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Härtig, H., Roitzsch, M., Weinhold, C., Lackorzynski, A..  2017.  Lateral Thinking for Trustworthy Apps. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1890–1899.

The growing computerization of critical infrastructure as well as the pervasiveness of computing in everyday life has led to increased interest in secure application development. We observe a flurry of new security technologies like ARM TrustZone and Intel SGX, but a lack of a corresponding architectural vision. We are convinced that point solutions are not sufficient to address the overall challenge of secure system design. In this paper, we outline our take on a trusted component ecosystem of small individual building blocks with strong isolation. In our view, applications should no longer be designed as massive stacks of vertically layered frameworks, but instead as horizontal aggregates of mutually isolated components that collaborate across machine boundaries to provide a service. Lateral thinking is needed to make secure systems going forward.

Mirkhanzadeh, B., Shao, C., Shakeri, A., Sato, T., Razo-Razo, M., Tacca, M., Fumagalli, A., Yamanaka, N..  2017.  A two-layer network Orchestrator offering trustworthy connectivity to a ROS-industrial application. 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). :1–4.

This paper describes an experiment carried out to demonstrate robustness and trustworthiness of an orchestrated two-layer network test-bed (PROnet). A Robotic Operating System Industrial (ROS-I) distributed application makes use of end-to-end flow services offered by PROnet. The PROnet Orchestrator is used to provision reliable end-to-end Ethernet flows to support the ROS-I application required data exchange. For maximum reliability, the Orchestrator provisions network resource redundancy at both layers, i.e., Ethernet and optical. Experimental results show that the robotic application is not interrupted by a fiber outage.

You, J., Shangguan, J., Sun, Y., Wang, Y..  2017.  Improved trustworthiness judgment in open networks. 2017 International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). :1–2.

The collaborative recommendation mechanism is beneficial for the subject in an open network to find efficiently enough referrers who directly interacted with the object and obtain their trust data. The uncertainty analysis to the collected trust data selects the reliable trust data of trustworthy referrers, and then calculates the statistical trust value on certain reliability for any object. After that the subject can judge its trustworthiness and further make a decision about interaction based on the given threshold. The feasibility of this method is verified by three experiments which are designed to validate the model's ability to fight against malicious service, the exaggeration and slander attack. The interactive success rate is significantly improved by using the new model, and the malicious entities are distinguished more effectively than the comparative model.

Sprabery, R., Estrada, Z. J., Kalbarczyk, Z., Iyer, R., Bobba, R. B., Campbell, R..  2017.  Trustworthy Services Built on Event-Based Probing for Layered Defense. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). :215–225.

Numerous event-based probing methods exist for cloud computing environments allowing a hypervisor to gain insight into guest activities. Such event-based probing has been shown to be useful for detecting attacks, system hangs through watchdogs, and for inserting exploit detectors before a system can be patched, among others. Here, we illustrate how to use such probing for trustworthy logging and highlight some of the challenges that existing event-based probing mechanisms do not address. Challenges include ensuring a probe inserted at given address is trustworthy despite the lack of attestation available for probes that have been inserted dynamically. We show how probes can be inserted to ensure proper logging of every invocation of a probed instruction. When combined with attested boot of the hypervisor and guest machines, we can ensure the output stream of monitored events is trustworthy. Using these techniques we build a trustworthy log of certain guest-system-call events. The log powers a cloud-tuned Intrusion Detection System (IDS). New event types are identified that must be added to existing probing systems to ensure attempts to circumvent probes within the guest appear in the log. We highlight the overhead penalties paid by guests to increase guarantees of log completeness when faced with attacks on the guest kernel. Promising results (less that 10% for guests) are shown when a guest relaxes the trade-off between log completeness and overhead. Our demonstrative IDS detects common attack scenarios with simple policies built using our guest behavior recording system.

Kochte, M. A., Baranowski, R., Wunderlich, H. J..  2017.  Trustworthy reconfigurable access to on-chip infrastructure. 2017 International Test Conference in Asia (ITC-Asia). :119–124.

The accessibility of on-chip embedded infrastructure for test, reconfiguration, or debug poses a serious security problem. Access mechanisms based on IEEE Std 1149.1 (JTAG), and especially reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), as allowed by IEEE Std 1500, IEEE Std 1149.1-2013, and IEEE Std 1687 (IJTAG), require special care in the design and development. This work studies the threats to trustworthy data transmission in RSNs posed by untrusted components within the RSN and external interfaces. We propose a novel scan pattern generation method that finds trustworthy access sequences to prevent sniffing and spoofing of transmitted data in the RSN. For insecure RSNs, for which such accesses do not exist, we present an automated transformation that improves the security and trustworthiness while preserving the accessibility to attached instruments. The area overhead is reduced based on results from trustworthy access pattern generation. As a result, sensitive data is not exposed to untrusted components in the RSN, and compromised data cannot be injected during trustworthy accesses.

