Various research efforts have focused on the problem of customer privacy protection in the smart grid arising from the large deployment of smart energy meters. In fact, the deployed smart meters distribute accurate profiles of home energy use, which can reflect the consumers' behaviour. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving lattice-based homomorphic aggregation scheme. In this approach, the smart household appliances perform the data aggregation while the smart meter works as relay node. Its role is to authenticate the exchanged messages between the home area network appliances and the related gateway. Security analysis show that our scheme guarantees consumer privacy and messages confidentiality and integrity in addition to its robustness against several attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in terms of communication complexity.
The roll-out of smart meters (SMs) in the electric grid has enabled data-driven grid management and planning techniques. SM data can be used together with short-term load forecasts (STLFs) to overcome polling frequency constraints for better grid management. However, the use of SMs that report consumption data at high spatial and temporal resolutions entails consumer privacy risks, motivating work in protecting consumer privacy. The impact of privacy protection schemes on STLF accuracy is not well studied, especially for smaller aggregations of consumers, whose load profiles are subject to more volatility and are, thus, harder to predict. In this paper, we analyse the impact of two user demand shaping privacy protection schemes, model-distribution predictive control (MDPC) and load-levelling, on STLF accuracy. Support vector regression is used to predict the load profiles at different consumer aggregation levels. Results indicate that, while the MDPC algorithm marginally affects forecast accuracy for smaller consumer aggregations, this diminishes at higher aggregation levels. More importantly, the load-levelling scheme significantly improves STLF accuracy as it smoothens out the grid visible consumer load profile.
Smart grid technology is the core technology for the next-generation power grid system with enhanced energy efficiency through decision-making communication between suppliers and consumers enabled by integrating the IoT into the existing grid. This open architecture allowing bilateral information exchange makes it vulnerable to various types of cyberattack. APT attacks, one of the most common cyberattacks, are highly tricky and sophisticated attacks that can circumvent the existing detection technology and attack the targeted system after a certain latent period after intrusion. This paper proposes an ontology-based attack detection system capable of early detection of and response to APT attacks by analyzing their attacking patterns.
Mobile interfaces will be central in connecting end-users to the smart grid and enabling their active participation. Services and features supporting this participation do, however, rely on high-frequency collection and transmission of energy usage data by smart meters which is privacy-sensitive. The successful communication of privacy to end-users via consumer interfaces will therefore be crucial to ensure smart meter acceptance and consequently enable participation. Current understanding of user privacy concerns in this context is not very differentiated, and user privacy requirements have received little attention. A preliminary user questionnaire study was conducted to gain a more detailed understanding of the differing perceptions of various privacy risks and the relative importance of different privacy-ensuring measures. The results underline the significance of open communication, restraint in data collection and usage, user control, transparency, communication of security measures, and a good customer relationship.
In this paper, we propose a new randomized response algorithm that can achieve differential-privacy and utility guarantees for consumer's behaviors, and process a batch of data at each time. Firstly, differing from traditional differential private approach-es, we add randomized response noise into the behavior signa-tures matrix to achieve an acceptable utility-privacy tradeoff. Secondly, a behavior signature modeling method based on sparse coding is proposed. After some lightweight trainings us-ing the energy consumption data, the dictionary will be associat-ed with the behavior characteristics of the electric appliances. At last, through the experimental results verification, we find that our Algorithm can preserve consumer's privacy without comprising utility.
The design of optimal energy management strategies that trade-off consumers' privacy and expected energy cost by using an energy storage is studied. The Kullback-Leibler divergence rate is used to assess the privacy risk of the unauthorized testing on consumers' behavior. We further show how this design problem can be formulated as a belief state Markov decision process problem so that standard tools of the Markov decision process framework can be utilized, and the optimal solution can be obtained by using Bellman dynamic programming. Finally, we illustrate the privacy-enhancement and cost-saving by numerical examples.
In Smart Grids (SGs), data aggregation process is essential in terms of limiting packet size, data transmission amount and data storage requirements. This paper presents a novel Domingo-Ferrer additive privacy based Secure Data Aggregation (SDA) scheme for Fog Computing based SGs (FCSG). The proposed protocol achieves end-to-end confidentiality while ensuring low communication and storage overhead. Data aggregation is performed at fog layer to reduce the amount of data to be processed and stored at cloud servers. As a result, the proposed protocol achieves better response time and less computational overhead compared to existing solutions. Moreover, due to hierarchical architecture of FCSG and additive homomorphic encryption consumer privacy is protected from third parties. Theoretical analysis evaluates the effects of packet size and number of packets on transmission overhead and the amount of data stored in cloud server. In parallel with the theoretical analysis, our performance evaluation results show that there is a significant improvement in terms of data transmission and storage efficiency. Moreover, security analysis proves that the proposed scheme successfully ensures the privacy of collected data.
An advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) allows real-time fine-grained monitoring of the energy consumption data of individual consumers. Collected metering data can be used for a multitude of applications. For example, energy demand forecasting, based on the reported fine-grained consumption, can help manage the near future energy production. However, fine- grained metering data reporting can lead to privacy concerns. It is, therefore, imperative that the utility company receives the fine-grained data needed to perform the intended demand response service, without learning any sensitive information about individual consumers. In this paper, we propose an anonymous privacy preserving fine-grained data aggregation scheme for AMI networks. In this scheme, the utility company receives only the distribution of the energy consumption by the consumers at different time slots. We leverage a network tree topology structure in which each smart meter randomly reports its energy consumption data to its parent smart meter (according to the tree). The parent node updates the consumption distribution and forwards the data to the utility company. Our analysis results show that the proposed scheme can preserve the privacy and security of individual consumers while guaranteeing the demand response service.
Smart grids technologies are enablers of new business models for domestic consumers with local flexibility (generation, loads, storage) and where access to data is a key requirement in the value stream. However, legislation on personal data privacy and protection imposes the need to develop local models for flexibility modeling and forecasting and exchange models instead of personal data. This paper describes the functional architecture of an home energy management system (HEMS) and its optimization functions. A set of data-driven models, embedded in the HEMS, are discussed for improving renewable energy forecasting skill and modeling multi-period flexibility of distributed energy resources.
The advent of smart grids offers us the opportunity to better manage the electricity grids. One of the most interesting challenges in the modern grids is the consumer demand management. Indeed, the development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) encourages the development of demand-side management systems. In this paper, we propose a distributed energy demand scheduling approach that uses minimal interactions between consumers to optimize the energy demand. We formulate the consumption scheduling as a constrained optimization problem and use game theory to solve this problem. On one hand, the proposed approach aims to reduce the total energy cost of a building's consumers. This imposes the cooperation between all the consumers to achieve the collective goal. On the other hand, the privacy of each user must be protected, which means that our distributed approach must operate with a minimal information exchange. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed approach reduces the total energy cost, each consumer's individual cost, as well as the peak to average ratio.
Smart meters migrate conventional electricity grid into digitally enabled Smart Grid (SG), which is more reliable and efficient. Fine-grained energy consumption data collected by smart meters helps utility providers accurately predict users' demands and significantly reduce power generation cost, while it imposes severe privacy risks on consumers and may discourage them from using those “espionage meters". To enjoy the benefits of smart meter measured data without compromising the users' privacy, in this paper, we try to integrate distributed differential privacy (DDP) techniques into data-driven optimization, and propose a novel scheme that not only minimizes the cost for utility providers but also preserves the DDP of users' energy profiles. Briefly, we add differential private noises to the users' energy consumption data before the smart meters send it to the utility provider. Due to the uncertainty of the users' demand distribution, the utility provider aggregates a given set of historical users' differentially private data, estimates the users' demands, and formulates the data- driven cost minimization based on the collected noisy data. We also develop algorithms for feasible solutions, and verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme through simulations using the simulated energy consumption data generated from the utility company's real data analysis.
Since the Information Networks are added to the current electricity networks, the security and privacy of individuals is challenged. This combination of technologies creates vulnerabilities in the context of smart grid power which disrupt the consumer energy supply. Methods based on encryption are against the countermeasures attacks that have targeted the integrity and confidentiality factors. Although the cryptography strategies are used in Smart Grid, key management which is different in size from tens to millions of keys (for meters), is considered as the critical processes. The Key mismanagement causes to reveal the secret keys for attacker, a symmetric key distribution method is recently suggested by [7] which is based on a symmetric key distribution, this strategy is very suitable for smart electric meters. The problem with this method is its vulnerability to impersonating respondents attack. The proposed approach to solve this problem is to send the both side identifiers in encrypted form based on hash functions and a random value, the proposed solution is appropriate for devices such as meters that have very little computing power.
By applying power usage statistics from smart meters, users are able to save energy in their homes or control smart appliances via home automation systems. However, owing to security and privacy concerns, it is recommended that smart meters (SM) should not have direct communication with smart appliances. In this paper, we propose a design for a smart meter gateway (SMGW) associated with a two-phase authentication mechanism and key management scheme to link a smart grid with smart appliances. With placement of the SMGW, we can reduce the design complexity of SMs as well as enhance the strength of security.
Integration of information technologies with the current power infrastructure promises something further than a smart grid: implementation of smart cities. Power efficient cities will be a significant step toward greener cities and a cleaner environment. However, the extensive use of information technologies in smart cities comes at a cost of reduced privacy. In particular, consumers' power profiles will be accessible by third parties seeking information over consumers' personal habits. In this paper, a methodology for enhancing privacy of electricity consumption patterns is proposed and tested. The proposed method exploits digital connectivity and predictive tools offered via smart grids to morph consumption patterns by grouping consumers via an optimization scheme. To that end, load anticipation, correlation and Theil coefficients are utilized synergistically with genetic algorithms to find an optimal assembly of consumers whose aggregated pattern hides individual consumption features. Results highlight the efficiency of the proposed method in enhancing privacy in the environment of smart cities.
