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Wang, Chen, Liu, Jian, Guo, Xiaonan, Wang, Yan, Chen, Yingying.  2019.  WristSpy: Snooping Passcodes in Mobile Payment Using Wrist-worn Wearables. IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2071–2079.
Mobile payment has drawn considerable attention due to its convenience of paying via personal mobile devices at anytime and anywhere, and passcodes (i.e., PINs or patterns) are the first choice of most consumers to authorize the payment. This paper demonstrates a serious security breach and aims to raise the awareness of the public that the passcodes for authorizing transactions in mobile payments can be leaked by exploiting the embedded sensors in wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches). We present a passcode inference system, WristSpy, which examines to what extent the user's PIN/pattern during the mobile payment could be revealed from a single wrist-worn wearable device under different passcode input scenarios involving either two hands or a single hand. In particular, WristSpy has the capability to accurately reconstruct fine-grained hand movement trajectories and infer PINs/patterns when mobile and wearable devices are on two hands through building a Euclidean distance-based model and developing a training-free parallel PIN/pattern inference algorithm. When both devices are on the same single hand, a highly challenging case, WristSpy extracts multi-dimensional features by capturing the dynamics of minute hand vibrations and performs machine-learning based classification to identify PIN entries. Extensive experiments with 15 volunteers and 1600 passcode inputs demonstrate that an adversary is able to recover a user's PIN/pattern with up to 92% success rate within 5 tries under various input scenarios.
Lin, Yun, Chang, Jie.  2019.  Improving Wireless Network Security Based On Radio Fingerprinting. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :375–379.
With the rapid development of the popularity of wireless networks, there are also increasing security threats that follow, and wireless network security issues are becoming increasingly important. Radio frequency fingerprints generated by device tolerance in wireless device transmitters have physical characteristics that are difficult to clone, and can be used for identity authentication of wireless devices. In this paper, we propose a radio frequency fingerprint extraction method based on fractional Fourier transform for transient signals. After getting the features of the signal, we use RPCA to reduce the dimension of the features, and then use KNN to classify them. The results show that when the SNR is 20dB, the recognition rate of this method is close to 100%.
Taher, Kazi Abu, Nahar, Tahmin, Hossain, Syed Akhter.  2019.  Enhanced Cryptocurrency Security by Time-Based Token Multi-Factor Authentication Algorithm. 2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST). :308–312.
A noble multi-factor authentication (MFA) algorithm is developed for the security enhancement of the Cryptocurrency (CR). The main goal of MFA is to set up extra layer of safeguard while seeking access to a targets such as physical location, computing device, network or database. MFA security scheme requires more than one method for the validation from commutative family of credentials to verify the user for a transaction. MFA can reduce the risk of using single level password authentication by introducing additional factors of authentication. MFA can prevent hackers from gaining access to a particular account even if the password is compromised. The superfluous layer of security introduced by MFA offers additional security to a user. MFA is implemented by using time-based onetime password (TOTP) technique. For logging to any entity with MFA enabled, the user first needs username and password, as a second factor, the user then needs the MFA token to virtually generate a TOTP. It is found that MFA can provide a better means of secured transaction of CR.
Lee, JoonYoung, Kim, MyeongHyun, Yu, SungJin, Park, KiSung, Park, YoungHo.  2019.  A Secure Multi-Factor Remote User Authentication Scheme for Cloud-IoT Applications. 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). :1–2.