Jayasinghe, U., Otebolaku, A., Um, T. W., Lee, G. M..  2017.  Data centric trust evaluation and prediction framework for IOT. 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope: Challenges for a Data-Driven Society (ITU K). :1–7.

Application of trust principals in internet of things (IoT) has allowed to provide more trustworthy services among the corresponding stakeholders. The most common method of assessing trust in IoT applications is to estimate trust level of the end entities (entity-centric) relative to the trustor. In these systems, trust level of the data is assumed to be the same as the trust level of the data source. However, most of the IoT based systems are data centric and operate in dynamic environments, which need immediate actions without waiting for a trust report from end entities. We address this challenge by extending our previous proposals on trust establishment for entities based on their reputation, experience and knowledge, to trust estimation of data items [1-3]. First, we present a hybrid trust framework for evaluating both data trust and entity trust, which will be enhanced as a standardization for future data driven society. The modules including data trust metric extraction, data trust aggregation, evaluation and prediction are elaborated inside the proposed framework. Finally, a possible design model is described to implement the proposed ideas.

Wu, Y., Lyu, Y., Fang, Q., Zheng, G., Yin, H., Shi, Y..  2017.  Protecting Outsourced Data in Semi-Trustworthy Cloud: A Hierarchical System. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW). :300–305.

Data outsourcing in cloud is emerging as a successful paradigm that benefits organizations and enterprises with high-performance, low-cost, scalable data storage and sharing services. However, this paradigm also brings forth new challenges for data confidentiality because the outsourced are not under the physic control of the data owners. The existing schemes to achieve the security and usability goal usually apply encryption to the data before outsourcing them to the storage service providers (SSP), and disclose the decryption keys only to authorized user. They cannot ensure the security of data while operating data in cloud where the third-party services are usually semi-trustworthy, and need lots of time to deal with the data. We construct a privacy data management system appending hierarchical access control called HAC-DMS, which can not only assure security but also save plenty of time when updating data in cloud.

Bu, L., Nguyen, H. D., Kinsy, M. A..  2017.  RASSS: A perfidy-aware protocol for designing trustworthy distributed systems. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT). :1–6.

Robust Adaptive Secure Secret Sharing (RASSS) is a protocol for reconstructing secrets and information in distributed computing systems even in the presence of a large number of untrusted participants. Since the original Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme, there have been efforts to secure the technique against dishonest shareholders. Early on, researchers determined that the Reed-Solomon encoding property of the Shamir's share distribution equation and its decoding algorithm could tolerate cheaters up to one third of the total shareholders. However, if the number of cheaters grows beyond the error correcting capability (distance) of the Reed-Solomon codes, the reconstruction of the secret is hindered. Untrusted participants or cheaters could hide in the decoding procedure, or even frame up the honest parties. In this paper, we solve this challenge and propose a secure protocol that is no longer constrained by the limitations of the Reed-Solomon codes. As long as there are a minimum number of honest shareholders, the RASSS protocol is able to identify the cheaters and retrieve the correct secret or information in a distributed system with a probability close to 1 with less than 60% of hardware overhead. Furthermore, the adaptive nature of the protocol enables considerable hardware and timing resource savings and makes RASSS highly practical.

Huang, Huawei, Qu, Yunyun, Deng, Lunzhi.  2017.  Zero-Knowledge Identification Scheme Based on Symmetry Ergodic Matrices Exponentiation Problem. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy. :71–75.

Symmetry ergodic matrices exponentiation (SEME) problem is to find x, given CxMDx, where C and D are the companion matrices of primitive polynomials and M is an invertible matrix over finite field. This paper proposes a new zero-knowledge identification scheme based on SEME problem. It is perfect zero-knowledge for honest verifiers. The scheme could provide a candidate cryptographic primitive in post quantum cryptography. Due to its simplicity and naturalness, low-memory, low-computation costs, the proposed scheme is suitable for using in computationally limited devices for identification such as smart cards.

