Visible to the public CryingJackpot: Network Flows and Performance Counters against Cryptojacking

TitleCryingJackpot: Network Flows and Performance Counters against Cryptojacking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGomes, G., Dias, L., Correia, M.
Conference Name2020 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA)
Keywordsclustering, Clustering algorithms, cryptography, cryptojacking, data mining, feature extraction, Human Behavior, Intrusion detection, Malware, Metrics, network flows, performance counters, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security analytics, Servers, Task Analysis
AbstractCryptojacking, the appropriation of users' computational resources without their knowledge or consent to obtain cryp-tocurrencies, is a widespread attack, relatively easy to implement and hard to detect. Either browser-based or binary, cryptojacking lacks robust and reliable detection solutions. This paper presents a hybrid approach to detect cryptojacking where no previous knowledge about the attacks or training data is needed. Our Cryp-tojacking Intrusion Detection Approach, Cryingjackpot, extracts and combines flow and performance counter-based features, aggregating hosts with similar behavior by using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. We evaluate Cryingjackpot experimentally with both an artificial and a hybrid dataset, achieving F1-scores up to 97%.
Citation Keygomes_cryingjackpot_2020