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Dhal, Subhasish, Bhuwan, Vaibhav.  2018.  Cryptanalysis and improvement of a cloud based login and authentication protocol. 2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT). :1–6.
Outsourcing services to cloud server (CS) becomes popular in these years. However, the outsourced services often involve with sensitive activity and CS naturally becomes a target of varieties of attacks. Even worse, CS itself can misuse the outsourced services for illegal profit. Traditional online banking system also can make use of a cloud framework to provide economical and high-speed online services to the consumers, which makes the financial dealing easy and convenient. Most of the banking organizations provide services through passbook, ATM, mobile banking, electronic banking (e-banking) etc. Among these, the e-banking and mobile banking are more convenient and becomes essential. Therefore, it is critical to provide an efficient, reliable and more importantly, secure e-banking services to the consumers. The cloud environment is suitable paradigm to a new, small and medium scale banking organization as it eliminates the requirement for them to start with small resources and increase gradually as the service demand rises. However, security is one of the main concerns since it deals with many sensitive data of the valuable customers. In addition to this, the access of various data needs to be restricted to prevent any unauthorized transaction. Nagaraju et al. presented a framework to achieve reliability and security in public cloud based online banking using multi-factor authentication concept. Unfortunately, the login and authentication protocol of this framework is prone to impersonation attack. In this paper, we have revised the framework to avoid this attack.
Vegh, Laura.  2018.  Cyber-physical systems security through multi-factor authentication and data analytics. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :1369–1374.
We are living in a society where technology is present everywhere we go. We are striving towards smart homes, smart cities, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything. Not so long ago, a password was all you needed for secure authentication. Nowadays, even the most complicated passwords are not considered enough. Multi-factor authentication is gaining more and more terrain. Complex system may also require more than one solution for real, strong security. The present paper proposes a framework based with MFA as a basis for access control and data analytics. Events within a cyber-physical system are processed and analyzed in an attempt to detect, prevent and mitigate possible attacks.
Jacomme, Charlie, Kremer, Steve.  2018.  An Extensive Formal Analysis of Multi-factor Authentication Protocols. 2018 IEEE 31st Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1–15.
Passwords are still the most widespread means for authenticating users, even though they have been shown to create huge security problems. This motivated the use of additional authentication mechanisms used in so-called multi-factor authentication protocols. In this paper we define a detailed threat model for this kind of protocols: while in classical protocol analysis attackers control the communication network, we take into account that many communications are performed over TLS channels, that computers may be infected by different kinds of malwares, that attackers could perform phishing, and that humans may omit some actions. We formalize this model in the applied pi calculus and perform an extensive analysis and comparison of several widely used protocols - variants of Google 2-step and FIDO's U2F. The analysis is completely automated, generating systematically all combinations of threat scenarios for each of the protocols and using the P ROVERIF tool for automated protocol analysis. Our analysis highlights weaknesses and strengths of the different protocols, and allows us to suggest several small modifications of the existing protocols which are easy to implement, yet improve their security in several threat scenarios.
Giełczyk, Agata, Choraś, Michał, Kozik, Rafał.  2018.  Hybrid Feature Extraction for Palmprint-Based User Authentication. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing Simulation (HPCS). :629–633.
Biometry is often used as a part of the multi-factor authentication in order to improve the security of IT systems. In this paper, we propose the palmprint-based solution for user identity verification. In particular, we present a new approach to feature extraction. The proposed method is based both on texture and color information. Our experiments show that using the proposed hybrid features allows for achieving satisfactory accuracy without increasing requirements for additional computational resources. It is important from our perspective since the proposed method is dedicated to smartphones and other handhelds in mobile verification scenarios.
Tseng, Yi-Fan, Fan, Chun-I, Wu, Chin-Yu.  2019.  FGAC-NDN: Fine-Grained Access Control for Named Data Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 16:143—152.

Named data network (NDN) is one of the most promising information-centric networking architectures, where the core concept is to focus on the named data (or contents) themselves. Users in NDN can easily send a request packet to get the desired content regardless of its address. The routers in NDN have cache functionality to make the users instantly retrieve the desired file. Thus, the user can immediately get the desired file from the nearby nodes instead of the remote host. Nevertheless, NDN is a novel proposal and there are still some open issues to be resolved. In view of previous research, it is a challenge to achieve access control on a specific user and support potential receivers simultaneously. In order to solve it, we present a fine-grained access control mechanism tailored for NDN, supporting data confidentiality, potential receivers, and mobility. Compared to previous works, this is the first to support fine-grained access control and potential receivers. Furthermore, the proposed scheme achieves provable security under the DBDH assumption.

