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Xiao, Y., Zhang, N., Lou, W., Hou, Y. T..  2020.  Modeling the Impact of Network Connectivity on Consensus Security of Proof-of-Work Blockchain. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1648—1657.

Blockchain, the technology behind the popular Bitcoin, is considered a "security by design" system as it is meant to create security among a group of distrustful parties yet without a central trusted authority. The security of blockchain relies on the premise of honest-majority, namely, the blockchain system is assumed to be secure as long as the majority of consensus voting power is honest. And in the case of proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain, adversaries cannot control more than 50% of the network's gross computing power. However, this 50% threshold is based on the analysis of computing power only, with implicit and idealistic assumptions on the network and node behavior. Recent researches have alluded that factors such as network connectivity, presence of blockchain forks, and mining strategy could undermine the consensus security assured by the honest-majority, but neither concrete analysis nor quantitative evaluation is provided. In this paper we fill the gap by proposing an analytical model to assess the impact of network connectivity on the consensus security of PoW blockchain under different adversary models. We apply our analytical model to two adversarial scenarios: 1) honest-but-potentially-colluding, 2) selfish mining. For each scenario, we quantify the communication capability of nodes involved in a fork race and estimate the adversary's mining revenue and its impact on security properties of the consensus protocol. Simulation results validated our analysis. Our modeling and analysis provide a paradigm for assessing the security impact of various factors in a distributed consensus system.

Naganuma, K., Suzuki, T., Yoshino, M., Takahashi, K., Kaga, Y., Kunihiro, N..  2020.  New Secret Key Management Technology for Blockchains from Biometrics Fuzzy Signature. 2020 15th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS). :54–58.

Blockchain technology is attracting attention as an innovative system for decentralized payments in fields such as financial area. On the other hand, in a decentralized environment, management of a secret key used for user authentication and digital signature becomes a big issue because if a user loses his/her secret key, he/she will also lose assets on the blockchain. This paper describes the secret key management issues in blockchain systems and proposes a solution using a biometrics-based digital signature scheme. In our proposed system, a secret key to be used for digital signature is generated from the user's biometric information each time and immediately deleted from the memory after using it. Therefore, our blockchain system has the advantage that there is no need for storage for storing secret keys throughout the system. As a result, the user does not have a risk of losing the key management devices and can prevent attacks from malware that steals the secret key.

Li, S., Yu, M., Yang, C.-S., Avestimehr, A. S., Kannan, S., Viswanath, P..  2020.  PolyShard: Coded Sharding Achieves Linearly Scaling Efficiency and Security Simultaneously. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :203—208.
Today's blockchain designs suffer from a trilemma claiming that no blockchain system can simultaneously achieve decentralization, security, and performance scalability. For current blockchain systems, as more nodes join the network, the efficiency of the system (computation, communication, and storage) stays constant at best. A leading idea for enabling blockchains to scale efficiency is the notion of sharding: different subsets of nodes handle different portions of the blockchain, thereby reducing the load for each individual node. However, existing sharding proposals achieve efficiency scaling by compromising on trust - corrupting the nodes in a given shard will lead to the permanent loss of the corresponding portion of data. In this paper, we settle the trilemma by demonstrating a new protocol for coded storage and computation in blockchains. In particular, we propose PolyShard: "polynomially coded sharding" scheme that achieves information-theoretic upper bounds on the efficiency of the storage, system throughput, as well as on trust, thus enabling a truly scalable system.
Yang, Fan, Shi, Yue, Wu, Qingqing, Li, Fei, Zhou, Wei, Hu, Zhiyan, Xiong, Naixue, Zhang, Yong.  2019.  The Survey on Intellectual Property Based on Blockchain Technology. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :743—748.
The characteristics of decentralization, tamper-resistance and transaction anonymity of blockchain can resolve effectively the problems in traditional intellectual property such as the difficulty of electronic obtaining for evidence, the high cost and low compensation when safeguarding the copyrights. Blockchain records the information through encryption algorithm, removes the third party, and stores the information in all nodes to prevent the information from being tampered with, so as to realize the protection of intellectual property. Starting from the bottom layer of blockchain, this paper expounds in detail the characteristics and the technical framework of blockchain. At the same time, according to the existing problems in transaction throughput, time delay and resource consumption of blockchain system, optimization mechanisms such as cross-chain and proof of stake are analyzed. Finally, combined with the characteristics of blockchain technology and existing application framework, this paper summarizes the existing problems in the industry and forecasts the development trend of intellectual property based on blockchain technology.
Jeong, Yena, Hwang, DongYeop, Kim, Ki-Hyung.  2019.  Blockchain-Based Management of Video Surveillance Systems. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :465–468.
In this paper, we propose a video surveillance system based on blockchain system. The proposed system consists of a blockchain network with trusted internal managers. The metadata of the video is recorded on the distributed ledger of the blockchain, thereby blocking the possibility of forgery of the data. The proposed architecture encrypts and stores the video, creates a license within the blockchain, and exports the video. Since the decryption key for the video is managed by the private DB of the blockchain, it is not leaked by the internal manager unauthorizedly. In addition, the internal administrator can manage and export videos safely by exporting the license generated in the blockchain to the DRM-applied video player.
Chen, Jing, Yao, Shixiong, Yuan, Quan, He, Kun, Ji, Shouling, Du, Ruiying.  2018.  CertChain: Public and Efficient Certificate Audit Based on Blockchain for TLS Connections. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2060-2068.

In recent years, real-world attacks against PKI take place frequently. For example, malicious domains' certificates issued by compromised CAs are widespread, and revoked certificates are still trusted by clients. In spite of a lot of research to improve the security of SSL/TLS connections, there are still some problems unsolved. On one hand, although log-based schemes provided certificate audit service to quickly detect CAs' misbehavior, the security and data consistency of log servers are ignored. On the other hand, revoked certificates checking is neglected due to the incomplete, insecure and inefficient certificate revocation mechanisms. Further, existing revoked certificates checking schemes are centralized which would bring safety bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based public and efficient audit scheme for TLS connections, which is called Certchain. Specially, we propose a dependability-rank based consensus protocol in our blockchain system and a new data structure to support certificate forward traceability. Furthermore, we present a method that utilizes dual counting bloom filter (DCBF) with eliminating false positives to achieve economic space and efficient query for certificate revocation checking. The security analysis and experimental results demonstrate that CertChain is suitable in practice with moderate overhead.