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Chen, W., Hong, L., Shetty, S., Lo, D., Cooper, R..  2016.  Cross-Layered Security Approach with Compromised Nodes Detection in Cooperative Sensor Networks. 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). :499–508.

Cooperative MIMO communication is a promising technology which enables realistic solution for improving communication performance with MIMO technique in wireless networks that are composed of size and cost constrained devices. However, the security problems inherent to cooperative communication also arise. Cryptography can ensure the confidentiality in the communication and routing between authorized participants, but it usually cannot prevent the attacks from compromised nodes which may corrupt communications by sending garbled signals. In this paper, we propose a cross-layered approach to enhance the security in query-based cooperative MIMO sensor networks. The approach combines efficient cryptographic technique implemented in upper layer with a novel information theory based compromised nodes detection algorithm in physical layer. In the detection algorithm, a cluster of K cooperative nodes are used to identify up to K - 1 active compromised nodes. When the compromised nodes are detected, the key revocation is performed to isolate the compromised nodes and reconfigure the cooperative MIMO sensor network. During this process, beamforming is used to avoid the information leaking. The proposed security scheme can be easily modified and applied to cognitive radio networks. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm for compromised nodes detection is effective and efficient, and the accuracy of received information is significantly improved.

Hamamreh, J. M., Yusuf, M., Baykas, T., Arslan, H..  2016.  Cross MAC/PHY layer security design using ARQ with MRC and adaptive modulation. 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. :1–7.

In this work, Automatic-Repeat-Request (ARQ) and Maximal Ratio Combination (MRC), have been jointly exploited to enhance the confidentiality of wireless services requested by a legitimate user (Bob) against an eavesdropper (Eve). The obtained security performance is analyzed using Packet Error Rate (PER), where the exact PER gap between Bob and Eve is determined. PER is proposed as a new practical security metric in cross layers (Physical/MAC) security design since it reflects the influence of upper layers mechanisms, and it can be linked with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for various digital services such as voice and video. Exact PER formulas for both Eve and Bob in i.i.d Rayleigh fading channel are derived. The simulation and theoretical results show that the employment of ARQ mechanism and MRC on a signal level basis before demodulation can significantly enhance data security for certain services at specific SNRs. However, to increase and ensure the security of a specific service at any SNR, adaptive modulation is proposed to be used along with the aforementioned scheme. Analytical and simulation studies demonstrate orders of magnitude difference in PER performance between eavesdroppers and intended receivers.

Li, W., Ji, J., Zhang, G., Zhang, W..  2016.  Cross-layer security based on optical CDMA and algorithmic cryptography. 2016 IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC). :1–2.

In this paper, we introduce an optical network with cross-layer security, which can enhance security performance. In the transmitter, the user's data is encrypted at first. After that, based on optical encoding, physical layer encryption is implemented. In the receiver, after the corresponding optical decoding process, decryption algorithm is used to restore user's data. In this paper, the security performance has been evaluated quantitatively.

Procter, Sam, Vasserman, Eugene Y., Hatcliff, John.  2017.  SAFE and Secure: Deeply Integrating Security in a New Hazard Analysis. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :66:1–66:10.

Safety-critical system engineering and traditional safety analyses have for decades been focused on problems caused by natural or accidental phenomena. Security analyses, on the other hand, focus on preventing intentional, malicious acts that reduce system availability, degrade user privacy, or enable unauthorized access. In the context of safety-critical systems, safety and security are intertwined, e.g., injecting malicious control commands may lead to system actuation that causes harm. Despite this intertwining, safety and security concerns have traditionally been designed and analyzed independently of one another, and examined in very different ways. In this work we examine a new hazard analysis technique—Systematic Analysis of Faults and Errors (SAFE)—and its deep integration of safety and security concerns. This is achieved by explicitly incorporating a semantic framework of error "effects" that unifies an adversary model long used in security contexts with a fault/error categorization that aligns with previous approaches to hazard analysis. This categorization enables analysts to separate the immediate, component-level effects of errors from their cause or precise deviation from specification. This paper details SAFE's integrated handling of safety and security through a) a methodology grounded in—and adaptable to—different approaches from the literature, b) explicit documentation of system assumptions which are implicit in other analyses, and c) increasing the tractability of analyzing modern, complex, component-based software-driven systems. We then discuss how SAFE's approach supports the long-term goals of of increased compositionality and formalization of safety/security analysis. 

