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Xu, Zhifan, Baykal-Gürsoy, Melike.  2022.  Cost-Efficient Network Protection Games Against Uncertain Types of Cyber-Attackers. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–7.
This paper considers network protection games for a heterogeneous network system with N nodes against cyber-attackers of two different types of intentions. The first type tries to maximize damage based on the value of each net-worked node, while the second type only aims at successful infiltration. A defender, by applying defensive resources to networked nodes, can decrease those nodes' vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, the defender needs to balance the cost of using defensive resources and potential security benefits. Existing literature shows that, in a Nash equilibrium, the defender should adopt different resource allocation strategies against different types of attackers. However, it could be difficult for the defender to know the type of incoming cyber-attackers. A Bayesian game is investigated considering the case that the defender is uncertain about the attacker's type. We demonstrate that the Bayesian equilibrium defensive resource allocation strategy is a mixture of the Nash equilibrium strategies from the games against the two types of attackers separately.
Hu, Zhihui, Liu, Caiming.  2022.  Quantitative matching method for network traffic features. 2022 18th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :394–398.
The heterogeneity of network traffic features brings quantitative calculation problems to the matching between network data. In order to solve the above fuzzy matching problem between the heterogeneous network feature data, a quantitative matching method for network traffic features is proposed in this paper. By constructing the numerical expression method of network traffic features, the numerical expression of key features of network data is realized. By constructing the suitable section calculation methods for the similarity of different network traffic features, the personalized quantitative matching for heterogeneous network data features is realized according to the actual meaning of different features. By defining the weight of network traffic features, the quantitative importance value of different features is realized. The weighted sum mathematical method is used to accurately calculate the overall similarity value between network data. The effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments is verified. The experimental results show that the proposed matching method can be used to calculate the similarity value between network data, and the quantitative calculation purpose of network traffic feature matching with heterogeneous features is realized.
LaMar, Suzanna, Gosselin, Jordan J, Caceres, Ivan, Kapple, Sarah, Jayasumana, Anura.  2021.  Congestion Aware Intent-Based Routing using Graph Neural Networks for Improved Quality of Experience in Heterogeneous Networks. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :477—481.
Making use of spectrally diverse communications links to re-route traffic in response to dynamic environments to manage network bottlenecks has become essential in order to guarantee message delivery across heterogeneous networks. We propose an innovative, proactive Congestion Aware Intent-Based Routing (CONAIR) architecture that can select among available communication link resources based on quality of service (QoS) metrics to support continuous information exchange between networked participants. The CONAIR architecture utilizes a Network Controller (NC) and artificial intelligence (AI) to re-route traffic based on traffic priority, fundamental to increasing end user quality of experience (QoE) and mission effectiveness. The CONAIR architecture provides network behavior prediction, and can mitigate congestion prior to its occurrence unlike traditional static routing techniques, e.g. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), which are prone to congestion due to infrequent routing table updates. Modeling and simulation (M&S) was performed on a multi-hop network in order to characterize the resiliency and scalability benefits of CONAIR over OSPF routing-based frameworks. Results demonstrate that for varying traffic profiles, packet loss and end-to-end latency is minimized.
Guo, Xingchang, Liu, Ningchun, Hou, Xindi, Gao, Shuai, Zhou, Huachun.  2021.  An Efficient NDN Routing Mechanism Design in P4 Environment. 2021 2nd Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC). :28—33.
Name Data Networking (NDN) is a clean-slate network redesign that uses content names for routing and addressing. Facing the fact that TCP/IP is deeply entrenched in the current Internet architecture, NDN has made slow progress in industrial promotion. Meanwhile, new architectures represented by SDN, P4, etc., provide a flexible and programmable approach to network research. As a result, a centralized NDN routing mechanism is needed in the scenario for network integration between NDN and TCP/IP. Combining the NLSR protocol and the P4 environment, we introduce an efficient NDN routing mechanism that offers extensible NDN routing services (e.g., resources-location management and routing calculation) which can be programmed in the control plane. More precisely, the proposed mechanism allows the programmable switches to transmit NLSR packets to the control plane with the extended data plane. The NDN routing services are provided by control plane application which framework bases on resource-location mapping to achieve part of the NLSR mechanism. Experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can reduce the number of routing packets significantly, and introduce a slight overhead in the controller compared with NLSR simulation.
Lei, Kai, Ye, Hao, Liang, Yuzhi, Xiao, Jing, Chen, Peiwu.  2021.  Towards a Translation-Based Method for Dynamic Heterogeneous Network Embedding. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
Network embedding, which aims to map the discrete network topology to a continuous low-dimensional representation space with the major topological properties preserved, has emerged as an essential technique to support various network inference tasks. However, incorporating both the evolutionary nature and the network's heterogeneity remains a challenge for existing network embedding methods. In this study, we propose a novel Translation-Based Dynamic Heterogeneous Network Embedding (TransDHE) approach to consider both the aspects simultaneously. For a dynamic heterogeneous network with a sequence of snapshots and multiple types of nodes and edges, we introduce a translation-based embedding module to capture the heterogeneous characteristics (e.g., type information) of each single snapshot. An orthogonal alignment module and RNN-based aggregation module are then applied to explore the evolutionary patterns among multiple successive snapshots for the final representation learning. Extensive experiments on a set of real-world networks demonstrate that TransDHE can derive the more informative embedding result for the network dynamic and heterogeneity over state-of-the-art network embedding baselines.
Hassan, Rakibul, Rafatirad, Setareh, Homayoun, Houman, Dinakarrao, Sai Manoj Pudukotai.  2021.  Performance-aware Malware Epidemic Confinement in Large-Scale IoT Networks. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1—6.

