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Biswas, Ananda, Dee, Timothy M., Guo, Yunxi, Li, Zelong, Tyagi, Akhilesh.  2021.  Multi-Granularity Control Flow Anomaly Detection with Hardware Counters. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :449—454.
Hardware counters are included in processors to count microarchitecture level events affecting performance. When control flow anomalies caused by attacks such as buffer overflow or return oriented programming (ROP) occur, they leave a microarchitectural footprint. Hardware counters reflect such footprints to flag control flow anomalies. This paper is geared towards buffer overflow and ROP control flow anomaly detection in embedded programs. The targeted program entities are main event loops and task/event handlers. Embedded systems also have enhanced need for variable anomaly detection time in order to meet the system response time requirements. We propose a novel repurposing of Patt-Yeh two level branch predictor data structure for abstracting/hashing HW counter signatures to support such variable anomaly detection times. The proposed anomaly detection mechanism is evaluated on some generic benchmark programs and ArduPilot - a popular autopilot software. Experimental evaluation encompasses both Intel X86 and ARM Cortex M processors. DWT within Cortex M provides sufficiently interesting program level event counts to capture these control flow anomalies. We are able to achieve 97-99%+ accuracy with 1-10 micro-second time overhead per anomaly check.
Gomes, G., Dias, L., Correia, M..  2020.  CryingJackpot: Network Flows and Performance Counters against Cryptojacking. 2020 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :1—10.
Cryptojacking, the appropriation of users' computational resources without their knowledge or consent to obtain cryp-tocurrencies, is a widespread attack, relatively easy to implement and hard to detect. Either browser-based or binary, cryptojacking lacks robust and reliable detection solutions. This paper presents a hybrid approach to detect cryptojacking where no previous knowledge about the attacks or training data is needed. Our Cryp-tojacking Intrusion Detection Approach, Cryingjackpot, extracts and combines flow and performance counter-based features, aggregating hosts with similar behavior by using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. We evaluate Cryingjackpot experimentally with both an artificial and a hybrid dataset, achieving F1-scores up to 97%.
Mani, G., Pasumarti, V., Bhargava, B., Vora, F. T., MacDonald, J., King, J., Kobes, J..  2020.  DeCrypto Pro: Deep Learning Based Cryptomining Malware Detection Using Performance Counters. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS). :109—118.
Autonomy in cybersystems depends on their ability to be self-aware by understanding the intent of services and applications that are running on those systems. In case of mission-critical cybersystems that are deployed in dynamic and unpredictable environments, the newly integrated unknown applications or services can either be benign and essential for the mission or they can be cyberattacks. In some cases, these cyberattacks are evasive Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) where the attackers remain undetected for reconnaissance in order to ascertain system features for an attack e.g. Trojan Laziok. In other cases, the attackers can use the system only for computing e.g. cryptomining malware. APTs such as cryptomining malware neither disrupt normal system functionalities nor trigger any warning signs because they simply perform bitwise and cryptographic operations as any other benign compression or encoding application. Thus, it is difficult for defense mechanisms such as antivirus applications to detect these attacks. In this paper, we propose an Operating Context profiling system based on deep neural networks-Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks-using Windows Performance Counters data for detecting these evasive cryptomining applications. In addition, we propose Deep Cryptomining Profiler (DeCrypto Pro), a detection system with a novel model selection framework containing a utility function that can select a classification model for behavior profiling from both the light-weight machine learning models (Random Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors) and a deep learning model (LSTM), depending on available computing resources. Given data from performance counters, we show that individual models perform with high accuracy and can be trained with limited training data. We also show that the DeCrypto Profiler framework reduces the use of computational resources and accurately detects cryptomining applications by selecting an appropriate model, given the constraints such as data sample size and system configuration.
Aweke, Zelalem Birhanu, Yitbarek, Salessawi Ferede, Qiao, Rui, Das, Reetuparna, Hicks, Matthew, Oren, Yossi, Austin, Todd.  2016.  ANVIL: Software-Based Protection Against Next-Generation Rowhammer Attacks. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :743–755.

Ensuring the integrity and security of the memory system is critical. Recent studies have shown serious security concerns due to "rowhammer" attacks, where repeated accesses to a row of memory cause bit flips in adjacent rows. Recent work by Google's Project Zero has shown how to leverage rowhammer-induced bit-flips as the basis for security exploits that include malicious code injection and memory privilege escalation. Being an important security concern, industry has attempted to defend against rowhammer attacks. Deployed defenses employ two strategies: (1) doubling the system DRAM refresh rate and (2) restricting access to the CLFLUSH instruction that attackers use to bypass the cache to increase memory access frequency (i.e., the rate of rowhammering). We demonstrate that such defenses are inadequte: we implement rowhammer attacks that both avoid using the CLFLUSH instruction and cause bit flips with a doubled refresh rate. Our next-generation CLFLUSH-free rowhammer attack bypasses the cache by manipulating cache replacement state to allow frequent misses out of the last-level cache to DRAM rows of our choosing. To protect existing systems from more advanced rowhammer attacks, we develop a software-based defense, ANVIL, which thwarts all known rowhammer attacks on existing systems. ANVIL detects rowhammer attacks by tracking the locality of DRAM accesses using existing hardware performance counters. Our detector identifies the rows being frequently accessed (i.e., the aggressors), then selectively refreshes the nearby victim rows to prevent hammering. Experiments running on real hardware with the SPEC2006 benchmarks show that ANVIL has less than a 1% false positive rate and an average slowdown of 1%. ANVIL is low-cost and robust, and our experiments indicate that it is an effective approach for protecting existing and future systems from even advanced rowhammer attacks.