Qiu, Lirong, Liu, Zhe, C. F. Pereira, Geovandro C., Seo, Hwajeong.  2017.  Implementing RSA for Sensor Nodes in Smart Cities. Personal Ubiquitous Comput.. 21:807–813.
In smart city construction, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are normally deployed to collect and transmit real-time data. The nodes of the WSN are embedded facility that integrated sensors and data processing modules. For security and privacy concerns, cryptography methods are required for data protection. However, the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptosystem, known as the the most popular and deployed public key algorithm, is still hardly implemented on embedded devices because of the intense computation required from its inherent arithmetic operations. Even though, different methods have being proposed for more efficient RSA implementations such as utilizing the Chinese remainder theorem, various modular exponentiation methods, and optimized modular arithmetic methods. In this paper, we propose an efficient multiplication for long integers on the sensor nodes equipped with 16-bit microcontrollers. Combined with this efficient multiplication, we obtain a faster Montgomery multiplication. The combined optimized Montgomery multiplication, the Chinese remainder theorem, and the m-ary exponentiation method allowed for execution times of less than 44.6 × 106 clock cycles for RSA decryption, a new speed record for the RSA implementation on MSP430 microcontrollers.
Moukarzel, Michael, Hicks, Matthew.  2017.  Reap What You Store: Side-channel Resilient Computing Through Energy Harvesting. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems. :21–26.

A hidden dimension of software and hardware security is secret-revealing information disseminated through side channels. Even the most secure systems tend to reveal their secrets through secret-dependent computation. Secret-dependent computation is detectable by monitoring a system's time, power, outputs, and electromagnetic signature. Common defenses to side channel emanations include adding noise to the channel or making algorithmic changes to eliminate specific side channels. Unfortunately, existing solutions are either, not automatic, not comprehensive, and/or not practical. We propose an isolation-based approach for eliminating power and timing side-channels that is automatic, comprehensive, and practical. Our approach eliminates side channels by leveraging energy harvesting techniques to isolate trusted computation from the rest of the system. Software has the ability to request a fixed-power and fixed-time quantum of isolated computation. By discretizing power and time, our approach controls the granularity of side channel leakage; the only burden on programmers is to ensure that all secret-dependent execution differences converge within a single power/time quantum. We design and implement three approaches to power/time-based quantization and isolation: a wholly-digital version, a hybrid version that uses capacitors for time tracking, and a full-custom version. A key insight we leverage is that capacitors act as resource efficient, workload and environment independent time trackers. We explore the trade-offs of the three designs and look at the challenges ahead.

Braun, Johannes, Buchmann, Johannes, Demirel, Denise, Geihs, Matthias, Fujiwara, Mikio, Moriai, Shiho, Sasaki, Masahide, Waseda, Atsushi.  2017.  LINCOS: A Storage System Providing Long-Term Integrity, Authenticity, and Confidentiality. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :461–468.
The amount of digital data that requires long-term protection of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality grows rapidly. Examples include electronic health records, genome data, and tax data. In this paper we present the secure storage system LINCOS, which provides protection of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality in the long-term, i.e., for an indefinite time period. It is the first such system. It uses the long-term integrity scheme COPRIS, which is also presented here and is the first such scheme that does not leak any information about the protected data. COPRIS uses information-theoretic hiding commitments for confidentiality-preserving integrity and authenticity protection. LINCOS uses proactive secret sharing for confidential storage of secret data. We also present implementations of COPRIS and LINCOS. A special feature of our LINCOS implementation is the use of quantum key distribution and one-time pad encryption for information-theoretic private channels within the proactive secret sharing protocol. The technological platform for this is the Tokyo QKD Network, which is one of worlds most advanced networks of its kind. Our experimental evaluation establishes the feasibility of LINCOS and shows that in view of the expected progress in quantum communication technology, LINCOS is a promising solution for protecting very sensitive data in the cloud.
Bruel, P., Chalamalasetti, S. R., Dalton, C., Hajj, I. El, Goldman, A., Graves, C., Hwu, W. m, Laplante, P., Milojicic, D., Ndu, G. et al..  2017.  Generalize or Die: Operating Systems Support for Memristor-Based Accelerators. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC). :1–8.

