The threats of smartphone security are mostly from the privacy disclosure and malicious chargeback software which deducting expenses abnormally. They exploit the vulnerabilities of previous permission mechanism to attack to mobile phones, and what's more, it might call hardware to spy privacy invisibly in the background. As the existing Android operating system doesn't support users the monitoring and auditing of system resources, a dynamic supervisory mechanism of process behavior based on Dalvik VM is proposed to solve this problem. The existing android system framework layer and application layer are modified and extended, and special underlying services of system are used to realize a dynamic supervisory on the process behavior of Dalvik VM. Via this mechanism, each process on the system resources and the behavior of each app process can be monitored and analyzed in real-time. It reduces the security threats in system level and positions that which process is using the system resource. It achieves the detection and interception before the occurrence or the moment of behavior so that it protects the private information, important data and sensitive behavior of system security. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the accuracy, effectiveness, and robustness of our approach.
The concept of smart cities envisions services that provide distraction-free support for citizens. To realize this vision, the services must adapt to the citizens' situations, behaviors and intents at runtime. This requires services to gather and process the context of their users. Mobile devices provide a promising basis for determining context in an automated manner on a large scale. However, despite the wide availability of versatile programmable mobile platforms such as Android and iOS, there are only few examples of smart city applications. One reason for this is that existing software platforms primarily focus on low-level resource management which requires application developers to repeatedly tackle many challenging tasks. Examples include efficient data acquisition, secure and privacy-preserving data distribution as well as interoperable data integration. In this paper, we describe the GAMBAS middleware which tries to simplify the development of smart city applications. To do this, GAMBAS introduces a Java-based runtime system with an associated software development kit (SDK). To clarify how the runtime system and the SDK can be used for application development, we describe two simple applications that highlight different middleware functions.
This paper presents the design and implementation of an information flow tracking framework based on code rewrite to prevent sensitive information leaks in browsers, combining the ideas of taint and information flow analysis. Our system has two main processes. First, it abstracts the semantic of JavaScript code and converts it to a general form of intermediate representation on the basis of JavaScript abstract syntax tree. Second, the abstract intermediate representation is implemented as a special taint engine to analyze tainted information flow. Our approach can ensure fine-grained isolation for both confidentiality and integrity of information. We have implemented a proof-of-concept prototype, named JSTFlow, and have deployed it as a browser proxy to rewrite web applications at runtime. The experiment results show that JSTFlow can guarantee the security of sensitive data and detect XSS attacks with about 3x performance overhead. Because it does not involve any modifications to the target system, our system is readily deployable in practice.
CSRFGuard is a tool running on the Java EE platform to defend Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, but there are some shortcomings: scripts should be inserted manually, dynamically created requests cannot be effectively handled as well as defense can be bypassed through Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Corresponding improvements were made according to the shortcomings. The Servlet filter was used to intercept responses, and responses of pages' source codes were stored by a custom response wrapper class to add script tags, so that scripts were automatically inserted. JavaScript event delegation mechanism was used to bind forms with onfocus and onsubmit events, then dynamically created requests were effectively handled. Token dynamically added through event triggered effectively prevented defense bypassed through XSS. The experimental results show that improved CSRFGuard can be effective to defend CSRF attacks.
Source code authorship attribution is the task of determining the author of source code whose author is not explicitly known. One specific method of source code authorship attribution that has been shown to be extremely effective is the SCAP method. This method, however, relies on a parameter L that has heretofore been quite nebulous. In the SCAP method, each candidate author's known work is represented as a profile of that author, where the parameter L defines the profile's maximum length. In this study, alternative approaches for selecting a value for L were investigated. Several alternative approaches were found to perform better than the baseline approach used in the SCAP method. The approach that performed the best was empirically shown to improve the performance from 91.0% to 97.2% measured as a percentage of documents correctly attributed using a data set consisting of 7,231 programs written in Java and C++.
The innovations in communication and computing technologies are changing the way we carry-out the tasks in our daily lives. These revolutionary and disrupting technologies are available to the users in various hardware form-factors like Smart Phones, Embedded Appliances, Configurable or Customizable add-on devices, etc. One such technology is Bluetooth [1], which enables the users to communicate and exchange various kinds of information like messages, audio, streaming music and file transfer in a Personal Area Network (PAN). Though it enables the user to carry-out these kinds of tasks without much effort and infrastructure requirements, they inherently bring with them the security and privacy concerns, which need to be addressed at different levels. In this paper, we present an application-layer framework, which provides strong mutual authentication of applications, data confidentiality and data integrity independent of underlying operating system. It can make use of the services of different Cryptographic Service Providers (CSP) on different operating systems and in different programming languages. This framework has been successfully implemented and tested on Android Operating System on one end (using Java language) and MS-Windows 7 Operating System on the other end (using ANSI C language), to prove the framework's reliability/compatibility across OS, Programming Language and CSP. This framework also satisfies the three essential requirements of Security, i.e. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, as per the NIST Guide to Bluetooth Security specification and enables the developers to suitably adapt it for different kinds of applications based on Bluetooth Technology.
Most web applications have critical bugs (faults) affecting their security, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by hackers and organized crime. To prevent these security problems from occurring it is of utmost importance to understand the typical software faults. This paper contributes to this body of knowledge by presenting a field study on two of the most widely spread and critical web application vulnerabilities: SQL Injection and XSS. It analyzes the source code of security patches of widely used web applications written in weak and strong typed languages. Results show that only a small subset of software fault types, affecting a restricted collection of statements, is related to security. To understand how these vulnerabilities are really exploited by hackers, this paper also presents an analysis of the source code of the scripts used to attack them. The outcomes of this study can be used to train software developers and code inspectors in the detection of such faults and are also the foundation for the research of realistic vulnerability and attack injectors that can be used to assess security mechanisms, such as intrusion detection systems, vulnerability scanners, and static code analyzers.