Internet of Thing (IoT) provide services by linking the different platform devices. They have the limitation in providing intelligent service. The IoT devices are heterogeneous which includes wireless sensors to less resource constrained devices. These devices are prone to hardware/software and network attacks. If not properly secured, it may lead to security issues like privacy and confidentiality. To resolve the above problem, an Intelligent Security Framework for IoT Devices is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is made up of (1) the light weight Asymmetric cryptography for securing the End-To-End devices which protects the IoT service gateway and the low power sensor nodes and (2) implements Lattice-based cryptography for securing the Broker devices/Gateway and the cloud services. The proposed architecture implements Asymmetric Key Encryption to share session key between the nodes and then uses this session key for message transfer This protects the system from Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, eavesdropping and Quantum algorithm attacks. The proposed protocol uses the unique Device ID of the sensors to generate key pair to establish mutual authentication between Devices and Services. Finally, the Mutual authentication mechanism is implemented in the gateway.
Cloud computing has emerged as a compelling vision for managing data and delivering query answering capability over the internet. This new way of computing also poses a real risk of disclosing confidential information to the cloud. Searchable encryption addresses this issue by allowing the cloud to compute the answer to a query based on the cipher texts of data and queries. Thanks to its inner product preservation property, the asymmetric scalar-product-preserving encryption (ASPE) has been adopted and enhanced in a growing number of works toperform a variety of queries and tasks in the cloud computingsetting. However, the security property of ASPE and its enhancedschemes has not been studied carefully. In this paper, we show acomplete disclosure of ASPE and several previously unknownsecurity risks of its enhanced schemes. Meanwhile, efficientalgorithms are proposed to learn the plaintext of data and queriesencrypted by these schemes with little or no knowledge beyondthe ciphertexts. We demonstrate these risks on real data sets.
Data security has become an issue of increasing importance, especially for Web applications and distributed databases. One solution is using cryptographic algorithms whose improvement has become a constant concern. The increasing complexity of these algorithms involves higher execution times, leading to an application performance decrease. This paper presents a comparison of execution times for three algorithms using asymmetric keys, depending on the size of the encryption/decryption keys: RSA, ElGamal, and ECIES. For this algorithms comparison, a benchmark using Java APIs and an application for testing them on a test database was created.
We propose a method for comparative analysis of evaluation of the cryptographic strength of the asymmetric encryption algorithms RSA and the existing GOST R 34.10-2001. Describes the fundamental design ratios, this method is based on computing capacity used for decoding and the forecast for the development of computer technology.
Cloud computing emerged in the last years to handle systems with large-scale services sharing between vast numbers of users. It provides enormous storage for data and computing power to users over the Internet. There are many issues with the high growth of data. Data security is one of the most important issues in cloud computing. There are many algorithms and implementation for data security. These algorithms provided various encryption methods. In this work, We present a comprehensive study between Symmetric key and Asymmetric key encryption algorithms that enhanced data security in cloud computing system. We discuss AES, DES, 3DES and Blowfish for symmetric encryption algorithms, and RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve, for asymmetric encryption algorithms.
DNA cryptography is one of the promising fields in cryptographic research which emerged with the evolution of DNA computing. In this era, end to end transmission of secure data by ensuring confidentiality and authenticity over the networks is a real challenge. Even though various DNA based cryptographic algorithms exists, they are not secure enough to provide better security as required with today's security requirements. Hence we propose a cryptographic model which will enhance the message security. A new method of round key selection is used, which provides better and enhanced security against intruder's attack. The crucial attraction of this proposed model is providing multi level security of 3 levels with round key selection and message encryption in level 1, 16×16 matrix manipulation using asymmetric key encryption in level 2 and shift operations in level 3. Thus we design a system with multi level encryption without compromising complexity and size of the cipher text.
Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) is a favorable primitive to realize a cryptographic cloud with secure and flexible data sharing mechanism. A number of PRE schemes with versatile capabilities have been proposed for different applications. The secure data sharing can be internally achieved in each PRE scheme. But no previous work can guarantee the secure data sharing among different PRE schemes in a general manner. Moreover, it is challenging to solve this problem due to huge differences among the existing PRE schemes in their algebraic systems and public-key types. To solve this problem more generally, this paper uniforms the definitions of the existing PRE and Public Key Encryption (PKE) schemes, and further uniforms their security definitions. Then taking any uniformly defined PRE scheme and any uniformly defined PKE scheme as two building blocks, this paper constructs a Generally Hybrid Proxy Re-Encryption (GHPRE) scheme with the idea of temporary public and private keys to achieve secure data sharing between these two underlying schemes. Since PKE is a more general definition than PRE, the proposed GHPRE scheme also is workable between any two PRE schemes. Moreover, the proposed GHPRE scheme can be transparently deployed even if the underlying PRE schemes are implementing.
The World Wide Web has become the most common platform for building applications and delivering content. Yet despite years of research, the web continues to face severe security challenges related to data integrity and confidentiality. Rather than continuing the exploit-and-patch cycle, we propose addressing these challenges at an architectural level, by supplementing the web's existing connection-based and server-based security models with a new approach: content-based security. With this approach, content is directly signed and encrypted at rest, enabling it to be delivered via any path and then validated by the browser. We explore how this new architectural approach can be applied to the web and analyze its security benefits. We then discuss a broad research agenda to realize this vision and the challenges that must be overcome.
