In the communication model of wired and wireless Adhoc networks, the most needed requirement is the integration of security. Mobile Adhoc networks are more aroused with the attacks compared to the wired environment. Subsequently, the characteristics of Mobile Adhoc networks are also influenced by the vulnerability. The pre-existing unfolding solutions are been obtained for infrastructure-less networks. However, these solutions are not always necessarily suitable for wireless networks. Further, the framework of wireless Adhoc networks has uncommon vulnerabilities and due to this behavior it is not protected by the same solutions, therefore the detection mechanism of intrusion is combinedly used to protect the Manets. Several intrusion detection techniques that have been developed for a fixed wired network cannot be applied in this new environment. Furthermore, The issue of intensity in terms of energy is of a major kind due to which the life of the working battery is very limited. The objective this research work is to detect the Anomalous behavior of nodes in Manet's and Experimental analysis is done by making use of Network Simulator-2 to do the comparative analysis for the existing algorithm, we enhanced the previous algorithm in order to improve the Energy efficiency and results shown the improvement of energy of battery life and Throughput is checked with respect to simulation of test case analysis. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is compared with the existing approach.
Blockchain networks which employ Proof-of-Work in their consensus mechanism may face inconsistencies in the form of forks. These forks are usually resolved through the application of block selection rules (such as the Nakamoto consensus). In this paper, we investigate the cause and length of forks for the Bitcoin network. We develop theoretical formulas which model the Bitcoin consensus and network protocols, based on an Erdös-Rényi random graph construction of the overlay network of peers. Our theoretical model addresses the effect of key parameters on the fork occurrence probability, such as block propagation delay, network bandwidth, and block size. We also leverage this model to estimate the weight of fork branches. Our model is implemented using the network simulator OMNET++ and validated by historical Bitcoin data. We show that under current conditions, Bitcoin will not benefit from increasing the number of connections per node.
A covert channel is a communication channel that is subjugated for illegal flow of information in a way that violates system security policies. It is a dangerous, invisible, undetectable, and developed security attack. Recently, Packet length covert channel has motivated many researchers as it is a one of the most undetectable network covert channels. Packet length covert channel generates a covert traffic that is very similar to normal terrific which complicates the detection of such type of covert channels. This motivates us to introduce a machine learning based detection scheme. Recently, a machine learning approach has proved its capability in many different fields especially in security field as it usually brings up a reliable and realistic results. Based in our developed content and frequency-based features, the developed detection scheme has been fully trained and tested. Our detection scheme has gained an excellent degree of detection accuracy which reaches 98% (zero false negative rate and 0.02 false positive rate).
We present and explore a model of stateless and self-stabilizing distributed computation, inspired by real-world applications such as routing on today's Internet. Processors in our model do not have an internal state, but rather interact by repeatedly mapping incoming messages ("labels") to outgoing messages and output values. While seemingly too restrictive to be of interest, stateless computation encompasses both classical game-theoretic notions of strategic interaction and a broad range of practical applications (e.g., Internet protocols, circuits, diffusion of technologies in social networks). Our main technical contribution is a general impossibility result for stateless self-stabilization in our model, showing that even modest asynchrony (with wait times that are linear in the number of processors) can prevent a stateless protocol from reaching a stable global configuration. Furthermore, we present hardness results for verifying stateless self-stabilization. We also address several aspects of the computational power of stateless protocols. Most significantly, we show that short messages (of length that is logarithmic in the number of processors) yield substantial computational power, even on very poorly connected topologies.
Underwater acoustic networks is an enabling technology for a range of applications such as mine countermeasures, intelligence and reconnaissance. Common for these applications is a need for robust information distribution while minimizing energy consumption. In terrestrial wireless networks topology information is often used to enhance the efficiency of routing, in terms of higher capacity and less overhead. In this paper we asses the effects of topology information on routing in underwater acoustic networks. More specifically, the interplay between long propagation delays, contention-based channels access and dissemination of varying degrees of topology information is investigated. The study is based on network simulations of a number of network protocols that make use of varying amounts of topology information. The results indicate that, in the considered scenario, relying on local topology information to reduce retransmissions may have adverse effects on the reliability. The difficult channel conditions and the contention-based channels access methods create a need for an increased amount of diversity, i.e., more retransmissions. In the scenario considered, an opportunistic flooding approach is a better, both in terms of robustness and energy consumption.
Traffic from mobile wireless networks has been growing at a fast pace in recent years and is expected to surpass wired traffic very soon. Service providers face significant challenges at such scales including providing seamless mobility, efficient data delivery, security, and provisioning capacity at the wireless edge. In the Mobility First project, we have been exploring clean slate enhancements to the network protocols that can inherently provide support for at-scale mobility and trustworthiness in the Internet. An extensible data plane using pluggable compute-layer services is a key component of this architecture. We believe these extensions can be used to implement in-network services to enhance mobile end-user experience by either off-loading work and/or traffic from mobile devices, or by enabling en-route service-adaptation through context-awareness (e.g., Knowing contemporary access bandwidth). In this work we present details of the architectural support for in-network services within Mobility First, and propose protocol and service-API extensions to flexibly address these pluggable services from end-points. As a demonstrative example, we implement an in network service that does rate adaptation when delivering video streams to mobile devices that experience variable connection quality. We present details of our deployment and evaluation of the non-IP protocols along with compute-layer extensions on the GENI test bed, where we used a set of programmable nodes across 7 distributed sites to configure a Mobility First network with hosts, routers, and in-network compute services.