With the advances in the areas of mobile computing and wireless communications, V2X systems have become a promising technology enabling deployment of applications providing road safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment. Due to their increasing popularity, V2X networks have become a major target for attackers, making them vulnerable to security threats and network conditions, and thus affecting the safety of passengers, vehicles and roads. Existing research in V2X does not effectively address the safety, security and performance limitation threats to connected vehicles, as a result of considering these aspects separately instead of jointly. In this work, we focus on the analysis of the tradeoffs between safety, security and performance of V2X systems and propose a dynamic adaptability approach considering all three aspects jointly based on application needs and context to achieve maximum safety on the roads using an Internet of vehicles. Experiments with a simple V2V highway scenario demonstrate that an adaptive safety/security approach is essential and V2X systems have great potential for providing low reaction times.
Interconnected everyday objects, either via public or private networks, are gradually becoming reality in modern life - often referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) or Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). One stand-out example are those systems based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Fleets of such vehicles (drones) are prophesied to assume multiple roles from mundane to high-sensitive applications, such as prompt pizza or shopping deliveries to the home, or to deployment on battlefields for battlefield and combat missions. Drones, which we refer to as UAVs in this paper, can operate either individually (solo missions) or as part of a fleet (group missions), with and without constant connection with a base station. The base station acts as the command centre to manage the drones' activities; however, an independent, localised and effective fleet control is necessary, potentially based on swarm intelligence, for several reasons: 1) an increase in the number of drone fleets; 2) fleet size might reach tens of UAVs; 3) making time-critical decisions by such fleets in the wild; 4) potential communication congestion and latency; and 5) in some cases, working in challenging terrains that hinders or mandates limited communication with a control centre, e.g. operations spanning long period of times or military usage of fleets in enemy territory. This self-aware, mission-focused and independent fleet of drones may utilise swarm intelligence for a), air-traffic or flight control management, b) obstacle avoidance, c) self-preservation (while maintaining the mission criteria), d) autonomous collaboration with other fleets in the wild, and e) assuring the security, privacy and safety of physical (drones itself) and virtual (data, software) assets. In this paper, we investigate the challenges faced by fleet of drones and propose a potential course of action on how to overcome them.
Authentication and encryption within an embedded system environment using cameras, sensors, thermostats, autonomous vehicles, medical implants, RFID, etc. is becoming increasing important with ubiquitious wireless connectivity. Hardware-based authentication and encryption offer several advantages in these types of resource-constrained applications, including smaller footprints and lower energy consumption. Bitstring and key generation implemented with Physical Unclonable Functions or PUFs can further reduce resource utilization for authentication and encryption operations and reduce overall system cost by eliminating on-chip non-volatile-memory (NVM). In this paper, we propose a dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) strategy for implementing both authentication and encryption using a PUF for bitstring and key generation on FPGAs as a means of optimizing the utilization of the limited area resources. We show that the time and energy penalties associated with DPR are small in modern SoC-based architectures, such as the Xilinx Zynq SoC, and therefore, the overall approach is very attractive for emerging resource-constrained IoT applications.
Internet-connected embedded systems have limited capabilities to defend themselves against remote hacking attacks. The potential effects of such attacks, however, can have a significant impact in the context of the Internet of Things, industrial control systems, smart health systems, etc. Embedded systems cannot effectively utilize existing software-based protection mechanisms due to limited processing capabilities and energy resources. We propose a novel hardware-based monitoring technique that can detect if the embedded operating system or any running application deviates from the originally programmed behavior due to an attack. We present an FPGA-based prototype implementation that shows the effectiveness of such a security approach.
We present in this paper a security analysis of electronic devices which considers the lifecycle properties of embedded systems. We first define a generic model of electronic devices lifecycle showing the complex interactions between the numerous assets and the actors. The method is illustrated through a case study: a connected insulin pump. The lifecycle induced vulnerabilities are analyzed using the EBIOS methodology. An analysis of associated countermeasures points out the lack of consideration of the life cycle in order to provide an acceptable security level of each assets of the device.