The collection of high frequency metering data in the emerging smart grid gives rise to the concern of consumer privacy. Anonymization of metering data is one of the proposed approaches in the literature, which enables transmission of unmasked data while preserving the privacy of the sender. Distributed anonymization methods can reduce the dependency on service providers, thus promising more privacy for the consumers. However, the distributed communication among the end-users introduces overhead and requires methods to prevent external attacks. In this paper, we propose four variants of a distributed anonymization method for smart metering data privacy, referred to as the Collaborative Anonymity Set Formation (CASF) method. The performance overhead analysis and security analysis of the variants are done using NS-3 simulator and the Scyther tool, respectively. It is shown that the proposed scheme enhances the privacy preservation functionality of an existing anonymization scheme, while being robust against external attacks.
With the rapid development of smart grid, smart meters are deployed at energy consumers' premises to collect real-time usage data. Although such a communication model can help the control center of the energy producer to improve the efficiency and reliability of electricity delivery, it also leads to some security issues. For example, this real-time data involves the customers' privacy. Attackers may violate the privacy for house breaking, or they may tamper with the transmitted data for their own benefits. For this purpose, many data aggregation schemes are proposed for privacy preservation. However, rare of them cares about both the data aggregation and fine-grained access control to improve the data utility. In this paper, we proposes a data aggregation scheme based on attribute decision tree. Security analysis illustrates that our scheme can achieve the data integrity, data privacy preservation and fine- grained data access control. Experiment results show that our scheme are more efficient than existing schemes.
Legal metrology embraces the regulation and control of measuring instruments (MI) used in a diversity of applications including industry, transportation, commerce, medical care and environment protection [3]. Only in Europe, MI are responsible for an annual turnover of more than 500 billion Euros [1]. In developing countries, MI demand has increased substantially due to the adoption of technologies and methods well established in developed countries [3]. MI also can be seen as elementary build blocks for new technologies such as smart grids, Internet of Things and cyber physical systems [1, 2]. Thus legal metrology is crucial to assure the correctness of measurements, protecting the economic system while regulating consumer relations and enhances MI reliability [2].
Power grids are undergoing major changes due to rapid growth in renewable energy resources and improvements in battery technology. While these changes enhance sustainability and efficiency, they also create significant management challenges as the complexity of power systems increases. To tackle these challenges, decentralized Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions are emerging, which arrange local communities into transactive microgrids. Within a transactive microgrid, "prosumers" (i.e., consumers with energy generation and storage capabilities) can trade energy with each other, thereby smoothing the load on the main grid using local supply. It is hard, however, to provide security, safety, and privacy in a decentralized and transactive energy system. On the one hand, prosumers' personal information must be protected from their trade partners and the system operator. On the other hand, the system must be protected from careless or malicious trading, which could destabilize the entire grid. This paper describes Privacy-preserving Energy Transactions (PETra), which is a secure and safe solution for transactive microgrids that enables consumers to trade energy without sacrificing their privacy. PETra builds on distributed ledgers, such as blockchains, and provides anonymity for communication, bidding, and trading.
We propose a real time authentication scheme for smart grids which improves upon existing schemes. Our scheme is useful in many situations in smart grid operations. The smart grid Control Center (CC) communicates with the sensor nodes installed in the transmission lines so as to utilize real time data for monitoring environmental conditions in order to determine optimum power transmission capacity. Again a smart grid Operation Center (OC) communicates with several Residential Area (RA) gateways (GW) that are in turn connected to the smart meters installed in the consumer premises so as to dynamically control the power supply to meet demand based on real time electricity use information. It is not only necessary to authenticate sensor nodes and other smart devices, but also protect the integrity of messages being communicated. Our scheme is based on batch signatures and are more efficient than existing schemes. Furthermore our scheme is based on stronger notion of security, whereby the batch of signatures verify only if all individual signatures are valid. The communication overhead is kept low by using short signatures for verification.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) have rapidly become a topic of international interest as governments have sponsored their deployment for the purposes of utility service reliability and efficiency, e.g., water and electricity conservation. Two problems plague such deployments. First is the protection of consumer privacy. Second is the problem of huge amounts of data from such deployments. A new architecture is proposed to address these problems through the use of Aggregators, which incorporate temporary data buffering and the modularization of utility grid analysis. These Aggregators are used to deliver anonymized summary data to the central utility while preserving billing and automated connection services.
This paper investigates the privacy-preserving problem of the distributed consensus-based energy management considering both generation units and responsive demands in smart grid. First, we reveal the private information of consumers including the electricity consumption and the sensitivity of the electricity consumption to the electricity price can be disclosed without any privacy-preserving strategy. Then, we propose a privacy-preserving algorithm to preserve the private information of consumers through designing the secret functions, and adding zero-sum and exponentially decreasing noises. We also prove that the proposed algorithm can preserve the privacy while keeping the optimality of the final state and the convergence performance unchanged. Extensive simulations validate the theoretical results and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.