The proposed combination of statistical methods has proved efficient for authorship attribution. The complex analysis method based on the proposed combination of statistical methods has made it possible to minimize the number of phoneme groups by which the authorial differentiation of texts has been done.
This paper introduces DeepCheck, a new approach for validating Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) based on core ideas from program analysis, specifically from symbolic execution. DeepCheck implements techniques for lightweight symbolic analysis of DNNs and applies them in the context of image classification to address two challenging problems: 1) identification of important pixels (for attribution and adversarial generation); and 2) creation of adversarial attacks. Experimental results using the MNIST data-set show that DeepCheck's lightweight symbolic analysis provides a valuable tool for DNN validation.
Source camera attribution of digital images has been a hot research topic in digital forensics literature. However, the thermal cameras and the radiometric data they generate stood as a nascent topic, as such devices are expensive and tailored for specific use-cases - not adapted by the masses. This has changed dramatically, with the low-cost, pluggable thermal-camera add-ons to smartphones and similar low-cost pocket-size thermal cameras introduced to consumers recently, which enabled the use of thermal imaging devices for the masses. In this paper, we are going to investigate the use of an established source device attribution method on radiometric data produced with a consumer-level, low-cost handheld thermal camera. The results we represent in this paper are promising and show that it is quite possible to attribute thermal images with their source camera.
Writing style is a combination of consistent decisions associated with a specific author at different levels of language production, including lexical, syntactic, and structural. In this paper, we introduce a style-aware neural model to encode document information from three stylistic levels and evaluate it in the domain of authorship attribution. First, we propose a simple way to jointly encode syntactic and lexical representations of sentences. Subsequently, we employ an attention-based hierarchical neural network to encode the syntactic and semantic structure of sentences in documents while rewarding the sentences which contribute more to capturing the writing style. Our experimental results, based on four benchmark datasets, reveal the benefits of encoding document information from all three stylistic levels when compared to the baseline methods in the literature.
A new program has been developed for style and authorship attribution. Differentiation of styles by transcription symbols has proved to be efficient The novel approach involves a combination of two ways of transforming texts into their transcription variants. The java programming language makes it possible to improve efficiency of style and authorship attribution.
The unprecedented transparency shown by the Netherlands intelligence services in exposing Russian GRU officers in October 2018 is indicative of a number of new trends in state handling of cyber conflict. US public indictments of foreign state intelligence officials, and the UK's deliberate provision of information allowing the global media to “dox” GRU officers implicated in the Salisbury poison attack in early 2018, set a precedent for revealing information that previously would have been confidential. This is a major departure from previous practice where the details of state-sponsored cyber attacks would only be discovered through lengthy investigative journalism (as with Stuxnet) or through the efforts of cybersecurity corporations (as with Red October). This paper uses case studies to illustrate the nature of this departure and consider its impact, including potentially substantial implications for state handling of cyber conflict. The paper examines these implications, including: · The effect of transparency on perception of conflict. Greater public knowledge of attacks will lead to greater public acceptance that countermeasures should be taken. This may extend to public preparedness to accept that a state of declared or undeclared war exists with a cyber aggressor. · The resulting effect on legality. This adds a new element to the long-running debates on the legality of cyber attacks or counter-attacks, by affecting the point at which a state of conflict is politically and socially, even if not legally, judged to exist. · The further resulting effect on permissions and authorities to conduct cyber attacks, in the form of adjustment to the glaring imbalance between the means and methods available to aggressors (especially those who believe themselves already to be in conflict) and defenders. Greater openness has already intensified public and political questioning of the restraint shown by NATO and EU nations in responding to Russian actions; this trend will continue. · Consequences for deterrence, both specifically within cyber conflict and also more broadly deterring hostile actions. In sum, the paper brings together the direct and immediate policy implications, for a range of nations and for NATO, of the new apparent policy of transparency.
Recently, attribute-based access control (ABAC) has emerged as a convenient paradigm for specifying, enforcing and maintaining rich and flexible authorization policies, leveraging attributes originated from multiple sources, e.g., operative systems, software modules, remote services, etc. However, attackers may try to bypass ABAC policies by compromising such sources to forge the attributes they provide, e.g., by deliberately manipulating the data contained within those attributes at will, in an effort to gain unintended access to sensitive resources as a result. In such a context, performing a proper risk assessment of ABAC policies, taking into account their enlisted attributes as well as their corresponding sources, becomes highly convenient to overcome zero-day security incidents or vulnerabilities, before they can be later exploited by attackers. With this in mind, we introduce RiskPol, an automated risk assessment framework for ABAC policies based on dynamically combining previously-assigned trust scores for each attribute source, such that overall scores at the policy level can be later obtained and used as a reference for performing a risk assessment on each policy. In this paper, we detail the general intuition behind our approach, its current status, as well as our plans for future work.