As millions of IoT devices are interconnected together for better communication and computation, compromising even a single device opens a gateway for the adversary to access the network leading to an epidemic. It is pivotal to detect any malicious activity on a device and mitigate the threat. Among multiple feasible security threats, malware (malicious applications) poses a serious risk to modern IoT networks. A wide range of malware can replicate itself and propagate through the network via the underlying connectivity in the IoT networks making the malware epidemic inevitable. There exist several techniques ranging from heuristics to game-theory based technique to model the malware propagation and minimize the impact on the overall network. The state-of-the-art game-theory based approaches solely focus either on the network performance or the malware confinement but does not optimize both simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a throughput-aware game theory-based end-to-end IoT network security framework to confine the malware epidemic while preserving the overall network performance. We propose a two-player game with one player being the attacker and other being the defender. Each player has three different strategies and each strategy leads to a certain gain to that player with an associated cost. A tailored min-max algorithm was introduced to solve the game. We have evaluated our strategy on a 500 node network for different classes of malware and compare with existing state-of-the-art heuristic and game theory-based solutions.

Zhu, Luqi, Wang, Jin, Shi, Lianmin, Zhou, Jingya, Lu, Kejie, Wang, Jianping.  2020.  Secure Coded Matrix Multiplication Against Cooperative Attack in Edge Computing. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :547–556.
In recent years, the computation security of edge computing has been raised as a major concern since the edge devices are often distributed on the edge of the network, less trustworthy than cloud servers and have limited storage/ computation/ communication resources. Recently, coded computing has been proposed to protect the confidentiality of computing data under edge device's independent attack and minimize the total cost (resource consumption) of edge system. In this paper, for the cooperative attack, we design an efficient scheme to ensure the information-theory security (ITS) of user's data and further reduce the total cost of edge system. Specifically, we take matrix multiplication as an example, which is an important module appeared in many application operations. Moreover, we theoretically analyze the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of feasible scheme, prove the security and decodeability of the proposed scheme. We also prove the effectiveness of the proposed scheme through considerable simulation experiments. Compared with the existing schemes, the proposed scheme further reduces the total cost of edge system. The experiments also show a trade-off between storage and communication.
Netalkar, P. P., Maheshwari, S., Raychaudhuri, D..  2020.  Evaluation of Network Assisted Handoffs in Heterogeneous Networks. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—9.