The deceleration of transistor feature size scaling has motivated growing adoption of specialized accelerators implemented as GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, and more recently new types of computing such as neuromorphic, bio-inspired, ultra low energy, reversible, stochastic, optical, quantum, combinations, and others unforeseen. There is a tension between specialization and generalization, with the current state trending to master slave models where accelerators (slaves) are instructed by a general purpose system (master) running an Operating System (OS). Traditionally, an OS is a layer between hardware and applications and its primary function is to manage hardware resources and provide a common abstraction to applications. Does this function, however, apply to new types of computing paradigms? This paper revisits OS functionality for memristor-based accelerators. We explore one accelerator implementation, the Dot Product Engine (DPE), for a select pattern of applications in machine learning, imaging, and scientific computing and a small set of use cases. We explore typical OS functionality, such as reconfiguration, partitioning, security, virtualization, and programming. We also explore new types of functionality, such as precision and trustworthiness of reconfiguration. We claim that making an accelerator, such as the DPE, more general will result in broader adoption and better utilization.

Sepulveda, J., Zankl, A., Mischke, O..  2017.  Cache attacks and countermeasures for NTRUEncrypt on MPSoCs: Post-quantum resistance for the IoT. 2017 30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). :120–125.

Public-key cryptography (PKC), widely used to protect communication in the Internet of Things (IoT), is the basis for establishing secured communication channels between multiple parties. The foreseeable breakthrough of quantum computers represents a risk for many PKC ecosystems. Almost all approaches in use today rely on the hardness of factoring large integers or computing (elliptic-curve) discrete logarithms. It is known that cryptography based on these problems can be broken in polynomial time by Shors algorithm, once a large enough quantum computer is built. In order to prepare for such an event, the integration of quantum-resistant cryptography on devices operating in the IoT is mandatory to achieve long-term security. Due to their limited resources, tight performance requirements and long-term life-cycles, this is especially challenging for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) operating in this context. At the same time, it must be provided that well-known implementation attacks, such as those targeting a cipher's execution time or its use of the processor cache, are inhibited, as they've successfully been used to attack cryptosystems in the pre-quantum era. Hence, this work presents an analysis of the security-critical polynomial multiplication routine within the NTRU algorithm and its susceptibility to timing and cache attacks. We also propose two different countermeasures to harden systems with or without caches against said attacks, and include the evaluation of the respective overheads. We demonstrate that security against timing and cache attacks can be achieved with reasonable overheads depending on the chosen parameters of NTRU.

Liu, Zhe, Pöppelmann, Thomas, Oder, Tobias, Seo, Hwajeong, Roy, Sujoy Sinha, Güneysu, Tim, Großschädl, Johann, Kim, Howon, Verbauwhede, Ingrid.  2017.  High-Performance Ideal Lattice-Based Cryptography on 8-Bit AVR Microcontrollers. ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.. 16:117:1–117:24.
Over recent years lattice-based cryptography has received much attention due to versatile average-case problems like Ring-LWE or Ring-SIS that appear to be intractable by quantum computers. In this work, we evaluate and compare implementations of Ring-LWE encryption and the bimodal lattice signature scheme (BLISS) on an 8-bit Atmel ATxmega128 microcontroller. Our implementation of Ring-LWE encryption provides comprehensive protection against timing side-channels and takes 24.9ms for encryption and 6.7ms for decryption. To compute a BLISS signature, our software takes 317ms and 86ms for verification. These results underline the feasibility of lattice-based cryptography on constrained devices.
Abura'ed, Nour, Khan, Faisal Shah, Bhaskar, Harish.  2017.  Advances in the Quantum Theoretical Approach to Image Processing Applications. ACM Comput. Surv.. 49:75:1–75:49.
In this article, a detailed survey of the quantum approach to image processing is presented. Recently, it has been established that existing quantum algorithms are applicable to image processing tasks allowing quantum informational models of classical image processing. However, efforts continue in identifying the diversity of its applicability in various image processing domains. Here, in addition to reviewing some of the critical image processing applications that quantum mechanics have targeted, such as denoising, edge detection, image storage, retrieval, and compression, this study will also highlight the complexities in transitioning from the classical to the quantum domain. This article shall establish theoretical fundamentals, analyze performance and evaluation, draw key statistical evidence to support claims, and provide recommendations based on published literature mostly during the period from 2010 to 2015.
Chase, Melissa, Derler, David, Goldfeder, Steven, Orlandi, Claudio, Ramacher, Sebastian, Rechberger, Christian, Slamanig, Daniel, Zaverucha, Greg.  2017.  Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge and Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1825–1842.