Junnarkar, Aparna A., Singh, Y. P., Deshpande, Vivek S..  2018.  SQMAA: Security, QoS and Mobility Aware ACO Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for MANET. 2018 4th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1–6.
The QoS performance of MANET routing protocols is significantly affected by the mobility conditions in network. Secondly, as MANET open nature network, there is strong possibility of different types of vulnerabilities such as blackhole attack, malicious attack, DoS attacks etc. In this research work, we are designing the novel opportunistic routing protocol in order to address the challenges of network security as well as QoS improvement. There two algorithms designed in this paper. First we proposed and designed novel QoS improvement algorithm based on optimization scheme called Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) with swarm intelligence approach. This proposed method used the RSSI measurements to determine the distance between two mobile nodes in order to select efficient path for communication. This new routing protocol is named as QoS Mobility Aware ACO (QMAA) Routing Protocol. Second, we designed security algorithm for secure communication and user's authentication in MANET under the presence attackers in network. With security algorithm the QoS aware protocol is proposed named as Secure-QMAA (SQMAA). The SQMAA achieved secure communications while guaranteed QoS performance against existing routing protocols. The simulation results shows that under the presence of malicious attackers, the performance of SQMAA are efficient as compared to QMAA and state-of-art routing protocol.
Song, Fuyuan, Qin, Zheng, Liu, Qin, Liang, Jinwen, Ou, Lu.  2019.  Efficient and Secure k-Nearest Neighbor Search Over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—6.
Cloud computing has become an important and popular infrastructure for data storage and sharing. Typically, data owners outsource their massive data to a public cloud that will provide search services to authorized data users. With privacy concerns, the valuable outsourced data cannot be exposed directly, and should be encrypted before outsourcing to the public cloud. In this paper, we focus on k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) search over encrypted data. We propose efficient and secure k-NN search schemes based on matrix similarity to achieve efficient and secure query services in public cloud. In our basic scheme, we construct the traces of two diagonal multiplication matrices to denote the Euclidean distance of two data points, and perform secure k-NN search by comparing traces of corresponding similar matrices. In our enhanced scheme, we strengthen the security property by decomposing matrices based on our basic scheme. Security analysis shows that our schemes protect the data privacy and query privacy under attacking with different levels of background knowledge. Experimental evaluations show that both schemes are efficient in terms of computation complexity as well as computational cost.
Kinkelin, Holger, Hauner, Valentin, Niedermayer, Heiko, Carle, Georg.  2018.  Trustworthy configuration management for networked devices using distributed ledgers. NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–5.
Numerous IoT applications, like building automation or process control of industrial sites, exist today. These applications inherently have a strong connection to the physical world. Hence, IT security threats cannot only cause problems like data leaks but also safety issues which might harm people. Attacks on IT systems are not only performed by outside attackers but also insiders like administrators. For this reason, we present ongoing work on a Byzantine fault tolerant configuration management system (CMS) that provides control over administrators, restrains their rights, and enforces separation of concerns. We reach this goal by conducting a configuration management process that requires multi-party authorization for critical configurations to prevent individual malicious administrators from performing undesired actions. Only after a configuration has been authorized by multiple experts, it is applied to the targeted devices. For the whole configuration management process, our CMS guarantees accountability and traceability. Lastly, our system is tamper-resistant as we leverage Hyperledger Fabric, which provides a distributed execution environment for our CMS and a blockchain-based distributed ledger that we use to store the configurations. A beneficial side effect of this approach is that our CMS is also suitable to manage configurations for infrastructure shared across different organizations that do not need to trust each other.
Xue, Kaiping, Zhang, Xiang, Xia, Qiudong, Wei, David S.L., Yue, Hao, Wu, Feng.  2018.  SEAF: A Secure, Efficient and Accountable Access Control Framework for Information Centric Networking. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2213–2221.
Information Centric Networking (ICN) has been regarded as an ideal architecture for the next-generation network to handle users' increasing demand for content delivery with in-network cache. While making better use of network resources and providing better delivery service, an effective access control mechanism is needed due to wide dissemination of contents. However, in the existing solutions, making cache-enabled routers or content providers authenticate users' requests causes high computation overhead and unnecessary delay. Also, straightforward utilization of advanced encryption algorithms increases the opportunities for DoS attacks. Besides, privacy protection and service accountability are rarely taken into account in this scenario. In this paper, we propose a secure, efficient, and accountable access control framework, called SEAF, for ICN, in which authentication is performed at the network edge to block unauthorized requests at the very beginning. We adopt group signature to achieve anonymous authentication, and use hash chain technique to greatly reduce the overhead when users make continuous requests for the same file. Furthermore, the content providers can affirm the service amount received from the network and extract feedback information from the signatures and hash chains. By formal security analysis and the comparison with related works, we show that SEAF achieves the expected security goals and possesses more useful features. The experimental results also demonstrate that our design is efficient for routers and content providers, and introduces only slight delay for users' content retrieval.
Nagamani, Ch., Chittineni, Suneetha.  2018.  Network Intrusion Detection Mechanisms Using Outlier Detection. 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT). :1468–1473.
The recognition of intrusions has increased impressive enthusiasm for information mining with the acknowledgment that anomalies can be the key disclosure to be produced using extensive network databases. Intrusions emerge because of different reasons, for example, mechanical deficiencies, changes in framework conduct, fake conduct, human blunder and instrument mistake. Surely, for some applications the revelation of Intrusions prompts more intriguing and helpful outcomes than the disclosure of inliers. Discovery of anomalies can prompt recognizable proof of framework blames with the goal that executives can take preventive measures previously they heighten. A network database framework comprises of a sorted out posting of pages alongside programming to control the network information. This database framework has been intended to empower network operations, oversee accumulations of information, show scientific outcomes and to get to these information utilizing networks. It likewise empowers network clients to gather limitless measure of information on unbounded territories of utilization, break down it and return it into helpful data. Network databases are ordinarily used to help information control utilizing dynamic capacities on sites or for putting away area subordinate data. This database holds a surrogate for each network route. The formation of these surrogates is called ordering and each network database does this errand in an unexpected way. In this paper, a structure for compelling access control and Intrusion Detection using outliers has been proposed and used to give viable Security to network databases. The design of this framework comprises of two noteworthy subsystems to be specific, Access Control Subsystem and Intrusion Detection Subsystem. In this paper preprocessing module is considered which clarifies the preparing of preprocessing the accessible information. And rain forest method is discussed which is used for intrusion detection.
Chen, Lin, William Atwood, J..  2018.  Performance Evaluation for Secure Internet Group Management Protocol and Group Security Association Management Protocol. 2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical Computer Engineering (CCECE). :1—5.