With the development of internet of things (IoT) and communication technology, the sensors and embedded devices collect a large amount of data and handle it. However, IoT environment cannot efficiently treat the big data and is vulnerable to various attacks because IoT is comprised of resource limited devices and provides a service through a open channel. In 2018, Sharma and Kalra proposed a lightweight multi-factor authentication protocol for cloud-IoT environment to overcome this problems. We demonstrate that Sharma and Kalra's scheme is vulnerable to identity and password guessing, replay and session key disclosure attacks. We also propose a secure multifactor authentication protocol to resolve the security problems of Sharma and Kalra's scheme, and then we analyze the security using informal analysis and compare the performance with Sharma and Kalra's scheme. The proposed scheme can be applied to real cloud-IoT environment securely.
Prout, Andrew, Arcand, William, Bestor, David, Bergeron, Bill, Byun, Chansup, Gadepally, Vijay, Houle, Michael, Hubbell, Matthew, Jones, Michael, Klein, Anna et al..  2019.  Securing HPC using Federated Authentication. 2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.
Federated authentication can drastically reduce the overhead of basic account maintenance while simultaneously improving overall system security. Integrating with the user's more frequently used account at their primary organization both provides a better experience to the end user and makes account compromise or changes in affiliation more likely to be noticed and acted upon. Additionally, with many organizations transitioning to multi-factor authentication for all account access, the ability to leverage external federated identity management systems provides the benefit of their efforts without the additional overhead of separately implementing a distinct multi-factor authentication process. This paper describes our experiences and the lessons we learned by enabling federated authentication with the U.S. Government PKI and In Common Federation, scaling it up to the user base of a production HPC system, and the motivations behind those choices. We have received only positive feedback from our users.
Iftikhar, Jawad, Hussain, Sajid, Mansoor, Khwaja, Ali, Zeeshan, Chaudhry, Shehzad Ashraf.  2019.  Symmetric-Key Multi-Factor Biometric Authentication Scheme. 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital systems (C-CODE). :288–292.
Authentication is achieved by using different techniques, like using smart-card, identity password and biometric techniques. Some of the proposed schemes use a single factor for authentication while others combine multiple ways to provide multi-factor authentication for better security. lately, a new scheme for multi-factor authentication was presented by Cao and Ge and claimed that their scheme is highly secure and can withstand against all known attacks. In this paper, it is revealed that their scheme is still vulnerable and have some loopholes in term of reflection attack. Therefore, an improved scheme is proposed to overcome the security weaknesses of Cao and Ge's scheme. The proposed scheme resists security attacks and secure. Formal testing is carried out under a broadly-accepted simulated tool ProVerif which demonstrates that the proposed scheme is well secure.
Dostálek, Libor.  2019.  Multi-Factor Authentication Modeling. 2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). :443–446.
The work defines a multi-factor authentication model in case the application supports multiple authentication factors. The aim of this modeling is to find acceptable authentication methods sufficient to access specifically qualified information. The core of the proposed model is risk-based authentication. Results of simulations of some key scenarios often used in practice are also presented.
Sun, Shuang, Chen, Shudong, Du, Rong, Li, Weiwei, Qi, Donglin.  2019.  Blockchain Based Fine-Grained and Scalable Access Control for IoT Security and Privacy. 2019 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :598–603.
In this paper, we focuses on an access control issue in the Internet of Things (IoT). Generally, we firstly propose a decentralized IoT system based on blockchain. Then we establish a secure fine-grained access control strategies for users, devices, data, and implement the strategies with smart contract. To trigger the smart contract, we design different transactions. Finally, we use the multi-index table struct for the access right's establishment, and store the access right into Key-Value database to improve the scalability of the decentralized IoT system. In addition, to improve the security of the system we also store the access records on the blockchain and database.
Patel, Yogesh, Ouazzane, Karim, Vassilev, Vassil T., Faruqi, Ibrahim, Walker, George L..  2019.  Keystroke Dynamics Using Auto Encoders. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1–8.

