies to track users through users' online service identifiers (IDs) - in other words, when users access online services, various "fingerprints" are left behind in the cyberspace. As they roam around in the physical world while accessing online services via mobile devices, users also leave a series of "footprints" – i.e., hints about their physical locations - in the physical world. This poses a potent new threat to user privacy: one can potentially correlate the "fingerprints" left by the users in the cyberspace with "footprints" left in the physical world to infer and reveal leakage of user physical world privacy, such as frequent user locations or mobility trajectories in the physical world - we refer to this problem as user physical world privacy leakage via user cyberspace privacy leakage. In this paper we address the following fundamental question: what kind - and how much - of user physical world privacy might be leaked if we could get hold of such diverse network datasets even without any physical location information. In order to conduct an in-depth investigation of these questions, we utilize the network data collected via a DPI system at the routers within one of the largest Internet operator in Shanghai, China over a duration of one month. We decompose the fundamental question into the three problems: i) linkage of various online user IDs belonging to the same person via mobility pattern mining; ii) physical location classification via aggregate user mobility patterns over time; and iii) tracking user physical mobility. By developing novel and effective methods for solving each of these problems, we demonstrate that the question of user physical world privacy leakage via user cyberspace privacy leakage is not hypothetical, but indeed poses a real potent threat to user privacy.
This paper describes a unified framework for the simulation and analysis of cyber physical systems (CPSs). The framework relies on the FreeBSD-based IMUNES network simulator. Components of the CPS are modeled as nodes within the IMUNES network simulator; nodes that communicate using real TCP/IP traffic. Furthermore, the simulated system can be exposed to other networks and the Internet to make it look like a real SCADA system. The frame-work has been used to simulate a TRIGA nuclear reactor. This is accomplished by creating nodes within the IMUNES network capable of running system modules simulating different CPS components. Nodes communicate using MODBUS/TCP, a widely used process control protocol. A goal of this work is to eventually integrate the simulator with a honeynet. This allows researchers to not only simulate a digital control system using real TCP/IP traffic to test control strategies and network topologies, but also to explore possible cyber attacks and mitigation strategies.
Large-scale sensing and actuation infrastructures have allowed buildings to achieve significant energy savings; at the same time, these technologies introduce significant privacy risks that must be addressed. In this paper, we present a framework for modeling the trade-off between improved control performance and increased privacy risks due to occupancy sensing. More specifically, we consider occupancy-based HVAC control as the control objective and the location traces of individual occupants as the private variables. Previous studies have shown that individual location information can be inferred from occupancy measurements. To ensure privacy, we design an architecture that distorts the occupancy data in order to hide individual occupant location information while maintaining HVAC performance. Using mutual information between the individual's location trace and the reported occupancy measurement as a privacy metric, we are able to optimally design a scheme to minimize privacy risk subject to a control performance guarantee. We evaluate our framework using real-world occupancy data: first, we verify that our privacy metric accurately assesses the adversary's ability to infer private variables from the distorted sensor measurements; then, we show that control performance is maintained through simulations of building operations using these distorted occupancy readings.
Here we model the indirect costs of deploying security controls in small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to manage cyber threats. SMEs may not have the in-house skills and collective capacity to operate controls efficiently, resulting in inadvertent data leakage and exposure to compromise. Aside from financial costs, attempts to maintain security can impact morale, system performance, and retraining requirements, which are modelled here. Managing the overall complexity and effectiveness of an SME's security controls has the potential to reduce unintended leakage. The UK Cyber Essentials Scheme informs basic control definitions, and Available Responsibility Budget (ARB) is modelled to understand how controls can be prioritised for both security and usability. Human factors of security and practical experience of security management for SMEs inform the modelling of deployment challenges across a set of SME archetypes differing in size, complexity, and use of IT. Simple combinations of controls are matched to archetypes, balancing capabilities to protect data assets with the effort demands placed upon employees. Experiments indicate that two-factor authentication can be readily adopted by many SMEs and their employees to protect core assets, followed by correct access privileges and anti-malware software. Service and technology providers emerge as playing an important role in improving access to usable security controls for SMEs.
Modern Industrial Control Systems (ICS) rely on enterprise to plant floor connectivity. Where the size, diversity, and therefore complexity of ICS increase, operational requirements, goals, and challenges defined by users across various sub-systems follow. Recent trends in Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) convergence may cause operators to lose a comprehensive understanding of end-to-end data flow requirements. This presents a risk to system security and resilience. Sensors were once solely applied for operational process use, but now act as inputs supporting a diverse set of organisational requirements. If these are not fully understood, incomplete risk assessment, and inappropriate implementation of security controls could occur. In search of a solution, operators may turn to standards and guidelines. This paper reviews popular standards and guidelines, prior to the presentation of a case study and conceptual tool, highlighting the importance of data flows, critical data processing points, and system-to-user relationships. The proposed approach forms a basis for risk assessment and security control implementation, aiding the evolution of ICS security and resilience.