Multicast distribution employs the model of many-to-many so that it is a more efficient way of data delivery compared to traditional one-to-one unicast distribution, which can benefit many applications such as media streaming. However, the lack of security features in its nature makes multicast technology much less popular in an open environment such as the Internet. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) take advantage of IP multicast technology's high efficiency of data delivery to provide Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) to their users. But without the full control on their networks, ISPs cannot collect revenue for the services they provide. Secure Internet Group Management Protocol (SIGMP), an extension of Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), and Group Security Association Management Protocol (GSAM), have been proposed to enforce receiver access control at the network level of IP multicast. In this paper, we analyze operational details and issues of both SIGMP and GSAM. An examination of the performance of both protocols is also conducted.

Gupta, Himanshu, Mondal, Subhash, Ray, Srayan, Giri, Biswajit, Majumdar, Rana, Mishra, Ved P.  2019.  Impact of SQL Injection in Database Security. 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE). :296–299.
In today's world web applications have become an instant means for information broadcasting. At present, man has become so dependent on web applications that everything done through electronic means like e-banking, e-shopping, online payment of bills etc. Due to an unauthorized admittance might threat customer's or user's confidentiality, integrity and authority. SQL injection considered as most Spartan dangerous coercions to the databases of web applications. current scenario databases are highly susceptible to SQL Injection[4] . SQL Injection is one of the most popular and dangerous hacking or cracking technique . In this work authors projected a novel approach to mitigate SQL Injection Attacks in a database. We have illustrated a technique or method prevent SQLIA by incorporating a hybrid encryption in form of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) [5]. In this research paper integrated approach of encryption method is followed to prevent the databases of the web applications against SQL Injection Attack. Incidentally if an invader gains access to the database, then it can cause severe damage and ends up with retrieves data or information. So to prevent these type of attacks a combined approach is projected , Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) at login phase to prevent the unauthorized access to databases and on the other hand Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) to encode the database so that without the key no one can access the database information [3]. This research paper illustrates the technique to prevent SQL Injection Attack.
Daniel Albu, Răzvan, Gordan, Cornelia Emilia.  2019.  Authentication and Recognition, Guarantor for on-Line Security. 2019 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES). :9—12.

