Marchal, Xavier, Cholez, Thibault, Festor, Olivier.
$M$NDN: An Orchestrated Microservice Architecture for Named Data Networking. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :12-23.
As an extension of Network Function Virtualization, microservice architectures are a promising way to design future network services. At the same time, Information-Centric Networking architectures like NDN would benefit from this paradigm to offer more design choices for the network architect while facilitating the deployment and the operation of the network. We propose $μ$NDN, an orchestrated suite of microservices as an alternative way to implement NDN forwarding and support functions. We describe seven essential micro-services we developed, explain the design choices behind our solution and how it is orchestrated. We evaluate each service in isolation and the entire microservice architecture through two realistic scenarios to show its ability to react and mitigate some performance and security issues thanks to the orchestration. Our results show that $μ$NDN can replace a monolithic NDN forwarder while being more powerful and scalable.
Sertbaş, Nurefşan, Aytaç, Samet, Ermiş, Orhan, Alagöz, Fatih, Gür, Gürkan.
Attribute Based Content Security and Caching in Information Centric IoT. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :34:1–34:8.
Information-centric networking (ICN) is a Future Internet paradigm which uses named information (data objects) instead of host-based end-to-end communications. In-network caching is a key pillar of ICN. Basically, data objects are cached in ICN routers and retrieved from these network elements upon availability when they are requested. It is a particularly promising networking approach due to the expected benefits of data dissemination efficiency, reduced delay and improved robustness for challenging communication scenarios in IoT domain. From the security perspective, ICN concentrates on securing data objects instead of ensuring the security of end-to-end communication link. However, it inherently involves the security challenge of access control for content. Thus, an efficient access control mechanism is crucial to provide secure information dissemination. In this work, we investigate Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) as an access control apparatus for information centric IoT. Moreover, we elaborate on how such a system performs for different parameter settings such as different numbers of attributes and file sizes.
Mai, H. L., Nguyen, T., Doyen, G., Cogranne, R., Mallouli, W., Oca, E. M. de, Festor, O..
Towards a security monitoring plane for named data networking and its application against content poisoning attack. NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–9.
Named Data Networking (NDN) is the most mature proposal of the Information Centric Networking paradigm, a clean-slate approach for the Future Internet. Although NDN was designed to tackle security issues inherent to IP networks natively, newly introduced security attacks in its transitional phase threaten NDN's practical deployment. Therefore, a security monitoring plane for NDN is indispensable before any potential deployment of this novel architecture in an operating context by any provider. We propose an approach for the monitoring and anomaly detection in NDN nodes leveraging Bayesian Network techniques. A list of monitored metrics is introduced as a quantitative measure to feature the behavior of an NDN node. By leveraging the hypothesis testing theory, a micro detector is developed to detect whenever the metric significantly changes from its normal behavior. A Bayesian network structure that correlates alarms from micro detectors is designed based on the expert knowledge of the NDN specification and the NFD implementation. The relevance and performance of our security monitoring approach are demonstrated by considering the Content Poisoning Attack (CPA), one of the most critical attacks in NDN, through numerous experiment data collected from a real NDN deployment.
Xia, S., Li, N., Xiaofeng, T., Fang, C..
Multiple Attributes Based Spoofing Detection Using an Improved Clustering Algorithm in Mobile Edge Network. 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :242–243.
Information centric network (ICN) based Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) network has drawn growing attentions in recent years. The distributed network architecture brings new security problems, especially the identity security problem. Because of the cloud platform deployed on the edge of the MEC network, multiple channel attributes can be easily obtained and processed. Thus this paper proposes a multiple channel attributes based spoofing detection mechanism. To further reduce the complexity, we also propose an improved clustering algorithm. The simulation results indicate that the proposed spoofing detection method can provide near-optimal performance with extremely low complexity.
Mtsweni, Jabu, Gcaza, Noluxolo, Thaba, Mphahlele.
