Sharan, Bhagwati, Chhabra, Megha, Sagar, Anil Kumar.
State-of-the-art: Data Dissemination Techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :126—131.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is a very fast emerging research area these days due to their contribution in designing Intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS is a well-organized group of wireless networks. It is a derived class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). VANET is an instant-formed ad-hoc network, due to the mobility of vehicles on the road. The goal of using ITS is to enhance road safety, driving comfort, and traffic effectiveness by alerting the drivers at right time about upcoming dangerous situations, traffic jams, road diverted, weather conditions, real-time news, and entertainment. We can consider Vehicular communication as an enabler for future driverless cars. For these all above applications, it is necessary to make a threat-free environment to establish secure, fast, and efficient communication in VANETs. In this paper, we had discussed the overviews, characteristics, securities, applications, and various data dissemination techniques in VANET.
Usman Rana, M., Elahi, O., Mushtaq, M., Ali Shah, M..
Identity based cryptography for ad hoc networks. Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (CADE 2022). 2022:93—98.
With the rapid growth of wireless communication, sensor technology, and mobile computing, the ad hoc network has gained increasing attention from governments, corporations, and scientific research organisations. Ad hoc and sensor network security has become crucial. Malicious node identification, network resilience and survival, and trust models are among the security challenges discussed. The security of ad hoc networks is a key problem. In this paper, we'll look at a few security procedures and approaches that can be useful in keeping this network secure. We've compiled a list of all the ad networks' descriptions with explanations. Before presenting our conclusions from the examination of the literature, we went through various papers on the issue. The taxonomy diagram for the Ad-hoc Decentralized Network is the next item on the agenda. Security is one of the most significant challenges with an ad hoc network. In most cases, cyber-attackers will be able to connect to a wireless ad hoc network and, as a result, to the device if they reach within signal range. So, we moved on to a discussion of VANET, UAVs security issues discovered in the field. The outcomes of various ad hoc network methods were then summarised in the form tables. Furthermore, the Diffie Hellman Key Exchange is used to investigate strategies for improving ad-hoc network security and privacy in the next section, and a comparison of RSA with Diffie Hellman is also illustrated. This paper can be used as a guide and reference to provide readers with a broad knowledge of wireless ad hoc networks and how to deal with their security issues.
M, Gayathri, Gomathy, C..
Fuzzy based Trusted Communication in Vehicular Ad hoc Network. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology that is used to provide communication between vehicle users. VANET provides communication between one vehicle node to another vehicle node, vehicle to the roadside unit, vehicle to pedestrian, and even vehicle to rail users. Communication between nodes should be very secure and confidential, Since VANET communicates through wireless mode, a malicious node may enter inside the communication zone to hack, inject false messages, and interrupt the communication. A strong protocol is necessary to detect malicious nodes and authenticate the VANET user to protect them from malicious attacks. In this paper, a fuzzy-based trust authentication scheme is used to detect malicious nodes with the Mamdani fuzzy Inference system. The parameter estimation, rules have been framed using MATLAB Mamdani Fuzzy Inference system to select a genuine node for data transmission.
Han, Wendie, Zhang, Rui, Zhang, Lei, Wang, Lulu.
A Secure and Receiver-Unrestricted Group Key Management Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :986—991.
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have attracted lots of concerns with its widespread use. In MANETs, wireless nodes usually self-organize into groups to complete collaborative tasks and communicate with one another via public channels which are vulnerable to attacks. Group key management is generally employed to guarantee secure group communication in MANETs. However, most existing group key management schemes for MANETs still suffer from some issues, e.g., receiver restriction, relying on a trusted dealer and heavy certificates overheads. To address these issues, we propose a group key management scheme for MANETs based on an identity-based authenticated dynamic contributory broadcast encryption (IBADConBE) protocol which builds on an earlier work. Our scheme abandons the certificate management and does not need a trusted dealer to distribute a secret key to each node. A set of wireless nodes are allowed to negotiate the secret keys in one round while forming a group. Besides, our scheme is receiver-unrestricted which means any sender can flexibly opt for any favorable nodes of a group as the receivers. Further, our scheme satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, known-security, forward security and backward security concurrently. Performance evaluation shows our scheme is efficient.