We propose a new class of post-quantum digital signature schemes that: (a) derive their security entirely from the security of symmetric-key primitives, believed to be quantum-secure, and (b) have extremely small keypairs, and, (c) are highly parameterizable. In our signature constructions, the public key is an image y=f(x) of a one-way function f and secret key x. A signature is a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of x, that incorporates a message to be signed. For this proof, we leverage recent progress of Giacomelli et al. (USENIX'16) in constructing an efficient Σ-protocol for statements over general circuits. We improve this Σ-protocol to reduce proof sizes by a factor of two, at no additional computational cost. While this is of independent interest as it yields more compact proofs for any circuit, it also decreases our signature sizes. We consider two possibilities to make the proof non-interactive: the Fiat-Shamir transform and Unruh's transform (EUROCRYPT'12, '15,'16). The former has smaller signatures, while the latter has a security analysis in the quantum-accessible random oracle model. By customizing Unruh's transform to our application, the overhead is reduced to 1.6x when compared to the Fiat-Shamir transform, which does not have a rigorous post-quantum security analysis. We implement and benchmark both approaches and explore the possible choice of f, taking advantage of the recent trend to strive for practical symmetric ciphers with a particularly low number of multiplications and end up using Low MC (EUROCRYPT'15).

Krawec, Walter O., Nelson, Michael G., Geiss, Eric P..  2017.  Automatic Generation of Optimal Quantum Key Distribution Protocols. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. :1153–1160.
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) allows two parties to establish a shared secret key secure against an all-powerful adversary. Typically, one designs new QKD protocols and then analyzes their maximal tolerated noise mathematically. If the noise in the quantum channel connecting the two parties is higher than this threshold value, they must abort. In this paper we design and evaluate a new real-coded Genetic Algorithm which takes as input statistics on a particular quantum channel (found using standard channel estimation procedures) and outputs a QKD protocol optimized for the specific given channel. We show how this method can be used to find QKD protocols for channels where standard protocols would fail.
Chowdhury, M., Gawande, A., Wang, L..  2017.  Secure Information Sharing among Autonomous Vehicles in NDN. 2017 IEEE/ACM Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI). :15–26.

Autonomous vehicles must communicate with each other effectively and securely to make robust decisions. However, today's Internet falls short in supporting efficient data delivery and strong data security, especially in a mobile ad-hoc environment. Named Data Networking (NDN), a new data-centric Internet architecture, provides a better foundation for secure data sharing among autonomous vehicles. We examine two potential threats, false data dissemination and vehicle tracking, in an NDN-based autonomous vehicular network. To detect false data, we propose a four-level hierarchical trust model and the associated naming scheme for vehicular data authentication. Moreover, we address vehicle tracking concerns using a pseudonym scheme to anonymize vehicle names and certificate issuing proxies to further protect vehicle identity. Finally, we implemented and evaluated our AutoNDN application on Raspberry Pi-based mini cars in a wireless environment.

Grewe, D., Wagner, M., Frey, H..  2017.  ICN-based open, distributed data market place for connected vehicles: Challenges and research directions. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :265–270.

Currently, the networking of everyday objects, socalled Internet of Things (IoT), such as vehicles and home automation environments is progressing rapidly. Formerly deployed as domain-specific solutions, the development is continuing to link different domains together to form a large heterogeneous IoT ecosystem. This development raises challenges in different fields such as scalability of billions of devices, interoperability across different IoT domains and the need of mobility support. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm is a promising candidate to form a unified platform to connect different IoT domains together including infrastructure, wireless, and ad-hoc environments. This paper describes a vision of a harmonized architectural design providing dynamic access of data and services based on an ICN. Within the context of connected vehicles, the paper introduces requirements and challenges of the vision and contributes in open research directions in Information-Centric Networking.

Tayeb, S., Pirouz, M., Latifi, S..  2017.  A Raspberry-Pi Prototype of Smart Transportation. 2017 25th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng). :176–182.

This paper proposes a prototype of a level 3 autonomous vehicle using Raspberry Pi, capable of detecting the nearby vehicles using an IR sensor. We make the first attempt to analyze autonomous vehicles from a microscopic level, focusing on each vehicle and their communications with the nearby vehicles and road-side units. Two sets of passive and active experiments on a pair of prototypes were run, demonstrating the interconnectivity of the developed prototype. Several sensors were incorporated into an emulation based on System-on-Chip to further demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model.