In the modern day and age, credential based authentication systems no longer provide the level of security that many organisations and their services require. The level of trust in passwords has plummeted in recent years, with waves of cyber attacks predicated on compromised and stolen credentials. This method of authentication is also heavily reliant on the individual user's choice of password. There is the potential to build levels of security on top of credential based authentication systems, using a risk based approach, which preserves the seamless authentication experience for the end user. One method of adding this security to a risk based authentication framework, is keystroke dynamics. Monitoring the behaviour of the users and how they type, produces a type of digital signature which is unique to that individual. Learning this behaviour allows dynamic flags to be applied to anomalous typing patterns that are produced by attackers using stolen credentials, as a potential risk of fraud. Methods from statistics and machine learning have been explored to try and implement such solutions. This paper will look at an Autoencoder model for learning the keystroke dynamics of specific users. The results from this paper show an improvement over the traditional tried and tested statistical approaches with an Equal Error Rate of 6.51%, with the additional benefits of relatively low training times and less reliance on feature engineering.

Ayotte, Blaine, Banavar, Mahesh K., Hou, Daqing, Schuckers, Stephanie.  2019.  Fast and Accurate Continuous User Authentication by Fusion of Instance-Based, Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics. 2019 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). :1–6.

Keystroke dynamics study the way in which users input text via their keyboards, which is unique to each individual, and can form a component of a behavioral biometric system to improve existing account security. Keystroke dynamics systems on free-text data use n-graphs that measure the timing between consecutive keystrokes to distinguish between users. Many algorithms require 500, 1,000, or more keystrokes to achieve EERs of below 10%. In this paper, we propose an instance-based graph comparison algorithm to reduce the number of keystrokes required to authenticate users. Commonly used features such as monographs and digraphs are investigated. Feature importance is determined and used to construct a fused classifier. Detection error tradeoff (DET) curves are produced with different numbers of keystrokes. The fused classifier outperforms the state-of-the-art with EERs of 7.9%, 5.7%, 3.4%, and 2.7% for test samples of 50, 100, 200, and 500 keystrokes.

Soltani, Reza, Nguyen, Uyen Trang, An, Aijun.  2019.  Practical Key Recovery Model for Self-Sovereign Identity Based Digital Wallets. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :320–325.
Recent years have seen an increased interest in digital wallets for a multitude of use cases including online banking, cryptocurrency, and digital identity management. Digital wallets play a pivotal role in the secure management of cryptographic keys and credentials, and for providing certain identity management services. In this paper, we examine a proof-of-concept digital wallet in the context of Self-Sovereign Identity and provide a practical decentralized key recovery solution using Shamir's secret sharing scheme and Hyperledger Indy distributed ledger technology.
Shehu, Abubakar-Sadiq, Pinto, António, Correia, Manuel E..  2019.  Privacy Preservation and Mandate Representation in Identity Management Systems. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–6.
The growth in Internet usage has increased the use of electronic services requiring users to register their identity on each service they subscribe to. This has resulted in the prevalence of redundant users data on different services. To protect and regulate access by users to these services identity management systems (IdMs)are put in place. IdMs uses frameworks and standards e.g SAML, OAuth and Shibboleth to manage digital identities of users for identification and authentication process for a service provider. However, current IdMs have not been able to address privacy issues (unauthorised and fine-grained access)that relate to protecting users identity and private data on web services. Many implementations of these frameworks are only concerned with the identification and authentication process of users but not authorisation. They mostly give full control of users digital identities and data to identity and service providers with less or no users participation. This results in a less privacy enhanced solutions that manage users available data in the electronic space. This article proposes a user-centred mandate representation system that empowers resource owners to take full of their digital data; determine and delegate access rights using their mobile phone. Thereby giving users autonomous powers on their resources to grant access to authenticated entities at their will. Our solution is based on the OpenID Connect framework for authorisation service. To evaluate the proposal, we've compared it with some related works and the privacy requirements yardstick outlined in GDPR regulation [1] and [2]. Compared to other systems that use OAuth 2.0 or SAML our solution uses an additional layer of security, where data owner assumes full control over the disclosure of their identity data through an assertion issued from their mobile phones to authorisation server (AS), which in turn issues an access token. This would enable data owners to assert the authenticity of a request, while service providers and requestors also benefit from the correctness and freshness of identity data disclosed to them.
Pal, Shantanu.  2019.  Limitations and Approaches in Access Control and Identity Management for Constrained IoT Resources. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :431–432.
The Internet of Things (IoT), smart sensors and mobile wearable devices are helping to provide services that are more ubiquitous, smarter, faster and easily accessible to users. However, security is a significant concern for the IoT, with access control and identity management are being two major issues. With the growing size and presence of these systems and the resource constrained nature of the IoT devices, an important question is how to manage policies in a manner that is both scalable and flexible. In this research, we aim at proposing a fine-grained and flexible access control architecture, and to examine an identity model for constrained IoT resources. To achieve this, first, we outline some key limitations in the state of the art access control and identity management for IoT. Then we devise our approach to address those limitations in a systematic way.
Haddouti, Samia El, Ech-Cherif El Kettani, M. Dafir.  2019.  Analysis of Identity Management Systems Using Blockchain Technology. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet). :1–7.
The emergence of Blockchain technology as the biggest innovations of the 21stcentury, has given rise to new concepts of Identity Management to deal with the privacy and security challenges on the one hand, and to enhance the decentralization and user control in transactions on Blockchain infrastructures on the other hand. This paper investigates and gives analysis of the most popular Identity Management Systems using Blockchain: uPort, Sovrin, and ShoCard. It then evaluates them under a set of features of digital identity that characterizes the successful of an Identity Management solution. The result of the comparative analysis is presented in a concise way to allow readers to find out easily which systems satisfy what requirements in order to select the appropriate one to fit into a specific scenario.
Dabbaghi Varnosfaderani, Shirin, Kasprzak, Piotr, Pohl, Christof, Yahyapour, Ramin.  2019.  A Flexible and Compatible Model for Supporting Assurance Level through a Central Proxy. 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :46–52.

