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Chen, K., Mao, H., Shi, X., Xu, Y., Liu, A..  2017.  Trust-Aware and Location-Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service QoS Prediction. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:143–148.

The rapid development of cloud computing has resulted in the emergence of numerous web services on the Internet. Selecting a suitable cloud service is becoming a major problem for users especially non-professionals. Quality of Service (QoS) is considered to be the criterion for judging web services. There are several Collaborative Filtering (CF)-based QoS prediction methods proposed in recent years. QoS values among different users may vary largely due to the network and geographical location. Moreover, QoS data provided by untrusted users will definitely affect the prediction accuracy. However, most existing methods seldom take both facts into consideration. In this paper, we present a trust-aware and location-based approach for web service QoS prediction. A trust value for each user is evaluated before the similarity calculation and the location is taken into account in similar neighbors selecting. A series of experiments are performed based on a realworld QoS dataset including 339 service users and 5,825 services. The experimental analysis shows that the accuracy of our method is much higher than other CF-based methods.

Tian, C., Wang, Y., Liu, P., Zhou, Q., Zhang, C., Xu, Z..  2017.  IM-Visor: A Pre-IME Guard to Prevent IME Apps from Stealing Sensitive Keystrokes Using TrustZone. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :145–156.

Third-party IME (Input Method Editor) apps are often the preference means of interaction for Android users' input. In this paper, we first discuss the insecurity of IME apps, including the Potentially Harmful Apps (PHA) and malicious IME apps, which may leak users' sensitive keystrokes. The current defense system, such as I-BOX, is vulnerable to the prefix-substitution attack and the colluding attack due to the post-IME nature. We provide a deeper understanding that all the designs with the post-IME nature are subject to the prefix-substitution and colluding attacks. To remedy the above post-IME system's flaws, we propose a new idea, pre-IME, which guarantees that "Is this touch event a sensitive keystroke?" analysis will always access user touch events prior to the execution of any IME app code. We designed an innovative TrustZone-based framework named IM-Visor which has the pre-IME nature. Specifically, IM-Visor creates the isolation environment named STIE as soon as a user intends to type on a soft keyboard, then the STIE intercepts, translates and analyzes the user's touch input. If the input is sensitive, the translation of keystrokes will be delivered to user apps through a trusted path. Otherwise, IM-Visor replays non-sensitive keystroke touch events for IME apps or replays non-keystroke touch events for other apps. A prototype of IM-Visor has been implemented and tested with several most popular IMEs. The experimental results show that IM-Visor has small runtime overheads.

Yalew, S. Demesie, Maguire, G. Q., Haridi, S., Correia, M..  2017.  Hail to the Thief: Protecting data from mobile ransomware with ransomsafedroid. 2017 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :1–8.

The growing popularity of Android and the increasing amount of sensitive data stored in mobile devices have lead to the dissemination of Android ransomware. Ransomware is a class of malware that makes data inaccessible by blocking access to the device or, more frequently, by encrypting the data; to recover the data, the user has to pay a ransom to the attacker. A solution for this problem is to backup the data. Although backup tools are available for Android, these tools may be compromised or blocked by the ransomware itself. This paper presents the design and implementation of RANSOMSAFEDROID, a TrustZone based backup service for mobile devices. RANSOMSAFEDROID is protected from malware by leveraging the ARM TrustZone extension and running in the secure world. It does backup of files periodically to a secure local persistent partition and pushes these backups to external storage to protect them from ransomware. Initially, RANSOMSAFEDROID does a full backup of the device filesystem, then it does incremental backups that save the changes since the last backup. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented a RANSOMSAFEDROID prototype and provide a performance evaluation using an i.MX53 development board.

Tien, C. W., Huang, T. Y., Huang, T. C., Chung, W. H., Kuo, S. Y..  2017.  MAS: Mobile-Apps Assessment and Analysis System. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). :145–148.

Mobile apps are widely adopted in daily life, and contain increasing security flaws. Many regulatory agencies and organizations have announced security guidelines for app development. However, most security guidelines involving technicality and compliance with this requirement is not easily feasible. Thus, we propose Mobile Apps Assessment and Analysis System (MAS), an automatic security validation system to improve guideline compliance. MAS combines static and dynamic analysis techniques, which can be used to verify whether android apps meet the security guideline requirements. We implemented MAS in practice and verified 143 real-world apps produced by the Taiwan government. Besides, we also validated 15,000 popular apps collected from Google Play Store produced in three countries. We found that most apps contain at least three security issues. Finally, we summarize the results and list the most common security flaws for consideration in further app development.

Win, E. K., Yoshihisa, T., Ishi, Y., Kawakami, T., Teranishi, Y., Shimojo, S..  2017.  A Lightweight Multi-receiver Encryption Scheme with Mutual Authentication. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:491–497.