Tariq, Usman.
Security-Aware Malicious Event Detection using Multivariate Deep Regression Setup for Vehicular Ad hoc Network Aimed at Autonomous Transportation System. 2022 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). :354—358.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are capable of offering inter and intra-vehicle wireless communication among mobility aware computing systems. Nodes are linked by applying concepts of mobile ad hoc networks. VANET uses cases empower vehicles to link to the network to aggregate and process messages in real-time. The proposed paper addresses a security vulnerability known as Sybil attack, in which numerous fake nodes broadcast false data to the neighboring nodes. In VANET, mobile nodes continuously change their network topology and exchange location sensor-generated data in real time. The basis of the presented technique is source testing that permits the scalable identification of Sybil nodes, without necessitating any pre-configuration, which was conceptualized from a comparative analysis of preceding research in the literature.
Janani, V.S., Devaraju, M..
An Efficient Distributed Secured Broadcast Stateless Group Key Management Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1—5.
This paper addresses the issues in managing group key among clusters in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). With the dynamic movement of the nodes, providing secure communication and managing secret keys in MANET is difficult to achieve. In this paper, we propose a distributed secure broadcast stateless groupkey management framework (DSBS-GKM) for efficient group key management. This scheme combines the benefits of hash function and Lagrange interpolation polynomial in managing MANET nodes. To provide a strong security mechanism, a revocation system that detects and revokes misbehaviour nodes is presented. The simulation results show that the proposed DSBS-GKM scheme attains betterments in terms of rekeying and revocation performance while comparing with other existing key management schemes.
Yassin, Ahmed Mohsen, Azer, Marianne A..
Performance Comparison of AODV and DSDV In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 2022 2nd International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC). :402—405.
Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a special type of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETs). In VANETs, a group of vehicles communicates with each other to transfer data without a need for a fixed infrastructure. In this paper, we compare the performance of two routing protocols: Ad-hoc on Demand Distance Vector protocol (AODV) and Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector protocol (DSDV) in VANETs. We measure the reliability of each protocol in the packet delivery.
Legashev, Leonid, Grishina, Luybov.
Development of an Intrusion Detection System Prototype in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Machine Learning Methods. 2022 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). :171—175.
Wireless ad hoc networks are characterized by dynamic topology and high node mobility. Network attacks on wireless ad hoc networks can significantly reduce performance metrics, such as the packet delivery ratio from the source to the destination node, overhead, throughput, etc. The article presents an experimental study of an intrusion detection system prototype in mobile ad hoc networks based on machine learning. The experiment is carried out in a MANET segment of 50 nodes, the detection and prevention of DDoS and cooperative blackhole attacks are investigated. The dependencies of features on the type of network traffic and the dependence of performance metrics on the speed of mobile nodes in the network are investigated. The conducted experimental studies show the effectiveness of an intrusion detection system prototype on simulated data.
Joseph, Abin John, Sani, Nidhin, V, Vineeth M., Kumar, K. Suresh, Kumar, T. Ananth, Nishanth, R..
Towards a Novel and Efficient Public Key Management for Peer-Peer Security in Wireless Ad-Hoc/sensor Networks. 2022 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN). :1—4.
Key management for self-organized wireless ad-hoc networks using peer-to-peer (P2P) keys is the primary goal of this article (SOWANs). Currently, wireless networks have centralized security architectures, making them difficult to secure. In most cases, ad-hoc wireless networks are not connected to trusted authorities or central servers. They are more prone to fragmentation and disintegration as a result of node and link failures. Traditional security solutions that rely on online trusted authorities do not work together to protect networks that are not planned. With open wireless networks, anyone can join or leave at any time with the right equipment, and no third party is required to verify their identity. These networks are best suited for this proposed method. Each node can make, distribute, and revoke its keying material in this paper. A minimal amount of communication and computation is required to accomplish this task. So that they can authenticate one another and create shared keys, nodes in the self-organized version of the system must communicate via a secure side channel between the users' devices.