ARGOS is a web service we implemented to offer face recognition Authentication Services (AaaS) to mobile and desktop (via the web browser) end users. The Authentication Services may be used by 3rd party service organizations to enhance their service offering to their customers. ARGOS implements a secure face recognition-based authentication service aiming to provide simple and intuitive tools for 3rd party service providers (like PayPal, banks, e-commerce etc) to replace passwords with face biometrics. It supports authentication from any device with 2D or 3D frontal facing camera (mobile phones, laptops, tablets etc.) and almost any operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows and Linux Ubuntu).

Nair, Harsha, Sridaran, R..  2019.  An Innovative Model (HS) to Enhance the Security in Windows Operating System - A Case Study. 2019 6th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :1207—1211.

Confidentiality, authentication, privacy and integrity are the pillars of securing data. The most generic way of providing security is setting up passwords and usernames collectively known as login credentials. Operating systems use different techniques to ensure security of login credentials yet brute force attacks and dictionary attacks along with various other types which leads to success in passing or cracking passwords.The objective of proposed HS model is to enhance the protection of SAM file used by Windows Registry so that the system is preserved from intruders.

You, Ruibang, Yuan, Zimu, Tu, Bibo, Cheng, Jie.  2019.  HP-SDDAN: High-Performance Software-Defined Data Access Network. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :849—856.

Recently, data protection has become increasingly important in cloud environments. The cloud platform has global user information, rich storage resource allocation information, and a fuller understanding of data attributes. At the same time, there is an urgent need for data access control to provide data security, and software-defined network, as a ready-made facility, has a global network view, global network management capabilities, and programable network rules. In this paper, we present an approach, named High-Performance Software-Defined Data Access Network (HP-SDDAN), providing software-defined data access network architecture, global data attribute management and attribute-based data access network. HP-SDDAN combines the excellent features of cloud platform and software-defined network, and fully considers the performance to implement software-defined data access network. In evaluation, we verify the effectiveness and efficiency of HP-SDDAN implementation, with only 1.46% overhead to achieve attribute-based data access control of attribute-based differential privacy.