This paper describes a novel distributed mobility management (DMM) scheme for the "named-object" information centric network (ICN) architecture in which the routers forward data based on unique identifiers which are dynamically mapped to the current network addresses of a device. The work proposes and evaluates two specific handover schemes namely, hard handoff with rebinding and soft handoff with multihoming intended to provide seamless data transfer with improved throughput during handovers. The evaluation of the proposed handover schemes using system simulation along with proof-of-concept implementation in ORBIT testbed is described. The proposed handoff and scheduling throughput gains are 12.5% and 44% respectively over multiple interfaces when compared to traditional IP network with equal share split scheme. The handover performance with respect to RTT and throughput demonstrate the benefits of clean slate network architecture for beyond 5G networks.

Mendiboure, L., Chalouf, M. A., Krief, F..  2020.  A Scalable Blockchain-based Approach for Authentication and Access Control in Software Defined Vehicular Networks. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—11.
Software Defined Vehicular Networking (SDVN) could be the future of the vehicular networks, enabling interoperability between heterogeneous networks and mobility management. Thus, the deployment of large SDVN is considered. However, SDVN is facing major security issues, in particular, authentication and access control issues. Indeed, an unauthorized SDN controller could modify the behavior of switches (packet redirection, packet drops) and an unauthorized switch could disrupt the operation of the network (reconnaissance attack, malicious feedback). Due to the SDVN features (decentralization, mobility) and the SDVN requirements (flexibility, scalability), the Blockchain technology appears to be an efficient way to solve these authentication and access control issues. Therefore, many Blockchain-based approaches have already been proposed. However, two key challenges have not been addressed: authentication and access control for SDN controllers and high scalability for the underlying Blockchain network. That is why in this paper we propose an innovative and scalable architecture, based on a set of interconnected Blockchain sub-networks. Moreover, an efficient access control mechanism and a cross-sub-networks authentication/revocation mechanism are proposed for all SDVN devices (vehicles, roadside equipment, SDN controllers). To demonstrate the benefits of our approach, its performances are compared with existing solutions in terms of throughput, latency, CPU usage and read/write access to the Blockchain ledger. In addition, we determine an optimal number of Blockchain sub-networks according to different parameters such as the number of certificates to store and the number of requests to process.
Lotlikar, Trupti, Shah, Deven.  2019.  A Defense Mechanism for DoS Attacks in SDN (Software Defined Network). 2019 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE). :1–7.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a major paradigm in controlling and managing number of heterogeneous networks. It's a real challenge however to secure such complex networks which are heterogeneous in network security. The centralization of the intelligence in network presents both an opportunity as well as security threats. This paper focuses on various potential security challenges at the various levels of SDN architecture such as Denial of service (DoS) attack and its countermeasures. The paper shows the detection of DoS attck with S-FlowRT.

Broomandi, Fateme, Ghasemi, Abdorasoul.  2019.  An Improved Cooperative Cell Outage Detection in Self-Healing Het Nets Using Optimal Cooperative Range. 2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE). :1956–1960.
Heterogeneous Networks (Het Nets) are introduced to fulfill the increasing demands of wireless communications. To be manageable, it is expected that these networks are self-organized and in particular, self-healing to detect and relief faults autonomously. In the Cooperative Cell Outage Detection (COD), the Macro-Base Station (MBS) and a group of Femto-Base Stations (FBSs) in a specific range are cooperatively communicating to find out if each FBS is working properly or not. In this paper, we discuss the impacts of the cooperation range on the detection delay and accuracy and then conclude that there is an optimal amount for cooperation range which maximizes detection accuracy. We then derive the optimal cooperative range that improves the detection accuracy by using network parameters such as FBS's transmission power, noise power, shadowing fading factor, and path-loss exponent and investigate the impacts of these parameters on the optimal cooperative range. The simulation results show the optimal cooperative range that we proposed maximizes the detection accuracy.
Gries, S., Hesenius, M., Gruhn, V..  2018.  Embedding Non-Compliant Nodes into the Information Flow Monitor by Dependency Modeling. 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1541-1542.

