Visible to the public Distributed anonymous authentication in heterogeneous networks

TitleDistributed anonymous authentication in heterogeneous networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsShin-Ming Cheng, Cheng-Han Ho, Shannon Chen, Shih-Hao Chang
Conference NameWireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2014 International
Date PublishedAug
Keywordsadopted group signature algorithms, anonymous authentication, DAA protocol, distributed anonymous authentication protocol, Educational institutions, group members, group signature, Handover, heterogeneous networks, identity verification, message authentication, mobile users, next generation networks, Protocols, radio access networks, radio access technologies, seamless roaming, secure access authentication protocol, signaling delay, signaling overheads, telecommunication security, telecommunication signalling

Nowadays, the design of a secure access authentication protocol in heterogeneous networks achieving seamless roaming across radio access technologies for mobile users (MUs) is a major technical challenge. This paper proposes a Distributed Anonymous Authentication (DAA) protocol to resolve the problems of heavy signaling overheads and long signaling delay when authentication is executed in a centralized manner. By applying MUs and point of attachments (PoAs) as group members, the adopted group signature algorithms provide identity verification directly without sharing secrets in advance, which significantly reduces signaling overheads. Moreover, MUs sign messages on behalf of the group, so that anonymity and unlinkability against PoAs are provided and thus privacy is preserved. Performance analysis confirm the advantages of DAA over existing solutions.

Citation Key6906408