Yang, Zihan, Mi, Zeyu, Xia, Yubin.  2019.  Undertow: An Intra-Kernel Isolation Mechanism for Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machines. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE). :257—2575.
The prevalence of Cloud Computing has appealed many users to put their business into low-cost and flexible cloud servers instead of bare-metal machines. Most virtual machines in the cloud run commodity operating system(e.g., linux), and the complexity of such operating systems makes them more bug-prone and easier to be compromised. To mitigate the security threats, previous works attempt to mediate and filter system calls, transform all unpopular paths into popular paths, or implement a nested kernel along with the untrusted outter kernel to enforce certain security policies. However, such solutions only enforce read-only protection or assume that popular paths in the kernel to contain almost no bug, which is not always the case in the real world. To overcome their shortcomings and combine their advantages as much as possible, we propose a hardware-assisted isolation mechanism that isolates untrusted part of the kernel. To achieve isolation, we prepare multiple restricted Extended Page Table (EPT) during boot time, each of which has certain critical data unmapped from it so that the code executing in the isolated environment could not access sensitive data. We leverage the VMFUNC instruction already available in recent Intel processors to directly switch to another pre-defined EPT inside guest virtual machine without trapping into the underlying hypervisor, which is faster than the traditional trap-and-emulate procedure. The semantic gap is minimized and real-time check is achieved by allowing EPT violations to be converted to Virtualization Exception (VE), which could be handled inside guest kernel in non-root mode. Our preliminary evaluation shows that with hardware virtualization feature, we are able to run the untrusted code in an isolated environment with negligible overhead.
Jeong, Yena, Hwang, DongYeop, Kim, Ki-Hyung.  2019.  Blockchain-Based Management of Video Surveillance Systems. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :465–468.
In this paper, we propose a video surveillance system based on blockchain system. The proposed system consists of a blockchain network with trusted internal managers. The metadata of the video is recorded on the distributed ledger of the blockchain, thereby blocking the possibility of forgery of the data. The proposed architecture encrypts and stores the video, creates a license within the blockchain, and exports the video. Since the decryption key for the video is managed by the private DB of the blockchain, it is not leaked by the internal manager unauthorizedly. In addition, the internal administrator can manage and export videos safely by exporting the license generated in the blockchain to the DRM-applied video player.
Verma, Dinesh, Bertino, Elisa, de Mel, Geeth, Melrose, John.  2019.  On the Impact of Generative Policies on Security Metrics. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :104–109.
Policy based Security Management in an accepted practice in the industry, and required to simplify the administrative overhead associated with security management in complex systems. However, the growing dynamicity, complexity and scale of modern systems makes it difficult to write the security policies manually. Using AI, we can generate policies automatically. Security policies generated automatically can reduce the manual burden introduced in defining policies, but their impact on the overall security of a system is unclear. In this paper, we discuss the security metrics that can be associated with a system using generative policies, and provide a simple model to determine the conditions under which generating security policies will be beneficial to improve the security of the system. We also show that for some types of security metrics, a system using generative policies can be considered as equivalent to a system using manually defined policies, and the security metrics of the generative policy based system can be mapped to the security metrics of the manual system and vice-versa.
Mumtaz, Majid, Akram, Junaid, Ping, Luo.  2019.  An RSA Based Authentication System for Smart IoT Environment. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :758–765.
Authentication is the fundamental security service used in almost all remote applications. All such sensitive applications over an open network need authentication mechanism that should be delivered in a trusted way. In this paper, we design an RSA based authentication system for smart IoT environment over the air network using state-of-the-art industry standards. Our system provide security services including X.509 certificate, RSA based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), challenge/response protocols with the help of proxy induced security service provider. We describe an innovative system model, protocol design, system architecture and evaluation against known threats. Also the implemented solution designed as an add on service for multiple other sensitive applications (smart city apps, cyber physical systems etc.) which needs the support of X.509 certificate based on hard tokens to populate other security services including confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, privacy and anonymity of the identities. The proposed scheme is evaluated against known vulnerabilities and given detail comparisons with popular known authentication schemes. The result shows that our proposed scheme mitigate all the known security risks and provide highest level assurance to smart gadgets.
Chen, Yuxiang, Dong, Guishan, Bai, Jian, Hao, Yao, Li, Feng, Peng, Haiyang.  2019.  Trust Enhancement Scheme for Cross Domain Authentication of PKI System. 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :103–110.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) has been popularized in many scenarios such as e-government applications, enterprises, etc. Due to the construction of PKI system of various regions and departments, there formed a lot of isolated PKI management domains, cross-domain authentication has become a problem that cannot ignored, which also has some traditional solutions such as cross-authentication, trust list, etc. However, some issues still exist, which hinder the popularity of unified trust services. For example, lack of unified cross domain standard, the update period of Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is too long, which affects the security of cross-domain authentication. In this paper, we proposed a trust transferring model by using blockchain consensus instead of traditional trusted third party for e-government applications. We exploit how to solve the unified trust service problem of PKI at the national level through consensus and transfer some CA management functions to the blockchain. And we prove the scheme's feasibility from engineering perspective. Besides, the scheme has enough scalability to satisfy trust transfer requirements of multiple PKI systems. Meanwhile, the security and efficiency are also guaranteed compared with traditional solutions.