Robyns, Pieter, Quax, Peter, Lamotte, Wim.  2017.  PHY-layer Security is No Alternative to Cryptography. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :160–162.

In recent works, numerous physical-layer security systems have been proposed as alternatives to classic cryptography. Such systems aim to use the intrinsic properties of radio signals and the wireless medium to provide confidentiality and authentication to wireless devices. However, fundamental vulnerabilities are often discovered in these systems shortly after their inception. We therefore challenge the assumptions made by existing physical-layer security systems, and postulate that weaker assumptions are needed in order to adapt for practical scenarios. We also argue that if no computational advantage over an adversary can be ensured, secure communication cannot be realistically achieved.

Oosterhuis, Harrie, de Rijke, Maarten.  2017.  Sensitive and Scalable Online Evaluation with Theoretical Guarantees. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :77–86.
Multileaved comparison methods generalize interleaved comparison methods to provide a scalable approach for comparing ranking systems based on regular user interactions. Such methods enable the increasingly rapid research and development of search engines. However, existing multileaved comparison methods that provide reliable outcomes do so by degrading the user experience during evaluation. Conversely, current multileaved comparison methods that maintain the user experience cannot guarantee correctness. Our contribution is two-fold. First, we propose a theoretical framework for systematically comparing multileaved comparison methods using the notions of considerateness, which concerns maintaining the user experience, and fidelity, which concerns reliable correct outcomes. Second, we introduce a novel multileaved comparison method, Pairwise Preference Multileaving (PPM), that performs comparisons based on document-pair preferences, and prove that it is considerate and has fidelity. We show empirically that, compared to previous multileaved comparison methods, PPM is more sensitive to user preferences and scalable with the number of rankers being compared.
Aman, Muhammad Naveed, Chua, Kee Chaing, Sikdar, Biplab.  2017.  Secure Data Provenance for the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security. :11–14.

The vision of smart environments, systems, and services is driven by the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices produce large amounts of data and this data is used to make critical decisions in many systems. The data produced by these devices has to satisfy various security related requirements in order to be useful in practical scenarios. One of these requirements is data provenance which allows a user to trust the data regarding its origin and location. The low cost of many IoT devices and the fact that they may be deployed in unprotected spaces requires security protocols to be efficient and secure against physical attacks. This paper proposes a light-weight protocol for data provenance in the IoT. The proposed protocol uses physical unclonable functions (PUFs) to provide physical security and uniquely identify an IoT device. Moreover, wireless channel characteristics are used to uniquely identify a wireless link between an IoT device and a server/user. A brief security and performance analysis are presented to give a preliminary validation of the protocol.

Laube, Stefan, Böhme, Rainer.  2017.  Strategic Aspects of Cyber Risk Information Sharing. ACM Comput. Surv.. 50:77:1–77:36.

Cyber risk management largely reduces to a race for information between defenders of ICT systems and attackers. Defenders can gain advantage in this race by sharing cyber risk information with each other. Yet, they often exchange less information than is socially desirable, because sharing decisions are guided by selfish rather than altruistic reasons. A growing line of research studies these strategic aspects that drive defenders’ sharing decisions. The present survey systematizes these works in a novel framework. It provides a consolidated understanding of defenders’ strategies to privately or publicly share information and enables us to distill trends in the literature and identify future research directions. We reveal that many theoretical works assume cyber risk information sharing to be beneficial, while empirical validations are often missing.