A Unified Cybersecurity Framework for Complex Environments. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists. :1–9.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) present a number of vulnerabilities, threats and risks that could lead to devastating cyber-attacks resulting into huge financial losses, legal implications, and reputational damage for large and small organizations. As such, in this digital transformation and 4th industrial revolution era, nations and organizations have accepted that cybersecurity must be part of their strategic objectives and priorities. However, cybersecurity in itself is a multifaceted problem to address and the voluntary "one-size-fits-all" cybersecurity approaches have proven not effective in dealing with cyber incidents, especially in complex operational environments (e.g. large technology-centric organizations) that are multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental, multi-role, multinational, and operating across different locations. Addressing modern cybersecurity challenges requires more than a technical solution. A contextual and systematic approach that considers the complexities of these large digital environments in order to achieve resilient, sustainable, cost-effective and proactive cybersecurity is desirable. This paper aims to highlight through a single case study approach the multifaceted nature and complexity of the cybersecurity environment, pertinently in multi-disciplinary organizations. Essentially, this paper contributes a unified cybersecurity framework underpinned by an integrated capability management (ICM) approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity as well as the challenges and requirements eminent in complex environments, such as national government, municipalities or large corporations. The unified framework incorporates realistic and practical guidelines to bridge the gap between cybersecurity capability requirements, governance instruments and cybersecurity capability specification, implementation, employment and sustainment drawing from well-tested military capability development approaches.
Yuen, W. P., Chuah, K. B..
Development of the Customer Centric Data Visibility Framework for the Enhancement of the Trust of SME Customers in Cloud Services. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology. :221–225.
Cloud computing is a pervasive technology and platform in IT for several years. Cloud service providers have developed and offered different service platforms to accommodate different needs of enterprise subscribers. However, there still exists the situation of enterprise customers' hesitation and reluctance to deploy their core applications using cloud service platforms. The term data visibility has been widely used in the IT industry especially from ICT product and solution vendors. However, there is not any practice guideline, nor standard in industry to define this term. This paper defined the characteristic and dimensions of data visibility, from conceptual model to framework architecture of customer centric data visibility (CCDV) on cloud platform. It propose to apply CCDV as reference model or practice guideline on cloud computing service, with enhancement of data visibility which can earn the trust from enterprise customer in adopting public cloud service.
Zhang, Zhiyi, Lu, Edward, Li, Yanbiao, Zhang, Lixia, Yu, Tianyuan, Pesavento, Davide, Shi, Junxiao, Benmohamed, Lotfi.
NDNoT: A Framework for Named Data Network of Things. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :200–201.
The Named Data Networking (NDN) architecture provides simple solutions to the communication needs of Internet of Things (IoT) in terms of ease-of-use, security, and content delivery. To utilize the desirable properties of NDN architecture in IoT scenarios, we are working to provide an integrated framework, dubbed NDNoT, to support IoT over NDN. NDNoT provides solutions to auto configuration, service discovery, data-centric security, content delivery, and other needs of IoT application developers. Utilizing NDN naming conventions, NDNoT aims to create an open environment where IoT applications and different services can easily cooperate and work together. This poster introduces the basic components of our framework and explains how these components function together.
Chakraborti, Asit, Amin, Syed Obaid, Azgin, Aytac, Misra, Satyajayant, Ravindran, Ravishankar.
Using ICN Slicing Framework to Build an IoT Edge Network. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :214–215.
We demonstrate 5G network slicing as a unique deployment opportunity for information centric networking (ICN), by using a generic service orchestration framework that operates on commodity compute, storage, and bandwidth resource pools to realize ICN service slices. In this demo, we specifically propose a service slice for the IoT Edge network. ICN has often been considered pertinent for IoT use due to its benefits like simpler stacks on resource constrained devices, in-network caching, and in-built data provenance. We use a lightweight ICN stack on IoT devices connected with sensors and actuators to build a network, where clients can set realistic policies using their legacy hand-held devices. We employ name based authentication protocols between the service end-points and IoT devices to allow secure onboarding. The IoT slice co-exists with other service slices that cater to different classes of applications (e.g., bandwidth intensive applications, such as video conferencing) allowing resource management flexibility. Our design creates orchestrated service Edge functions to which the clients connect, and these can in turn utilize in-network stateless functions to perform tasks, such as decision making and analytics using the available compute resources efficiently.
Marchal, Xavier, Cholez, Thibault, Festor, Olivier.
ΜNDN: An Orchestrated Microservice Architecture for Named Data Networking. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :12–23.
As an extension of Network Function Virtualization, microservice architectures are a promising way to design future network services. At the same time, Information-Centric Networking architectures like NDN would benefit from this paradigm to offer more design choices for the network architect while facilitating the deployment and the operation of the network. We propose μNDN, an orchestrated suite of microservices as an alternative way to implement NDN forwarding and support functions. We describe seven essential micro-services we developed, explain the design choices behind our solution and how it is orchestrated. We evaluate each service in isolation and the entire microservice architecture through two realistic scenarios to show its ability to react and mitigate some performance and security issues thanks to the orchestration. Our results show that μNDN can replace a monolithic NDN forwarder while being more powerful and scalable.