Observing semantic dependencies in large and heterogeneous networks is a critical task, since it is quite difficult to find the actual source of a malfunction in the case of an error. Dependencies might exist between many network nodes and among multiple hops in paths. If those dependency structures are unknown, debugging errors gets quite difficult. Since CPS and other large networks change at runtime and consists of custom software and hardware, as well as components off-the-shelf, it is necessary to be able to not only include own components in approaches to detect dependencies between nodes. In this paper we present an extension to the Information Flow Monitor approach. Our goal is that this approach should be able to handle unalterable blackbox nodes. This is quite challenging, since the IFM originally requires each network node to be compliant with the IFM protocol.

Januário, Fábio, Cardoso, Alberto, Gil, Paulo.  2017.  A Multi-Agent Framework for Resilient Enhancement in Networked Control Systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering. :291–295.
Recent advances on the integration of control systems with state of the art information technologies have brought into play new uncertainties, not only associated with the physical world, but also from a cyber-space's perspective. In cyber-physical environments, awareness and resilience are invaluable properties. The paper focuses on the development of an architecture relying on a hierarchical multi-agent framework for resilience enhancement. This framework was evaluated on a test-bed comprising several distributed computational devices and heterogeneous communications. Results from tests prove the relevance of the proposed approach.
Kolcun, Roman, Boyle, David, McCann, Julie A..  2016.  Efficient In-Network Processing for a Hardware-Heterogeneous IoT. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things. :93–101.

As the number of small, battery-operated, wireless-enabled devices deployed in various applications of Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), and Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) is rapidly increasing, so is the number of data streams that must be processed. In cases where data do not need to be archived, centrally processed, or federated, in-network data processing is becoming more common. For this purpose, various platforms like DRAGON, Innet, and CJF were proposed. However, these platforms assume that all nodes in the network are the same, i.e. the network is homogeneous. As Moore's law still applies, nodes are becoming smaller, more powerful, and more energy efficient each year; which will continue for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we can expect that as sensor networks are extended and updated, hardware heterogeneity will soon be common in networks - the same trend as can be seen in cloud computing infrastructures. This heterogeneity introduces new challenges in terms of choosing an in-network data processing node, as not only its location, but also its capabilities, must be considered. This paper introduces a new methodology to tackle this challenge, comprising three new algorithms - Request, Traverse, and Mixed - for efficiently locating an in-network data processing node, while taking into account not only position within the network but also hardware capabilities. The proposed algorithms are evaluated against a naïve approach and achieve up to 90% reduction in network traffic during long-term data processing, while spending a similar amount time in the discovery phase.

Shin-Ming Cheng, Cheng-Han Ho, Shannon Chen, Shih-Hao Chang.  2014.  Distributed anonymous authentication in heterogeneous networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2014 International. :505-510.

Nowadays, the design of a secure access authentication protocol in heterogeneous networks achieving seamless roaming across radio access technologies for mobile users (MUs) is a major technical challenge. This paper proposes a Distributed Anonymous Authentication (DAA) protocol to resolve the problems of heavy signaling overheads and long signaling delay when authentication is executed in a centralized manner. By applying MUs and point of attachments (PoAs) as group members, the adopted group signature algorithms provide identity verification directly without sharing secrets in advance, which significantly reduces signaling overheads. Moreover, MUs sign messages on behalf of the group, so that anonymity and unlinkability against PoAs are provided and thus privacy is preserved. Performance analysis confirm the advantages of DAA over existing solutions.