Zhou, Lu, Liu, Qiao, Wang, Yong, Li, Hui.  2017.  Secure Group Information Exchange Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Personal Ubiquitous Comput.. 21:903–910.

In this paper, a novel secure information exchange scheme has been proposed for MIMO vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) through physical layer approach. In the scheme, a group of On Board Units (OBUs) exchange information with help of one Road Side Unit (RSU). By utilizing the key signal processing technique, i.e., Direction Rotation Alignment technique, the information to be exchanged of the two neighbor OBUs are aligned into a same direction to form summed signal at RSU or external eavesdroppers. With such summed signal, the RSU or the eavesdropper cannot recover the individual information from the OBUs. By regulating the transmission rate for each OBU, the information theoretic security could be achieved. The secrecy sum-rates of the proposed scheme are analyzed following the scheme. Finally, the numerical results are conducted to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.

Hamasaki, J., Iwamura, K..  2017.  Geometric group key-sharing scheme using euclidean distance. 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1004–1005.

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of sensor nodes and a base station. In WSNs, constructing an efficient key-sharing scheme to ensure a secure communication is important. In this paper, we propose a new key-sharing scheme for groups, which shares a group key in a single broadcast without being dependent on the number of nodes. This scheme is based on geometric characteristics and has information-theoretic security in the analysis of transmitted data. We compared our scheme with conventional schemes in terms of communication traffic, computational complexity, flexibility, and security, and the results showed that our scheme is suitable for an Internet-of-Things (IoT) network.

Wang, P., Safavi-Naini, R..  2017.  Interactive message transmission over adversarial wiretap channel II. IEEE INFOCOM 2017 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1–9.

In Wyner wiretap II model of communication, Alice and Bob are connected by a channel that can be eavesdropped by an adversary with unlimited computation who can select a fraction of communication to view, and the goal is to provide perfect information theoretic security. Information theoretic security is increasingly important because of the threat of quantum computers that can effectively break algorithms and protocols that are used in today's public key infrastructure. We consider interactive protocols for wiretap II channel with active adversary who can eavesdrop and add adversarial noise to the eavesdropped part of the codeword. These channels capture wireless setting where malicious eavesdroppers at reception distance of the transmitter can eavesdrop the communication and introduce jamming signal to the channel. We derive a new upperbound R ≤ 1 - ρ for the rate of interactive protocols over two-way wiretap II channel with active adversaries, and construct a perfectly secure protocol family with achievable rate 1 - 2ρ + ρ2. This is strictly higher than the rate of the best one round protocol which is 1 - 2ρ, hence showing that interaction improves rate. We also prove that even with interaction, reliable communication is possible only if ρ \textbackslashtextless; 1/2. An interesting aspect of this work is that our bounds will also hold in network setting when two nodes are connected by n paths, a ρ of which is corrupted by the adversary. We discuss our results, give their relations to the other works, and propose directions for future work.

Forutan, V., Elschner, R., Schmidt-Langhorst, C., Schubert, C., Fischer, R. F. H..  2017.  Towards Information-Theoretic Security in Optical Networks. Photonic Networks; 18. ITG-Symposium. :1–7.