Verifying that hardware design implementations adhere to specifications is a time intensive and sometimes intractable problem due to the massive size of the system's state space. Formal methods techniques can be used to prove certain tractable specification properties; however, they are expensive, and often require subject matter experts to develop and solve. Nonetheless, hardware verification is a critical process to ensure security and safety properties are met, and encapsulates problems associated with trust and reliability. For complex designs where coverage of the entire state space is unattainable, prioritizing regions most vulnerable to security or reliability threats would allow efficient allocation of valuable verification resources. Stackelberg security games model interactions between a defender, whose goal is to assign resources to protect a set of targets, and an attacker, who aims to inflict maximum damage on the targets after first observing the defender's strategy. In equilibrium, the defender has an optimal security deployment strategy, given the attacker's best response. We apply this Stackelberg security framework to synthesized hardware implementations using the design's network structure and logic to inform defender valuations and verification costs. The defender's strategy in equilibrium is thus interpreted as a prioritization of the allocation of verification resources in the presence of an adversary. We demonstrate this technique on several open-source synthesized hardware designs.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are interconnections of heterogeneous hardware and software components (e.g., sensors, actuators, physical systems/processes, computational nodes and controllers, and communication subsystems). Increasing network connectivity of CPS computational nodes facilitates maintenance and on-demand reprogrammability and reduces operator workload. However, such increasing connectivity also raises the potential for cyber-attacks that attempt unauthorized modifications of run-time parameters or control logic in the computational nodes to hamper process stability or performance. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of real-time monitoring using digital and analog side channels. While analog side channels might not typically provide sufficient granularity to observe each iteration of a periodic loop in the code in the CPS device, the temporal averaging inherent to side channel sensory modalities enables observation of persistent changes to the contents of a computational loop through their resulting effect on the level of activity of the device. Changes to code can be detected by observing readings from side channel sensors over a period of time. Experimental studies are performed on an ARM-based single board computer.
Lots of traditional embedded systems can be called closed systems in that they do not connect and communicate with systems or devices outside of the entities they are embedded, and some part of these systems are designed based on proprietary protocols or standards. Open embedded systems connect and communicate with other systems or devices through the Internet or other networks, and are designed based on open protocols and standards. This paper discusses two types of security challenges facing open embedded systems: the security of the devices themselves that host embedded systems, and the security of information collected, processed, communicated, and consumed by embedded systems. We also discuss solution techniques to address these challenges.
In order to provide reliable security solution to the people, the concept of smart ATM security system based on Embedded Linux platform is suggested in this paper. The study is focused on Design and Implementation of Face Detection based ATM Security System using Embedded Linux Platform. The system is implemented on the credit card size Raspberry Pi board with extended capability of open source Computer Vision (OpenCV) software which is used for Image processing operation. High level security mechanism is provided by the consecutive actions such as initially system captures the human face and check whether the human face is detected properly or not. If the face is not detected properly, it warns the user to adjust him/her properly to detect the face. Still the face is not detected properly the system will lock the door of the ATM cabin for security purpose. As soon as the door is lock, the system will automatic generates 3 digit OTP code. The OTP code will be sent to the watchman's registered mobile number through SMS using GSM module which is connected with the raspberry Pi. Watchman will enter the generated OTP through keypad which is interfaced with the Pi Board. The OTP will be verified and if it is correct then door will be unlock otherwise it will remain lock.
Recently, the IoT (internet of things) still does not have global policies and standards to govern the interaction and the development of applications. There are huge of security issues relevant to the application layer of IoT becoming very urgent. On the other hand, it is important for addressing the development of security algorithm to protect the IoT system from malicious attack. The service requesters must pay attention to the data how will be used, who and when to apply, even they must have tools to control what data want to be disclosed. In this article, a fusion diversity scheme adopting MRC (maximum ratio combining) scheme with TM (trust management) security algorithm is proposed. In MRC stage, specified parameters first extracted and before combined with the control information they weighted by one estimation value. The fused information forward to the upper layer of IoT technologies in succession after the combination is completed. The simulation results from experiments deployed with physical assessment show that the security has more reliability after the MRC scheme fused into the TM procedure.
Friendly jamming is a physical layer security technique that utilizes extra available nodes to jam any eavesdroppers. This paper considers the use of additional available nodes as friendly jammers in order to improve the security performance of a route through a wireless area network. One of the unresolved technical challenges is the combining of security metrics with typical service quality metrics. In this context, this paper considers the problem of routing through a D2D network while jointly minimizing the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and connection outage probability (COP), using friendly jamming to improve the SOP of each link. The jamming powers are determined to place nulls at friendly receivers while maximizing the power to eavesdroppers. Then the route metrics are derived, and the problem is framed as a convex optimization problem. We also consider that not all network users equally value SOP and COP, and so introduce an auxiliary variable to tune the optimization between the two metrics.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that do not need to rely on a pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Securing MANETs is a serious concern as current research on MANETs continues to progress. Each node in a MANET acts as a router, forwarding data packets for other nodes and exchanging routing information between nodes. It is this intrinsic nature that introduces the serious security issues to routing protocols. A black hole attack is one of the well-known security threats for MANETs. A black hole is a security attack in which a malicious node absorbs all data packets by sending fake routing information and drops them without forwarding them. In order to defend against a black hole attack, in this paper we propose a new threshold-based black hole attack prevention method. To investigate the performance of the proposed method, we compared it with existing methods. Our simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods from the standpoints of black hole node detection rate, throughput, and packet delivery rate.