At a time when all it takes to open a Twitter account is a mobile phone, the act of authenticating information encountered on social media becomes very complex, especially when we lack measures to verify digital identities in the first place. Because the platform supports anonymity, fake news generated by dubious sources have been observed to travel much faster and farther than real news. Hence, we need valid measures to identify authors of misinformation to avert these consequences. Researchers propose different authorship attribution techniques to approach this kind of problem. However, because tweets are made up of only 280 characters, finding a suitable authorship attribution technique is a challenge. This research aims to classify authors of tweets by comparing machine learning methods like logistic regression and naive Bayes. The processes of this application are fetching of tweets, pre-processing, feature extraction, and developing a machine learning model for classification. This paper illustrates the text classification for authorship process using machine learning techniques. In total, there were 46,895 tweets used as both training and testing data, and unique features specific to Twitter were extracted. Several steps were done in the pre-processing phase, including removal of short texts, removal of stop-words and punctuations, tokenizing and stemming of texts as well. This approach transforms the pre-processed data into a set of feature vector in Python. Logistic regression and naive Bayes algorithms were applied to the set of feature vectors for the training and testing of the classifier. The logistic regression based classifier gave the highest accuracy of 91.1% compared to the naive Bayes classifier with 89.8%.
In this talk, I will discuss my lab's work in the emerging field of adversarial stylometry and machine learning. Machine learning algorithms are increasingly being used in security and privacy domains, in areas that go beyond intrusion or spam detection. For example, in digital forensics, questions often arise about the authors of documents: their identity, demographic background, and whether they can be linked to other documents. The field of stylometry uses linguistic features and machine learning techniques to answer these questions. We have applied stylometry to difficult domains such as underground hacker forums, open source projects (code), and tweets. I will discuss our Doppelgnger Finder algorithm, which enables us to group Sybil accounts on underground forums and detect blogs from Twitter feeds and reddit comments. In addition, I will discuss our work attributing unknown source code and binaries.
Amplification DDoS attacks have gained popularity and become a serious threat to Internet participants. However, little is known about where these attacks originate, and revealing the attack sources is a non-trivial problem due to the spoofed nature of the traffic. In this paper, we present novel techniques to uncover the infrastructures behind amplification DDoS attacks. We follow a two-step approach to tackle this challenge: First, we develop a methodology to impose a fingerprint on scanners that perform the reconnaissance for amplification attacks that allows us to link subsequent attacks back to the scanner. Our methodology attributes over 58% of attacks to a scanner with a confidence of over 99.9%. Second, we use Time-to-Live-based trilateration techniques to map scanners to the actual infrastructures launching the attacks. Using this technique, we identify 34 networks as being the source for amplification attacks at 98\textbackslash% certainty.
This paper presents an approach to a closed-class authorship attribution (AA) problem. It is based on language modeling for classification and called modified language modeling. Modified language modeling aims to offer a solution for AA problem by Combinations of both bigram words weighting and Unigram words weighting. It makes the relation between unseen text and training documents clearer with giving extra reward of training documents; training document including bigram word as well as unigram words. Moreover, IDF value multiplied by related word probability has been used, instead of removing stop words which are provided by Stop words list. we evaluate Experimental results by four approaches; unigram, bigram, trigram and modified language modeling by using two Persian poem corpora as WMPR-AA2016-A Dataset and WMPR-AA2016-B Dataset. Results show that modified language modeling attributes authors better than other approaches. The result on WMPR-AA2016-B, which is bigger dataset, is much better than another dataset for all approaches. This may indicate that if adequate data is provided to train language modeling the modified language modeling can be a good solution to AA problem.
There is growing evidence that spear phishing campaigns are increasingly pervasive, sophisticated, and remain the starting points of more advanced attacks. Current campaign identification and attribution process heavily relies on manual efforts and is inefficient in gathering intelligence in a timely manner. It is ideal that we can automatically attribute spear phishing emails to known campaigns and achieve early detection of new campaigns using limited labelled emails as the seeds. In this paper, we introduce four categories of email profiling features that capture various characteristics of spear phishing emails. Building on these features, we implement and evaluate an affinity graph based semi-supervised learning model for campaign attribution and detection. We demonstrate that our system, using only 25 labelled emails, achieves 0.9 F1 score with a 0.01 false positive rate in known campaign attribution, and is able to detect previously unknown spear phishing campaigns, achieving 100% 'darkmoon', over 97% of 'samkams' and 91% of 'bisrala' campaign detection using 246 labelled emails in our experiments.
Cyber-attacks are cheap, easy to conduct and often pose little risk in terms of attribution, but their impact could be lasting. The low attribution is because tracing cyber-attacks is primitive in the current network architecture. Moreover, even when attribution is known, the absence of enforcement provisions in international law makes cyber attacks tough to litigate, and hence attribution is hardly a deterrent. Rather than attributing attacks, we can re-look at cyber-attacks as societal events associated with social, political, economic and cultural (SPEC) motivations. Because it is possible to observe SPEC motives on the internet, social media data could be valuable in understanding cyber attacks. In this research, we use sentiment in Twitter posts to observe country-to-country perceptions, and Arbor Networks data to build ground truth of country-to-country DDoS cyber-attacks. Using this dataset, this research makes three important contributions: a) We evaluate the impact of heightened sentiments towards a country on the trend of cyber-attacks received by the country. We find that, for some countries, the probability of attacks increases by up to 27% while experiencing negative sentiments from other nations. b) Using cyber-attacks trend and sentiments trend, we build a decision tree model to find attacks that could be related to extreme sentiments. c) To verify our model, we describe three examples in which cyber-attacks follow increased tension between nations, as perceived in social media.