In fiber-optic communication networks, research on data security at lower layers of the protocol stack and in particular at the physical layer by means of information-theoretic concepts is only in the beginning. Nevertheless, it has recently attracted quite some attention as it holds the promise of providing unconditional, perfect security without the need for secret key exchanges. In this paper, we analyze some important constraints that such concepts put on a potential implementation of physical-layer security. We review the fundamentals of physical-layer security on the basis of the commonly used AWGN wiretap channel model. For such channel model we summarize the security metrics which are typically used in information theory and in particular recall that, for secure communication over the AWGN channel, the legitimate receiver needs an SNR advantage over the eavesdropper. Next, we relate the information theoretic metrics to physically measurable quantities in optical communications engineering, namely optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and bit-error ratio (BER), and translate the information-theoretic wiretap scenario to a simple real-world point-to-point optical transmission link in which part of the light is wiretapped using a bend coupler. We investigate the achievable OSNR advantage under realistic assumptions for fiber loss, tap ratio, and noise budget and find that secure transmission is limited to a distance of a few tens of kilometers in this case. The maximum secure transmission distance decreases with an increasing tap ratio chosen by the eavesdropper. This can be only counteracted by monitoring the link loss towards the legitimate receiver which would force the eavesdropper to choose small tap ratios in order to remain undetected. In an outlook towards further research directions we identify information-theoretic approaches which could potentially allow to realize physical-layer security in more generalized scenarios or over longer distances.

Stoughton, A., Varia, M..  2017.  Mechanizing the Proof of Adaptive, Information-Theoretic Security of Cryptographic Protocols in the Random Oracle Model. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :83–99.

We report on our research on proving the security of multi-party cryptographic protocols using the EASYCRYPT proof assistant. We work in the computational model using the sequence of games approach, and define honest-butcurious (semi-honest) security using a variation of the real/ideal paradigm in which, for each protocol party, an adversary chooses protocol inputs in an attempt to distinguish the party's real and ideal games. Our proofs are information-theoretic, instead of being based on complexity theory and computational assumptions. We employ oracles (e.g., random oracles for hashing) whose encapsulated states depend on dynamically-made, nonprogrammable random choices. By limiting an adversary's oracle use, one may obtain concrete upper bounds on the distances between a party's real and ideal games that are expressed in terms of game parameters. Furthermore, our proofs work for adaptive adversaries, ones that, when choosing the value of a protocol input, may condition this choice on their current protocol view and oracle knowledge. We provide an analysis in EASYCRYPT of a three party private count retrieval protocol. We emphasize the lessons learned from completing this proof.

Patrignani, M., Garg, D..  2017.  Secure Compilation and Hyperproperty Preservation. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :392–404.

The area of secure compilation aims to design compilers which produce hardened code that can withstand attacks from low-level co-linked components. So far, there is no formal correctness criterion for secure compilers that comes with a clear understanding of what security properties the criterion actually provides. Ideally, we would like a criterion that, if fulfilled by a compiler, guarantees that large classes of security properties of source language programs continue to hold in the compiled program, even as the compiled program is run against adversaries with low-level attack capabilities. This paper provides such a novel correctness criterion for secure compilers, called trace-preserving compilation (TPC). We show that TPC preserves a large class of security properties, namely all safety hyperproperties. Further, we show that TPC preserves more properties than full abstraction, the de-facto criterion used for secure compilation. Then, we show that several fully abstract compilers described in literature satisfy an additional, common property, which implies that they also satisfy TPC. As an illustration, we prove that a fully abstract compiler from a typed source language to an untyped target language satisfies TPC.

Garcia, R., Modesti, P..  2017.  An IDE for the Design, Verification and Implementation of Security Protocols. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). :157–163.

Security protocols are critical components for the construction of secure and dependable distributed applications, but their implementation is challenging and error prone. Therefore, tools for formal modelling and analysis of security protocols can be potentially very useful to support software engineers. However, despite such tools have been available for a long time, their adoption outside the research community has been very limited. In fact, most practitioners find such applications too complex and hardly usable for their daily work. In this paper, we present an Integrated Development Environment for the design, verification and implementation of security protocols, aimed at lowering the adoption barrier of formal methods tools for security. In the spirit of Model Driven Development, the environment supports the user in the specification of the model using the simple and intuitive language AnB (and its extension AnBx). Moreover, it provides a push-button solution for the formal verification of the abstract and concrete models, and for the automatic generation of Java implementation. This Eclipse-based IDE leverages on existing languages and tools for modelling and verification of security protocols, such as the AnBx Compiler and Code Generator, the model checker OFMC and the protocol verifier ProVerif.