Das, Anwesha, Ratner, Daniel, Aiken, Alex.
Performance Variability and Causality in Complex Systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). :19—24.
Anomalous behaviour in subsystems of complex machines often affect overall performance even without failures. We devise unsupervised methods to detect times with degraded performance, and localize correlated signals, evaluated on a system with over 4000 monitored signals. From incidents comprising both downtimes and degraded performance, our approach localizes relevant signals within 1.2% of the parameter space.
Reynvoet, Maxim, Gheibi, Omid, Quin, Federico, Weyns, Danny.
Detecting and Mitigating Jamming Attacks in IoT Networks Using Self-Adaptation. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). :7—12.
Internet of Things (IoT) networks consist of small devices that use a wireless communication to monitor and possibly control the physical world. A common threat to such networks are jamming attacks, a particular type of denial of service attack. Current research highlights the need for the design of more effective and efficient anti-jamming techniques that can handle different types of attacks in IoT networks. In this paper, we propose DeMiJA, short for Detection and Mitigation of Jamming Attacks in IoT, a novel approach to deal with different jamming attacks in IoT networks. DeMiJA leverages architecture-based adaptation and the MAPE-K reference model (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute that share Knowledge). We present the general architecture of DeMiJA and instantiate the architecture to deal with jamming attacks in the DeltaIoT exemplar. The evaluation shows that DeMiJA can handle different types of jamming attacks effectively and efficiently, with neglectable overhead.
Moualla, Ghada, Bolle, Sebastien, Douet, Marc, Rutten, Eric.
Self-adaptive Device Management for the IoT Using Constraint Solving. 2022 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS). :641—650.
In the context of IoT (Internet of Things), Device Management (DM), i.e., remote administration of IoT devices, becomes essential to keep them connected, updated and secure, thus increasing their lifespan through firmware and configuration updates and security patches. Legacy DM solutions are adequate when dealing with home devices (such as Television set-top boxes) but need to be extended to adapt to new IoT requirements. Indeed, their manual operation by system administrators requires advanced knowledge and skills. Further, the static DM platform — a component above IoT platforms that offers advanced features such as campaign updates / massive operation management — is unable to scale and adapt to IoT dynamicity. To cope with this, this work, performed in an industrial context at Orange, proposes a self-adaptive architecture with runtime horizontal scaling of DM servers, with an autonomic Auto-Scaling Manager, integrating in the loop constraint programming for decision-making, validated with a meaningful industrial use-case.
Casimiro, Maria, Romano, Paolo, Garlan, David, Rodrigues, Luís.
Towards a Framework for Adapting Machine Learning Components. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS). :131—140.
Machine Learning (ML) models are now commonly used as components in systems. As any other component, ML components can produce erroneous outputs that may penalize system utility. In this context, self-adaptive systems emerge as a natural approach to cope with ML mispredictions, through the execution of adaptation tactics such as model retraining. To synthesize an adaptation strategy, the self-adaptation manager needs to reason about the cost-benefit tradeoffs of the applicable tactics, which is a non-trivial task for tactics such as model retraining, whose benefits are both context- and data-dependent.To address this challenge, this paper proposes a probabilistic modeling framework that supports automated reasoning about the cost/benefit tradeoffs associated with improving ML components of ML-based systems. The key idea of the proposed approach is to decouple the problems of (i) estimating the expected performance improvement after retrain and (ii) estimating the impact of ML improved predictions on overall system utility.We demonstrate the application of the proposed framework by using it to self-adapt a state-of-the-art ML-based fraud-detection system, which we evaluate using a publicly-available, real fraud detection dataset. We show that by predicting system utility stemming from retraining a ML component, the probabilistic model checker can generate adaptation strategies that are significantly closer to the optimal, as compared against baselines such as periodic retraining, or reactive retraining.