Asmat, Nida, Qasim, Hafiz Syed Ahmed.  2019.  Conundrum-Pass: A New Graphical Password Approach. 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital systems (C-CODE). :282–287.
Graphical passwords are most widely used as a mechanism for authentication in today's mobile computing environment. This methodology was introduced to enhance security element and overcome the vulnerabilities of textual passwords, pins, or other trivial password methodologies which were difficult to remember and prone to external attacks. There are many graphical password schemes that are proposed over time, however, most of them suffer from shoulder surfing and could be easily guessed which is quite a big problem. The proposed technique in this paper allows the user to keep the ease-to-use property of the pattern lock while minimizing the risk of shoulder surfing and password guessing. The proposed technique allows the user to divide a picture into multiple chunks and while unlocking, selecting the previously defined chunks results successfully in unlocking the device. This technique can effectively resist the shoulder surfing and smudge attacks, also it is resilient to password guessing or dictionary attacks. The proposed methodology can significantly improve the security of the graphical password system with no cost increase in terms of unlocking time.
Shen, Sung-Shiou, Chang, Che-Tzu, Lin, Shen-Ho, Chien, Wei.  2019.  The Enhanced Graphic Pattern Authentication Scheme Via Handwriting identification. 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE). :150–153.
Today, Smartphone is a necessary device for people connected to the Internet world. But user privacy and security are still playing important roles in the usage of mobile devices. The user was asked to enter related characters, numbers or drawing a simple graphic on the touch screen as passwords for unlocking the screensaver. Although it could provide the user with a simple and convenient security authentication mechanism, the process is hard to protect against the privacy information leakage under the strict security policy. Nowadays, various keypad lock screen Apps usually provides different type of schemes in unlocking the mobile device screen, such as simple-customized pattern, swipe-to-unlock with a static image and so on. But the vulnerability could provide a chance to hijacker to find out the leakage of graphic pattern information that influences in user information privacy and security.This paper proposes a new graphic pattern authentication mechanism to enhance the strength of that in the keypad lock screen Apps. It integrates random digital graphics and handwriting graphic input track recognition technologies to provide better and more diverse privacy protection and reduce the risk of vulnerability. The proposed mechanism is based on two factor identification scheme. First of all, it randomly changes digital graphic position based on unique passwords every time to increase the difficulty of the stealer's recording. Second, the input track of handwriting graphics is another identification factor for enhancing the complex strength of user authentication as well.
Ahmed, Syed Umaid, Sabir, Arbaz, Ashraf, Talha, Ashraf, Usama, Sabir, Shahbaz, Qureshi, Usama.  2019.  Security Lock with Effective Verification Traits. 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE). :164–169.
To manage and handle the issues of physical security in the modern world, there is a dire need for a multilevel security system to ensure the safety of precious belongings that could be money, military equipment or medical life-saving drugs. Security locker solution is proposed which is a multiple layer security system consisting of various levels of authentication. In most cases, only relevant persons should have access to their precious belongings. The unlocking of the box is only possible when all of the security levels are successfully cleared. The five levels of security include entering of password on interactive GUI, thumbprint, facial recognition, speech pattern recognition, and vein pattern recognition. This project is unique and effective in a sense that it incorporates five levels of security in a single prototype with the use of cost-effective equipment. Assessing our security system, it is seen that security is increased many a fold as it is near to impossible to breach all these five levels of security. The Raspberry Pi microcomputers, handling all the traits efficiently and smartly makes it easy for performing all the verification tasks. The traits used involves checking, training and verifying processes with application of machine learning operations.
Khan, JavedAkhtar.  2019.  —Multiple Cluster-Android lock Patterns (MALPs) for Smart Phone Authentication‖. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :619–623.
This paper proposes the implementation of progressive authentication service in smart android mobile phone. In this digital era, massive amount of work can be done in the digital form using the smart devices like smart phone , laptop, Tablets, etc. The number of smartphone users approx. reach to 299.24 million, as per the recent survey report [1] in 2019 this count will reach 2.7 billion and after 3 years, this count will increase up to 442.5 million. This article includes a cluster based progressive smart lock with a dependent combination that is short and more secure in nature. Android provides smart lock facilities with the combination of 9 dot, 6dot, 5dot, 4dot and 1-9 number. By using this mobile phone user will be able to generate pattern lock or number password for authentication. This is a single authentication system, this research paper includes a more secured multiple cluster based pattern match system.
Lipp, Benjamin, Blanchet, Bruno, Bhargavan, Karthikeyan.  2019.  A Mechanised Cryptographic Proof of the WireGuard Virtual Private Network Protocol. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :231—246.

WireGuard is a free and open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) that aims to replace IPsec and OpenVPN. It is based on a new cryptographic protocol derived from the Noise Protocol Framework. This paper presents the first mechanised cryptographic proof of the protocol underlying WireGuard, using the CryptoVerif proof assistant. We analyse the entire WireGuard protocol as it is, including transport data messages, in an ACCE-style model. We contribute proofs for correctness, message secrecy, forward secrecy, mutual authentication, session uniqueness, and resistance against key compromise impersonation, identity mis-binding, and replay attacks. We also discuss the strength of the identity hiding provided by WireGuard. Our work also provides novel theoretical contributions that are reusable beyond WireGuard. First, we extend CryptoVerif to account for the absence of public key validation in popular Diffie-Hellman groups like Curve25519, which is used in many modern protocols including WireGuard. To our knowledge, this is the first mechanised cryptographic proof for any protocol employing such a precise model. Second, we prove several indifferentiability lemmas that are useful to simplify the proofs for sequences of key derivations.