Generally, methods of authentication and identification utilized in asserting users' credentials directly affect security of offered services. In a federated environment, service owners must trust external credentials and make access control decisions based on Assurance Information received from remote Identity Providers (IdPs). Communities (e.g. NIST, IETF and etc.) have tried to provide a coherent and justifiable architecture in order to evaluate Assurance Information and define Assurance Levels (AL). Expensive deployment, limited service owners' authority to define their own requirements and lack of compatibility between heterogeneous existing standards can be considered as some of the unsolved concerns that hinder developers to openly accept published works. By assessing the advantages and disadvantages of well-known models, a comprehensive, flexible and compatible solution is proposed to value and deploy assurance levels through a central entity called Proxy.

Novikova, Evgenia, Bekeneva, Yana, Shorov, Andrey.  2019.  The Location-Centric Approach to Employee's Interaction Pattern Detection. 2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP). :373–378.
The task of the insider threat detection is one of the most sophisticated problems of the information security. The analysis of the logs of the access control system may reveal on how employees move and interact providing thus better understanding on how personnel observe security policies and established business processes. The paper presents an approach to the detection of the location-centric employees' interaction patterns. The authors propose the formal definition of the interaction patterns and present the visualization-driven technique to the extraction of the patterns from the data when any prior information about existing interaction routine and procedures is not available. The proposed approach is demonstrated on the data set provided within VAST MiniChallenge-2 2016 contest.
Huang, Jiaju, Klee, Bryan, Schuckers, Daniel, Hou, Daqing, Schuckers, Stephanie.  2019.  Removing Personally Identifiable Information from Shared Dataset for Keystroke Authentication Research. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Identity, Security, and Behavior Analysis (ISBA). :1–7.

Research on keystroke dynamics has the good potential to offer continuous authentication that complements conventional authentication methods in combating insider threats and identity theft before more harm can be done to the genuine users. Unfortunately, the large amount of data required by free-text keystroke authentication often contain personally identifiable information, or PII, and personally sensitive information, such as a user's first name and last name, username and password for an account, bank card numbers, and social security numbers. As a result, there are privacy risks associated with keystroke data that must be mitigated before they are shared with other researchers. We conduct a systematic study to remove PII's from a recent large keystroke dataset. We find substantial amounts of PII's from the dataset, including names, usernames and passwords, social security numbers, and bank card numbers, which, if leaked, may lead to various harms to the user, including personal embarrassment, blackmails, financial loss, and identity theft. We thoroughly evaluate the effectiveness of our detection program for each kind of PII. We demonstrate that our PII detection program can achieve near perfect recall at the expense of losing some useful information (lower precision). Finally, we demonstrate that the removal of PII's from the original dataset has only negligible impact on the detection error tradeoff of the free-text authentication algorithm by Gunetti and Picardi. We hope that this experience report will be useful in informing the design of privacy removal in future keystroke dynamics based user authentication systems.

Jasim, Anwar Chitheer, Hassoon, Imad Ali, Tapus, Nicolae.  2019.  Cloud: privacy For Locations Based-services' through Access Control with dynamic multi-level policy. 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). :1911–1916.