Malware is an ever-increasing threat to personal, corporate, and government computing systems alike. Particularly in the corporate and government sectors, the attribution of malware—including the identification of the authorship of malware as well as potentially the malefactor responsible for an attack—is of growing interest. Such malware attribution is often enabled by the fact that malware authors build on the work of others through the use of generators, libraries, and borrowed code. Determining malware phylogeny—the evolutionary history of and the derivative relations between malware—is consequently an endeavor of increasing importance, with a growing focus on the dynamic analysis of malware which involves executing a malware sample and determining the actions it takes after some period of operation. In most cases, such dynamic analysis occurs in a virtual machine, or "sandbox," in order to confine the malware to an environment in which it can do no harm to real systems. In sandbox-driven dynamic analysis of malware, a virtual machine is typically run starting from some known, malware-free baseline state. The malware is injected into the virtual machine, and the machine is allowed to run for some period of time during which the malware presumably activates. The machine is then suspended, and the current machine memory is dumped to disk. The process may then be repeated for other malware samples, each time starting from the baseline state. Stored in raw form on the disk, the dumped memory file is the same size as the virtual-machine memory, for virtual machines running modern operating systems, such memory would likely be no less than 512 MB but could be up to several GBs. If the corresponding memory dumps are to be retained for repeated analysis—as is likely to be required in order to determine a phylogeny for a large database of malware samples—lossless compression of the memory dumps is necessarily to prevent explosive disk usage. For example, the VirusShare project maintains a database of over 19 million malware samples, running these in a virtual machine with 512 MB of memory would require of 9 petabytes (PB) of storage to retain the memory dumps. In this paper, we develop a scheme for the lossless compression of memory dumps resulting from the repeated execution of malware samples in a virtual-machine sandbox. Rather than compress each memory dump individually, we capitalize on the fact that memory dumps stem from a known baseline virtual-machine state and code with respect to this baseline memory. Additionally, to further improve compression efficiency, we exploit the fact that a significant portion of the difference between the baseline memory and that of the currently running machine is the result of the loading of known executable programs and shared libraries. Consequently, we propose delta coding to compress the current virtual-machine memory dump by coding its differences with respect to a predicted memory image, with the latter formed by duplicating the loading of the executables and libraries into the baseline memory, resulting in a significant improvement in compression performance over straightforward delta coding alone. In experimental results for a body of malware samples, the proposed approach outperformed the widely used xdelta3 delta coder by approximately 20% and the popular generic gzip coder by 79%.
A major challenge in cyber-threat analysis is combining information from different sources to find the person or the group responsible for the cyber-attack. It is one of the most important technical and policy challenges in cybersecurity. The lack of ground truth for an individual responsible for an attack has limited previous studies. In this paper, we take a first step towards overcoming this limitation by building a dataset from the capture-the-flag event held at DEFCON, and propose an argumentation model based on a formal reasoning framework called DeLP (Defeasible Logic Programming) designed to aid an analyst in attributing a cyber-attack. We build models from latent variables to reduce the search space of culprits (attackers), and show that this reduction significantly improves the performance of classification-based approaches from 37% to 62% in identifying the attacker.
The microelectronics industry seeks screening tools that can be used to verify the origin of and track integrated circuits (ICs) throughout their lifecycle. Embedded circuits that measure process variation of an IC are well known. This paper adds to previous work using these circuits for studying manufacturer characteristics on final product ICs, particularly for the purpose of developing and verifying a signature for a microelectronics manufacturing facility (fab). We present the design, measurements and analysis of 159 silicon ICs which were built as a proof of concept for this purpose. 80 copies of our proof of concept IC were built at one fab, and 80 more copies were built across two lots at a second fab. Using these ICs, our prototype circuits allowed us to distinguish these two fabs with up to 98.7% accuracy and also distinguish the two lots from the second fab with up to 98.8% accuracy.
The capability to reliably and accurately identify the attacker has long been believed as one of the most effective deterrents to an attack. Ideally, the attribution of cyber attack should be automated from the attack target all the way toward the attack source on the Internet in real-time. Real-time, network-wide attack attribution, however, is every challenging, and many people have doubted whether it is feasible to have practical attack attribution on the Internet. In this paper, we look into the problem, challenges of real-time attack attribution on the Internet, and analyze what it takes to have the real-time attack attribution on the Internet. We show that it is indeed feasible and practical to attribute certain cyber attacks on the Internet in real-time. We build such a real-time attack attribution system upon the malware immunization and packet flow watermarking techniques we have developed. We demonstrate the unprecedented real-time attack attribution capability via live experiments on the Internet and Tor nodes all over the world.