Breuer, P. T., Bowen, J. P., Palomar, E., Liu, Z..  2017.  Encrypted computing: Speed, security and provable obfuscation against insiders. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–6.

Over the past few years we have articulated theory that describes ‘encrypted computing’, in which data remains in encrypted form while being worked on inside a processor, by virtue of a modified arithmetic. The last two years have seen research and development on a standards-compliant processor that shows that near-conventional speeds are attainable via this approach. Benchmark performance with the US AES-128 flagship encryption and a 1GHz clock is now equivalent to a 433MHz classic Pentium, and most block encryptions fit in AES's place. This summary article details how user data is protected by a system based on the processor from being read or interfered with by the computer operator, for those computing paradigms that entail trust in data-oriented computation in remote locations where it may be accessible to powerful and dishonest insiders. We combine: (i) the processor that runs encrypted; (ii) a slightly modified conventional machine code instruction set architecture with which security is achievable; (iii) an ‘obfuscating’ compiler that takes advantage of its possibilities, forming a three-point system that provably provides cryptographic "semantic security" for user data against the operator and system insiders.

Pirro, M. Di, Conti, M., Lazzeretti, R..  2017.  Ensuring information security by using Haskell's advanced type system. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–6.
Protecting data confidentiality and integrity has become increasingly important in modern software. Sometimes, access control mechanisms come short and solutions on the application-level are needed. An approach can rely on enforcing information security using some features provided by certain programming languages. Several different solutions addressing this problem have been presented in literature, and entire new languages or libraries have been built from scratch. Some of them use type systems to let the compiler check for vulnerable code. In this way we are able to rule out those implementations which do not meet a certain security requirement. In this paper we use Haskell's type system to enforce three key properties of information security: non-interference and flexible declassification policies, strict input validation, and secure computations on untainted and trusted values. We present a functional lightweight library for applications with data integrity and confidentiality issues. Our contribute relies on a compile time enforcing of the aforementioned properties. Our library is wholly generalized and might be adapted for satisfying almost every security requirement.
Almeida, José Bacelar, Barbosa, Manuel, Barthe, Gilles, Blot, Arthur, Grégoire, Benjamin, Laporte, Vincent, Oliveira, Tiago, Pacheco, Hugo, Schmidt, Benedikt, Strub, Pierre-Yves.  2017.  Jasmin: High-Assurance and High-Speed Cryptography. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1807–1823.
Jasmin is a framework for developing high-speed and high-assurance cryptographic software. The framework is structured around the Jasmin programming language and its compiler. The language is designed for enhancing portability of programs and for simplifying verification tasks. The compiler is designed to achieve predictability and efficiency of the output code (currently limited to x64 platforms), and is formally verified in the Coq proof assistant. Using the supercop framework, we evaluate the Jasmin compiler on representative cryptographic routines and conclude that the code generated by the compiler is as efficient as fast, hand-crafted, implementations. Moreover, the framework includes highly automated tools for proving memory safety and constant-time security (for protecting against cache-based timing attacks). We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the verification tools on a large set of cryptographic routines.
Carr, Scott A., Payer, Mathias.  2017.  DataShield: Configurable Data Confidentiality and Integrity. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :193–204.
Applications written in C/C++ are prone to memory corruption, which allows attackers to extract secrets or gain control of the system. With the rise of strong control-flow hijacking defenses, non-control data attacks have become the dominant threat. As vulnerabilities like HeartBleed have shown, such attacks are equally devastating. Data Confidentiality and Integrity (DCI) is a low-overhead non-control-data protection mechanism for systems software. DCI augments the C/C++ programming languages with an- notations, allowing the programmer to protect selected data types. The DCI compiler and runtime system prevent illegal reads (confidentiality) and writes (integrity) to instances of these types. The programmer selects types that contain security critical information such as passwords, cryptographic keys, or identification tokens. Protecting only this critical data greatly reduces performance overhead relative to complete memory safety. Our prototype implementation of DCI, DataShield, shows the applicability and efficiency of our approach. For SPEC CPU2006, the performance overhead is at most 16.34%. For our case studies, we instrumented mbedTLS, astar, and libquantum to show that our annotation approach is practical. The overhead of our SSL/TLS server is 35.7% with critical data structures protected at all times. Our security evaluation shows DataShield mitigates a recently discovered vulnerability in mbedTLS.
Frieslaar, Ibraheem, Irwin, Barry.  2017.  Investigating the Effects Various Compilers Have on the Electromagnetic Signature of a Cryptographic Executable. Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists. :15:1–15:10.