LBSs are Location-Based Services that provide certain service based on the current or past user's location. During the past decade, LBSs have become more popular as a result of the widespread use of mobile devices with position functions. Location information is a secondary information that can provide personal insight about one's life. This issue associated with sharing of data in cloud-based locations. For example, a hospital is a public space and the actual location of the hospital does not carry any sensitive information. However, it may become sensitive if the specialty of the hospital is analyzed. In this paper we proposed design presents a combination of methods for providing data privacy protection for location-based services (LBSs) with the use of cloud service. The work built in zero trust and we start to manage the access to the system through different levels. The proposal is based on a model that stores user location data in supplementary servers and not in non-trustable third-party applications. The approach of the present research is to analyze the privacy protection possibilities through data partitioning. The data collected from the different recourses are distributed into different servers according to the partitioning model based on multi-level policy. Access is granted to third party applications only to designated servers and the privacy of the user profile is also ensured in each server, as they are not trustable.

Ingols, Kyle, Chu, Matthew, Lippmann, Richard, Webster, Seth, Boyer, Stephen.  2009.  Modeling Modern Network Attacks and Countermeasures Using Attack Graphs. 2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :117–126.
By accurately measuring risk for enterprise networks, attack graphs allow network defenders to understand the most critical threats and select the most effective countermeasures. This paper describes substantial enhancements to the NetSPA attack graph system required to model additional present-day threats (zero-day exploits and client-side attacks) and countermeasures (intrusion prevention systems, proxy firewalls, personal firewalls, and host-based vulnerability scans). Point-to-point reachability algorithms and structures were extensively redesigned to support "reverse" reachability computations and personal firewalls. Host-based vulnerability scans are imported and analyzed. Analysis of an operational network with 84 hosts demonstrates that client-side attacks pose a serious threat. Experiments on larger simulated networks demonstrated that NetSPA's previous excellent scaling is maintained. Less than two minutes are required to completely analyze a four-enclave simulated network with more than 40,000 hosts protected by personal firewalls.
De Capitani di Vimercati, Sabrina, Foresti, Sara, Livraga, Giovanni, Samarati, Pierangela.  2019.  Empowering Owners with Control in Digital Data Markets. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :321–328.

We propose an approach for allowing data owners to trade their data in digital data market scenarios, while keeping control over them. Our solution is based on a combination of selective encryption and smart contracts deployed on a blockchain, and ensures that only authorized users who paid an agreed amount can access a data item. We propose a safe interaction protocol for regulating the interplay between a data owner and subjects wishing to purchase (a subset of) her data, and an audit process for counteracting possible misbehaviors by any of the interacting parties. Our solution aims to make a step towards the realization of data market platforms where owners can benefit from trading their data while maintaining control.

Zhu, Yan, Zhang, Yi, Wang, Jing, Song, Weijing, Chu, Cheng-Chung, Liu, Guowei.  2019.  From Data-Driven to Intelligent-Driven: Technology Evolution of Network Security in Big Data Era. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:103–109.

With the advent of the big data era, information systems have exhibited some new features, including boundary obfuscation, system virtualization, unstructured and diversification of data types, and low coupling among function and data. These features not only lead to a big difference between big data technology (DT) and information technology (IT), but also promote the upgrading and evolution of network security technology. In response to these changes, in this paper we compare the characteristics between IT era and DT era, and then propose four DT security principles: privacy, integrity, traceability, and controllability, as well as active and dynamic defense strategy based on "propagation prediction, audit prediction, dynamic management and control". We further discuss the security challenges faced by DT and the corresponding assurance strategies. On this basis, the big data security technologies can be divided into four levels: elimination, continuation, improvement, and innovation. These technologies are analyzed, combed and explained according to six categories: access control, identification and authentication, data encryption, data privacy, intrusion prevention, security audit and disaster recovery. The results will support the evolution of security technologies in the DT era, the construction of big data platforms, the designation of security assurance strategies, and security technology choices suitable for big data.

Rao, Deepthi, Kumar, D.V.N. Siva, Thilagam, P. Santhi.  2018.  An Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encryption Scheme without Query Transformation over Outsourced Encrypted Data. 2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1-4.