We study a sensor network setting in which samples are encrypted individually using different keys and maintained on a cloud storage. For large systems, e.g. those that generate several millions of samples per day, fine-grained sharing of encrypted samples is challenging. Existing solutions, such as Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and Key Aggregation Cryptosystem (KAC), can be utilized to address the challenge, but only to a certain extent. They are often computationally expensive and thus unlikely to operate at scale. We propose an algorithmic enhancement and two heuristics to improve KAC's key reconstruction cost, while preserving its provable security. The improvement is particularly significant for range and down-sampling queries – accelerating the reconstruction cost from quadratic to linear running time. Experimental study shows that for queries of size 32k samples, the proposed fast reconstruction techniques speed-up the original KAC by at least 90 times on range and down-sampling queries, and by eight times on general (arbitrary) queries. It also shows that at the expense of splitting the query into 16 sub-queries and correspondingly issuing that number of different aggregated keys, reconstruction time can be reduced by 19 times. As such, the proposed techniques make KAC more applicable in practical scenarios such as sensor networks or the Internet of Things.
Keys for symmetric cryptography are usually stored in RAM and therefore susceptible to various attacks, ranging from simple buffer overflows to leaks via cold boot, DMA or side channels. A common approach to mitigate such attacks is to move the keys to an external cryptographic token. For low-throughput applications like asymmetric signature generation, the performance of these tokens is sufficient. For symmetric, data-intensive use cases, like disk encryption on behalf of the host, the connecting interface to the token often is a serious bottleneck. In order to overcome this problem, we present CoKey, a novel concept for partially moving symmetric cryptography out of the host into a trusted detachable token. CoKey combines keys from both entities and securely encrypts initialization vectors on the token which are then used in the cryptographic operations on the host. This forces host and token to cooperate during the whole encryption and decryption process. Our concept strongly and efficiently binds encrypted data on the host to the specific token used for their encryption, while still allowing for fast operation. We implemented the concept using Linux hosts and the USB armory, a USB thumb drive sized ARM computer, as detachable crypto token. Our detailed performance evaluation shows that our prototype is easily fast enough even for data-intensive and performance-critical use cases like full disk encryption, thus effectively improving security for symmetric cryptography in a usable way.
There is an increasing trend for data owners to store their data in a third-party cloud server and buy the service from the cloud server to provide information to other users. To ensure confidentiality, the data is usually encrypted. Therefore, an encrypted data searching scheme with privacy preserving is of paramount importance. Predicate encryption (PE) is one of the attractive solutions due to its attribute-hiding merit. However, as cloud is not always trusted, verifying the searched results is also crucial. Firstly, a generic construction of Publicly Verifiable Predicate Encryption (PVPE) scheme is proposed to provide verification for PE. We reduce the security of PVPE to the security of PE. However, from practical point of view, to decrease the communication overhead and computation overhead, an improved PVPE is proposed with the trade-off of a small probability of error.
Identity concealment and zero-round trip time (0-RTT) connection are two of current research focuses in the design and analysis of secure transport protocols, like TLS1.3 and Google's QUIC, in the client-server setting. In this work, we introduce a new primitive for identity-concealed authenticated encryption in the public-key setting, referred to as higncryption, which can be viewed as a novel monolithic integration of public-key encryption, digital signature, and identity concealment. We then present the security definitional framework for higncryption, and a conceptually simple (yet carefully designed) protocol construction. As a new primitive, higncryption can have many applications. In this work, we focus on its applications to 0-RTT authentication, showing higncryption is well suitable to and compatible with QUIC and OPTLS, and on its applications to identity-concealed authenticated key exchange (CAKE) and unilateral CAKE (UCAKE). Of independent interest is a new concise security definitional framework for CAKE and UCAKE proposed in this work, which unifies the traditional BR and (post-ID) frameworks, enjoys composability, and ensures very strong security guarantee. Along the way, we make a systematically comparative study with related protocols and mechanisms including Zheng's signcryption, one-pass HMQV, QUIC, TLS1.3 and OPTLS, most of which are widely standardized or in use.
The need for increased surveillance due to increase in flight volume in remote or oceanic regions outside the range of traditional radar coverage has been fulfilled by the advent of space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance — Broadcast (ADS-B) Surveillance systems. ADS-B systems have the capability of providing air traffic controllers with highly accurate real-time flight data. ADS-B is dependent on digital communications between aircraft and ground stations of the air route traffic control center (ARTCC); however these communications are not secured. Anyone with the appropriate capabilities and equipment can interrogate the signal and transmit their own false data; this is known as spoofing. The possibility of this type of attacks decreases the situational awareness of United States airspace. The purpose of this project is to design a secure transmission framework that prevents ADS-B signals from being spoofed. Three alternative methods of securing ADS-B signals are evaluated: hashing, symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption. Security strength of the design alternatives is determined from research. Feasibility criteria are determined by comparative analysis of alternatives. Economic implications and possible collision risk is determined from simulations that model the United State airspace over the Gulf of Mexico and part of the airspace under attack respectively. The ultimate goal of the project is to show that if ADS-B signals can be secured, the situational awareness can improve and the ARTCC can use information from this surveillance system to decrease the separation between aircraft and ultimately maximize the use of the United States airspace.
Privacy preservation is very essential in various real life applications such as medical science and financial analysis. This paper focuses on implementation of an asymmetric secure multi-party computation protocol using anonymization and public-key encryption where all parties have access to trusted third party (TTP) who (1) doesn't add any contribution to computation (2) doesn't know who is the owner of the input received (3) has large number of resources (4) decryption key is known to trusted third party (TTP) to get the actual input for computation of final result. In this environment, concern is to design a protocol which deploys TTP for computation. It is proposed that the protocol is very proficient (in terms of secure computation and individual privacy) for the parties than the other available protocols. The solution incorporates protocol using asymmetric encryption scheme where any party can encrypt a message with the public key but decryption can be done by only the possessor of the decryption key (private key). As the protocol works on asymmetric encryption and packetization it ensures following: (1) Confidentiality (Anonymity) (2) Security (3) Privacy (Data).
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