This research investigates changes in the electromagnetic (EM) signatures of a cryptographic binary executable based on compile-time parameters to the GNU and clang compilers. The source code was compiled and executed on a Raspberry Pi 2, which utilizes the ARMv7 CPU. Various optimization flags are enabled at compile-time and the output of the binary executable's EM signatures are captured at run-time. It is demonstrated that GNU and clang compilers produced different EM signature on program execution. The results indicated while utilizing the O3 optimization flag, the EM signature of the program changes. Additionally, the g++ compiler demonstrated fewer instructions were required to run the executable; this related to fewer EM emissions leaked. The EM data from the various compilers under different optimization levels was used as input data for a correlation power analysis attack. The results indicated that partial AES-128 encryption keys was possible. In addition, the fewest subkeys recovered was when the clang compiler was used with level O2 optimization. Finally, the research was able to recover 15 of 16 AES-128 cryptographic algorithm's subkeys, from the the Pi.

Zinzindohoué, Jean-Karim, Bhargavan, Karthikeyan, Protzenko, Jonathan, Beurdouche, Benjamin.  2017.  HACL*: A Verified Modern Cryptographic Library. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1789–1806.
HACL* is a verified portable C cryptographic library that implements modern cryptographic primitives such as the ChaCha20 and Salsa20 encryption algorithms, Poly1305 and HMAC message authentication, SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash functions, the Curve25519 elliptic curve, and Ed25519 signatures. HACL* is written in the F* programming language and then compiled to readable C code. The F* source code for each cryptographic primitive is verified for memory safety, mitigations against timing side-channels, and functional correctness with respect to a succinct high-level specification of the primitive derived from its published standard. The translation from F* to C preserves these properties and the generated C code can itself be compiled via the CompCert verified C compiler or mainstream compilers like GCC or CLANG. When compiled with GCC on 64-bit platforms, our primitives are as fast as the fastest pure C implementations in OpenSSL and libsodium, significantly faster than the reference C code in TweetNaCl, and between 1.1x-5.7x slower than the fastest hand-optimized vectorized assembly code in SUPERCOP. HACL* implements the NaCl cryptographic API and can be used as a drop-in replacement for NaCl libraries like libsodium and TweetNaCl. HACL* provides the cryptographic components for a new mandatory ciphersuite in TLS 1.3 and is being developed as the main cryptographic provider for the miTLS verified implementation. Primitives from HACL* are also being integrated within Mozilla's NSS cryptographic library. Our results show that writing fast, verified, and usable C cryptographic libraries is now practical.
Proy, Julien, Heydemann, Karine, Berzati, Alexandre, Cohen, Albert.  2017.  Compiler-Assisted Loop Hardening Against Fault Attacks. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.. 14:36:1–36:25.
Secure elements widely used in smartphones, digital consumer electronics, and payment systems are subject to fault attacks. To thwart such attacks, software protections are manually inserted requiring experts and time. The explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in home, business, and public spaces motivates the hardening of a wider class of applications and the need to offer security solutions to non-experts. This article addresses the automated protection of loops at compilation time, covering the widest range of control- and data-flow patterns, in both shape and complexity. The security property we consider is that a sensitive loop must always perform the expected number of iterations; otherwise, an attack must be reported. We propose a generic compile-time loop hardening scheme based on the duplication of termination conditions and of the computations involved in the evaluation of such conditions. We also investigate how to preserve the security property along the compilation flow while enabling aggressive optimizations. We implemented this algorithm in LLVM 4.0 at the Intermediate Representation (IR) level in the backend. On average, the compiler automatically hardens 95% of the sensitive loops of typical security benchmarks, and 98% of these loops are shown to be robust to simulated faults. Performance and code size overhead remain quite affordable, at 12.5% and 14%, respectively.
Almeida, José Bacelar, Barbosa, Manuel, Barthe, Gilles, Dupressoir, François, Grégoire, Benjamin, Laporte, Vincent, Pereira, Vitor.  2017.  A Fast and Verified Software Stack for Secure Function Evaluation. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1989–2006.
We present a high-assurance software stack for secure function evaluation (SFE). Our stack consists of three components: i. a verified compiler (CircGen) that translates C programs into Boolean circuits; ii. a verified implementation of Yao's SFE protocol based on garbled circuits and oblivious transfer; and iii. transparent application integration and communications via FRESCO, an open-source framework for secure multiparty computation (MPC). CircGen is a general purpose tool that builds on CompCert, a verified optimizing compiler for C. It can be used in arbitrary Boolean circuit-based cryptography deployments. The security of our SFE protocol implementation is formally verified using EasyCrypt, a tool-assisted framework for building high-confidence cryptographic proofs, and it leverages a new formalization of garbled circuits based on the framework of Bellare, Hoang, and Rogaway (CCS 2012). We conduct a practical evaluation of our approach, and conclude that it is competitive with state-of-the-art (unverified) approaches. Our work provides concrete evidence of the feasibility of building efficient, verified, implementations of higher-level cryptographic systems. All our development is publicly available.
Wang, S., Yan, Q., Chen, Z., Yang, B., Zhao, C., Conti, M..  2017.  TextDroid: Semantics-based detection of mobile malware using network flows. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :18–23.