Searchable Encryption (SE) schemes provide security and privacy to the cloud data. The existing SE approaches enable multiple users to perform search operation by using various schemes like Broadcast Encryption (BE), Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), etc. However, these schemes do not allow multiple users to perform the search operation over the encrypted data of multiple owners. Some SE schemes involve a Proxy Server (PS) that allow multiple users to perform the search operation. However, these approaches incur huge computational burden on PS due to the repeated encryption of the user queries for transformation purpose so as to ensure that users' query is searchable over the encrypted data of multiple owners. Hence, to eliminate this computational burden on PS, this paper proposes a secure proxy server approach that performs the search operation without transforming the user queries. This approach also returns the top-k relevant documents to the user queries by using Euclidean distance similarity approach. Based on the experimental study, this approach is efficient with respect to search time and accuracy.

Chen, Wei-Hao, Fan, Chun-I, Tseng, Yi-Fan.  2018.  Efficient Key-Aggregate Proxy Re-Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Clouds. 2018 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC). :1-4.

Cloud computing undoubtedly is the most unparalleled technique in rapidly developing industries. Protecting sensitive files stored in the clouds from being accessed by malicious attackers is essential to the success of the clouds. In proxy re-encryption schemes, users delegate their encrypted files to other users by using re-encryption keys, which elegantly transfers the users' burden to the cloud servers. Moreover, one can adopt conditional proxy re-encryption schemes to employ their access control policy on the files to be shared. However, we recognize that the size of re-encryption keys will grow linearly with the number of the condition values, which may be impractical in low computational devices. In this paper, we combine a key-aggregate approach and a proxy re-encryption scheme into a key-aggregate proxy re-encryption scheme. It is worth mentioning that the proposed scheme is the first key-aggregate proxy re-encryption scheme. As a side note, the size of re-encryption keys is constant.

Heydari, Mohammad, Mylonas, Alexios, Katos, Vasilios, Balaguer-Ballester, Emili, Tafreshi, Vahid Heydari Fami, Benkhelifa, Elhadj.  2019.  Uncertainty-Aware Authentication Model for Fog Computing in IoT. 2019 Fourth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC). :52–59.

Since the term “Fog Computing” has been coined by Cisco Systems in 2012, security and privacy issues of this promising paradigm are still open challenges. Among various security challenges, Access Control is a crucial concern for all cloud computing-like systems (e.g. Fog computing, Mobile edge computing) in the IoT era. Therefore, assigning the precise level of access in such an inherently scalable, heterogeneous and dynamic environment is not easy to perform. This work defines the uncertainty challenge for authentication phase of the access control in fog computing because on one hand fog has a number of characteristics that amplify uncertainty in authentication and on the other hand applying traditional access control models does not result in a flexible and resilient solution. Therefore, we have proposed a novel prediction model based on the extension of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) model. Our data-driven model is able to handle uncertainty in authentication. It is also able to consider the mobility of mobile edge devices in order to handle authentication. In doing so, we have built our model using and comparing four supervised classification algorithms namely as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine. Our model can achieve authentication performance with 88.14% accuracy using Logistic Regression.

Tseng, Yuchia, Nait-Abdesselam, Farid, Khokhar, Ashfaq.  2018.  SENAD: Securing Network Application Deployment in Software Defined Networks. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
The Software Defined Networks (SDN) paradigm, often referred to as a radical new idea in networking, promises to dramatically simplify network management by enabling innovation through network programmability. However, notable security issues, such as app-to-control threats, remain a significant concern that impedes SDN from being widely adopted. To cope with those app-to-control threats, this paper proposes a solution to securely deploy valid network applications while protecting the SDN controller against the injection of the malicious application. This problem is mitigated by proposing a novel SDN architecture, dubbed SENAD, which splits the well-known SDN controller into: (1) a data plane controller (DPC), and (2) an application plane controller (APC), to secure this latter by design. The role of the DPC is dedicated for interpreting the network rules into OpenFlow entries and maintaining the communication with the data plane. The role of the APC, however, is to provide a secured runtime for deploying the network applications, including authentication, access control, resource isolation, control, and monitoring applications. We show that this approach can easily shield against any deny of service, caused for instance by the resource exhaustion attack or the malicious command injection, that is caused by the co-existence of a malicious application on the controller's runtime. The evaluation of our architecture shows that the packet\_in messages take less than 5 ms to be delivered from the data plane to the application plane on the long range.