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most important and unique network in wireless network which has brought maximum mobility and scalability. It is suitable for environments that need on fly setup. A lot of challenges come with implementing these networks. The most sensitive challenge that MANET faces is making the MANET energy efficient at the same time handling the security issues. In this paper we are going to discuss the best routing for maximum energy saving which is Load Balanced Energy Enhanced Clustered Bee Ad Hoc Routing (LBEE) along with secured PKI scheme. LBEE which is inspired from swarm intelligence and follows the bee colony paradigm has been found as the best energy efficient method for the MANETs. In this paper along with energy efficiency care has been taken for security of all the nodes of the network. The best suiting security for the protocol has been chosen as the four key security scheme.
This paper introduces a multi-factors security key generation mechanism for self-organising Internet of Things (IoT) network and nodes. The mechanism enables users to generate unique set of security keys to enhance IoT security while meeting various business needs. The multi-factor security keys presents an additional security layer to existing security standards and practices currently being adopted by the IoT community. The proposed security key generation mechanism enables user to define and choose any physical and logical parameters he/she prefers, in generating a set of security keys to be encrypted and distributed to registered IoT nodes. IoT applications and services will only be activated after verifying that all security keys are present. Multiple levels of authorisation for different user groups can be easily created through the mix and match of the generated multi-factors security keys. A use case, covering indoor and outdoor field tests was conducted. The results of the tests showed that the mechanism is easily adaptable to meet diverse multivendor IoT devices and is scalable for various applications.
Because of the nature of vehicular communications, security is a crucial aspect, involving the continuous development and analysis of the existing security architectures and punctual theoretical and practical aspects that have been proposed and are in need of continuous updates and integrations with newer technologies. But before an update, a good knowledge of the current aspects is mandatory. Identifying weaknesses and anticipating possible risks of vehicular communication networks through a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) represent an important aspect of the security analysis process and a valuable step in finding efficient security solutions for all kind of problems that might occur in these systems.
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are taking more attention from both the academia and the automotive industry due to a rapid development of wireless communication technologies. And with this development, vehicles called connected cars are increasingly being equipped with more sensors, processors, storages, and communication devices as they start to provide both infotainment and safety services through V2X communication. Such increase of vehicles is also related to the rise of security attacks and potential security threats. In a vehicular environment, security is one of the most important issues and it must be addressed before VANETs can be widely deployed. Conventional VANETs have some unique characteristics such as high mobility, dynamic topology, and a short connection time. Since an attacker can launch any unexpected attacks, it is difficult to predict these attacks in advance. To handle this problem, we propose collaborative security attack detection mechanism in a software-defined vehicular networks that uses multi-class support vector machine (SVM) to detect various types of attacks dynamically. We compare our security mechanism to existing distributed approach and present simulation results. The results demonstrate that the proposed security mechanism can effectively identify the types of attacks and achieve a good performance regarding high precision, recall, and accuracy.
With the fast development of autonomous driving and vehicular communication technologies, intelligent transportation systems that are based on VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network) have shown great promise. For instance, through V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication, intelligent intersections allow more fine-grained control of vehicle crossings and significantly enhance traffic efficiency. However, the performance and safety of these VANET-based systems could be seriously impaired by communication delays and packet losses, which may be caused by network congestion or by malicious attacks that target communication timing behavior. In this paper, we quantitatively model and analyze some of the timing and security issues in transportation networks with VANET-based intelligent intersections. In particular, we demonstrate how communication delays may affect the performance and safety of a single intersection and of multiple interconnected intersections, and present our delay-tolerant intersection management protocols. We also discuss the issues of such protocols when the vehicles are non-cooperative and how they may be addressed with game theory.
This paper studies physical layer security in a wireless ad hoc network with numerous legitimate transmitter-receiver pairs and passive eavesdroppers. A hybrid full-/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy is proposed to secure legitimate transmissions, by letting a fraction of legitimate receivers work in the full-duplex (FD) mode sending jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers upon their own information receptions, and other receivers work in the half-duplex mode just receiving desired signals. This paper aims to properly choose the fraction of the FD receivers to enhance network security. Tractable expressions for the connection outage probability and the secrecy outage probability of a typical legitimate link are first derived, based on which the network-wide secrecy throughput is maximized. Some insights into the optimal fraction are further developed. It is concluded that the fraction of the FD receivers triggers a non-trivial trade-off between reliability and secrecy, and the optimal fraction significantly improves the network security performance.