Anderson, E. C., Okafor, K. C., Nkwachukwu, O., Dike, D. O..  2017.  Real time car parking system: A novel taxonomy for integrated vehicular computing. 2017 International Conference on Computing Networking and Informatics (ICCNI). :1–9.
Automation of real time car parking system (RTCPS) using mobile cloud computing (MCC) and vehicular networking (VN) has given rise to a novel concept of integrated communication-computing platforms (ICCP). The aim of ICCP is to evolve an effective means of addressing challenges such as improper parking management scheme, traffic congestion in parking lots, insecurity of vehicles (safety applications), and other Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) services for providing data dissemination and content delivery services to connected Vehicular Clients (VCs). Edge (parking lot based) Fog computing (EFC) through road side sensor based monitoring is proposed to achieve ICCP. A real-time cloud to vehicular clients (VCs) in the context of smart car parking system (SCPS) which satisfies deterministic and non-deterministic constraints is introduced. Vehicular cloud computing (VCC) and intra-Edge-Fog node architecture is presented for ICCP. This is targeted at distributed mini-sized self-energized Fog nodes/data centers, placed between distributed remote cloud and VCs. The architecture processes data-disseminated real-time services to the connected VCs. The work built a prototype testbed comprising a black box PSU, Arduino IoT Duo, GH-311RT ultrasonic distance sensor and SHARP 2Y0A21 passive infrared sensor for vehicle detection; LinkSprite 2MP UART JPEG camera module, SD card module, RFID card reader, RDS3115 metal gear servo motors, FPM384 fingerprint scanner, GSM Module and a VCC web portal. The testbed functions at the edge of the vehicular network and is connected to the served VCs through Infrastructure-to-Vehicular (I2V) TCP/IP-based single-hop mobile links. This research seeks to facilitate urban renewal strategies and highlight the significance of ICCP prototype testbed. Open challenges and future research directions are discussed for an efficient VCC model which runs on networked fog centers (NetFCs).
Kim, H., Ben-Othman, J., Mokdad, L., Cho, S., Bellavista, P..  2017.  On collision-free reinforced barriers for multi domain IoT with heterogeneous UAVs. 2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :466–471.

Thanks to advancement of vehicle technologies, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) now widely spread over practical services and applications affecting daily life of people positively. Especially, multiple heterogeneous UAVs with different capabilities should be considered since UAVs can play an important role in Internet of Things (IoT) environment in which the heterogeneity and the multi domain of UAVs are indispensable. Also, a concept of barrier-coverage has been proved as a promising one applicable to surveillance and security. In this paper, we present collision-free reinforced barriers by heterogeneous UAVs to support multi domain. Then, we define a problem which is to minimize maximum movement of UAVs on condition that a property of collision-free among UAVs is assured while they travel from current positions to specific locations so as to form reinforced barriers within multi domain. Because the defined problem depends on how to locate UAVs on barriers, we develop a novel approach that provides a collision-free movement as well as a creation of virtual lines in multi domain. Furthermore, we address future research topics which should be handled carefully for the barrier-coverage by heterogeneous UAVs.

Hossain, M., Hasan, R., Zawoad, S..  2017.  Trust-IoV: A Trustworthy Forensic Investigation Framework for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). 2017 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT). :25–32.

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a complex and dynamic mobile network system that enables information sharing between vehicles, their surrounding sensors, and clouds. While IoV opens new opportunities in various applications and services to provide safety on the road, it introduces new challenges in the field of digital forensics investigations. The existing tools and procedures of digital forensics cannot meet the highly distributed, decentralized, dynamic, and mobile infrastructures of the IoV. Forensic investigators will face challenges while identifying necessary pieces of evidence from the IoV environment, and collecting and analyzing the evidence. In this article, we propose TrustIoV - a digital forensic framework for the IoV systems that provides mechanisms to collect and store trustworthy evidence from the distributed infrastructure. Trust-IoV maintains a secure provenance of the evidence to ensure the integrity of the stored evidence and allows investigators to verify the integrity of the evidence during an investigation. Our experimental results on a simulated environment suggest that Trust-IoV can operate with minimal overhead while ensuring the trustworthiness of evidence in a strong adversarial scenario.

Rieke, R., Seidemann, M., Talla, E. K., Zelle, D., Seeger, B..  2017.  Behavior Analysis for Safety and Security in Automotive Systems. 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP). :381–385.

The connection of automotive systems with other systems such as road-side units, other vehicles, and various servers in the Internet opens up new ways for attackers to remotely access safety relevant subsystems within connected cars. The security of connected cars and the whole vehicular ecosystem is thus of utmost importance for consumer trust and acceptance of this emerging technology. This paper describes an approach for on-board detection of unanticipated sequences of events in order to identify suspicious activities. The results show that this approach is fast enough for in-vehicle application at runtime. Several behavior models and synchronization strategies are analyzed in order to narrow down suspicious sequences of events to be sent in a privacy respecting way to a global security operations center for further in-depth analysis.