The wide-spreading mobile malware has become a dreadful issue in the increasingly popular mobile networks. Most of the mobile malware relies on network interface to coordinate operations, steal users' private information, and launch attack activities. In this paper, we propose TextDroid, an effective and automated malware detection method combining natural language processing and machine learning. TextDroid can extract distinguishable features (n-gram sequences) to characterize malware samples. A malware detection model is then developed to detect mobile malware using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The trained SVM model presents a superior performance on two different data sets, with the malware detection rate reaching 96.36% in the test set and 76.99% in an app set captured in the wild, respectively. In addition, we also design a flow header visualization method to visualize the highlighted texts generated during the apps' network interactions, which assists security researchers in understanding the apps' complex network activities.

Buber, E., Dırı, B., Sahingoz, O. K..  2017.  Detecting phishing attacks from URL by using NLP techniques. 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). :337–342.

Nowadays, cyber attacks affect many institutions and individuals, and they result in a serious financial loss for them. Phishing Attack is one of the most common types of cyber attacks which is aimed at exploiting people's weaknesses to obtain confidential information about them. This type of cyber attack threats almost all internet users and institutions. To reduce the financial loss caused by this type of attacks, there is a need for awareness of the users as well as applications with the ability to detect them. In the last quarter of 2016, Turkey appears to be second behind China with an impact rate of approximately 43% in the Phishing Attack Analysis report between 45 countries. In this study, firstly, the characteristics of this type of attack are explained, and then a machine learning based system is proposed to detect them. In the proposed system, some features were extracted by using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. The system was implemented by examining URLs used in Phishing Attacks before opening them with using some extracted features. Many tests have been applied to the created system, and it is seen that the best algorithm among the tested ones is the Random Forest algorithm with a success rate of 89.9%.