Fast-changing topologies and uncoordinated transmissions are two critical challenges of implementing data security in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). We propose a new protocol, where transmitters adaptively switch between backing off retransmissions and changing keys to improve success rate. A new 3-dimensional (3-D) Markov model, which can analyze the proposed protocol with symmetric or asymmetric keys in terms of data security and connectivity, is developed. Analytical results, validated by simulations, show that the proposed protocol achieves substantially improved resistance against collusion attacks.
One challenge for engineered cyber physical systems (CPSs) is the possibility for a malicious intruder to change the data transmitted across the cyber channel as a means to degrade the performance of the physical system. In this paper, we consider a data injection attack on a cyber physical system. We propose a hybrid framework for detecting the presence of an attack and operating the plant in spite of the attack. Our method uses an observer-based detection mechanism and a passivity balance defense framework in the hybrid architecture. By switching the controller, passivity and exponential stability are established under the proposed framework.
Cloud computing is a solution to reduce the cost of IT by providing elastic access to shared resources. It also provides solutions for on-demand computing power and storage for devices at the edge networks with limited resources. However, increasing the number of connected devices caused by IoT architecture leads to higher network traffic and delay for cloud computing. The centralised architecture of cloud computing also makes the edge networks more susceptible to challenges in the core network. Fog computing is a solution to decrease the network traffic, delay, and increase network resilience. In this paper, we study how fog computing may improve network resilience. We also conduct a simulation to study the effect of fog computing on network traffic and delay. We conclude that using fog computing prepares the network for better response time in case of interactive requests and makes the edge networks more resilient to challenges in the core network.
The IoT (Internet of Things) is one of the primary reasons for the massive growth in the number of connected devices to the Internet, thus leading to an increased volume of traffic in the core network. Fog and edge computing are becoming a solution to handle IoT traffic by moving timesensitive processing to the edge of the network, while using the conventional cloud for historical analysis and long-term storage. Providing processing, storage, and network communication at the edge network are the aim of fog computing to reduce delay, network traffic, and decentralise computing. In this paper, we define a framework that realises fog computing that can be extended to install any service of choice. Our framework utilises fog nodes as an extension of the traditional switch to include processing, networking, and storage. The fog nodes act as local decision-making elements that interface with software-defined networking (SDN), to be able to push updates throughout the network. To test our framework, we develop an IP spoofing security application and ensure its correctness through multiple experiments.
Traditionally, the focus of security and ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data in spacecraft systems has been on the ground segment and the uplink/downlink components. Although these are the most obvious attack vectors, potential security risks against the satellite's platform is also a serious concern. This paper discusses a notional satellite architecture and explores security vulnerabilities using a systems-level approach. Viewing attacks through this paradigm highlights several potential attack vectors that conventional satellite security approaches fail to consider. If left undetected, these could yield physical effects limiting the satellite's mission or performance. The approach presented aids in risk analysis and gives insight into architectural design considerations which improve the system's overall resiliency.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) sense and actuate their environment in pursuit of a mission. The attack surface of these remotely located, sensing and communicating devices is both large, and exposed to adversarial actors, making mission assurance a challenging problem. While best-practice security policies should be followed, they are rarely enough to guarantee mission success as not all components in the system may be trusted and the properties of the environment (e.g., the RF environment) may be under the control of the attacker. CPS must thus be built with a high degree of resilience to mitigate threats that security cannot alleviate. In this paper, we describe the Agile and Resilient Embedded Systems (ARES) methodology and metric set. The ARES methodology pursues cyber security and resilience (CSR) as high level system properties to be developed in the context of the mission. An analytic process guides system developers in defining mission objectives, examining principal issues, applying CSR technologies, and understanding their interactions.
Cloud computing has become a widely used computing paradigm providing on-demand computing and storage capabilities based on pay-as-you-go model. Recently, many organizations, especially in the field of big data, have been adopting the cloud model to perform data analytics through leasing powerful Virtual Machines (VMs). VMs can be attractive targets to attackers as well as untrusted cloud providers who aim to get unauthorized access to the business critical-data. The obvious security solution is to perform data analytics on encrypted data through the use of cryptographic keys as that of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). However, it is very easy to obtain AES cryptographic keys from the VM's Random Access Memory (RAM). In this paper, we present a novel key-scattering (KS) approach to protect the cryptographic keys while encrypting/decrypting data. Our solution is highly portable and interoperable. Thus, it could be integrated within today's existing cloud architecture without the need for further modifications. The feasibility of the approach has been proven by implementing a functioning prototype. The evaluation results show that our approach is substantially more resilient to brute force attacks and key extraction tools than the standard AES algorithm, with acceptable execution time.