In this paper, we propose a lightweight multi-receiver encryption scheme for the device to device communications on Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order for the individual user to control the disclosure range of his/her own data directly and to prevent sensitive personal data disclosure to the trusted third party, the proposed scheme uses device-generated public keys. For mutual authentication, third party generates Schnorr-like lightweight identity-based partial private keys for users. The proposed scheme provides source authentication, message integrity, replay-attack prevention and implicit user authentication. In addition to more security properties, computation expensive pairing operations are eliminated to achieve less time usage for both sender and receiver, which is favourable property for IoT applications. In this paper, we showed a proof of security of our scheme, computational cost comparison and experimental performance evaluations. We implemented our proposed scheme on real embedded Android devices and confirmed that it achieves less time cost for both encryption and decryption comparing with the existing most efficient certificate-based multi-receiver encryption scheme and certificateless multi-receiver encryption scheme.

Kaushal, P. K., Bagga, A., Sobti, R..  2017.  Evolution of bitcoin and security risk in bitcoin wallets. 2017 International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix). :172–177.

This paper identifies trust factor and rewarding nature of bitcoin system, and analyzes bitcoin features which may facilitate bitcoin to emerge as a universal currency. Paper presents the gap between proposed theoretical-architecture and current practical-implementation of bitcoin system in terms of achieving decentralization, anonymity of users, and consensus. Paper presents three different ways in which a user can manage bitcoins. We attempt to identify the security risk and feasible attacks on these configurations of bitcoin management. We have shown that not all bitcoin wallets are safe against all possible types of attacks. Bitcoin core is only safest mode of operating bitcoin till date as it is secure against all feasible attacks, and is vulnerable only against block-chain rewriting.

Wang, Frank, Joung, Yuna, Mickens, James.  2017.  Cobweb: Practical Remote Attestation Using Contextual Graphs. Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution. :3:1–3:7.

In theory, remote attestation is a powerful primitive for building distributed systems atop untrusting peers. Unfortunately, the canonical attestation framework defined by the Trusted Computing Group is insufficient to express rich contextual relationships between client-side software components. Thus, attestors and verifiers must rely on ad-hoc mechanisms to handle real-world attestation challenges like attestors that load executables in nondeterministic orders, or verifiers that require attestors to track dynamic information flows between attestor-side components. In this paper, we survey these practical attestation challenges. We then describe a new attestation framework, named Cobweb, which handles these challenges. The key insight is that real-world attestation is a graph problem. An attestation message is a graph in which each vertex is a software component, and has one or more labels, e.g., the hash value of the component, or the raw file data, or a signature over that data. Each edge in an attestation graph is a contextual relationship, like the passage of time, or a parent/child fork() relationship, or a sender/receiver IPC relationship. Cobweb's verifier-side policies are graph predicates which analyze contextual relationships. Experiments with real, complex software stacks demonstrate that Cobweb's abstractions are generic and can support a variety of real-world policies.

Kulyk, O., Reinheimer, B. M., Gerber, P., Volk, F., Volkamer, M., Mühlhäuser, M..  2017.  Advancing Trust Visualisations for Wider Applicability and User Acceptance. 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS. :562–569.
There are only a few visualisations targeting the communication of trust statements. Even though there are some advanced and scientifically founded visualisations-like, for example, the opinion triangle, the human trust interface, and T-Viz-the stars interface known from e-commerce platforms is by far the most common one. In this paper, we propose two trust visualisations based on T-Viz, which was recently proposed and successfully evaluated in large user studies. Despite being the most promising proposal, its design is not primarily based on findings from human-computer interaction or cognitive psychology. Our visualisations aim to integrate such findings and to potentially improve decision making in terms of correctness and efficiency. A large user study reveals that our proposed visualisations outperform T-Viz in these factors.
Camenisch, J., Chen, L., Drijvers, M., Lehmann, A., Novick, D., Urian, R..  2017.  One TPM to Bind Them All: Fixing TPM 2.0 for Provably Secure Anonymous Attestation. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :901–920.

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is an international standard for a security chip that can be used for the management of cryptographic keys and for remote attestation. The specification of the most recent TPM 2.0 interfaces for direct anonymous attestation unfortunately has a number of severe shortcomings. First of all, they do not allow for security proofs (indeed, the published proofs are incorrect). Second, they provide a Diffie-Hellman oracle w.r.t. the secret key of the TPM, weakening the security and preventing forward anonymity of attestations. Fixes to these problems have been proposed, but they create new issues: they enable a fraudulent TPM to encode information into an attestation signature, which could be used to break anonymity or to leak the secret key. Furthermore, all proposed ways to remove the Diffie-Hellman oracle either strongly limit the functionality of the TPM or would require significant changes to the TPM 2.0 interfaces. In this paper we provide a better specification of the TPM 2.0 interfaces that addresses these problems and requires only minimal changes to the current TPM 2.0 commands. We then show how to use the revised interfaces to build q-SDH-and LRSW-based anonymous attestation schemes, and prove their security. We finally discuss how to obtain other schemes addressing different use cases such as key-binding for U-Prove and e-cash.

Vorobiev, E. G., Petrenko, S. A., Kovaleva, I. V., Abrosimov, I. K..  2017.  Organization of the Entrusted Calculations in Crucial Objects of Informatization under Uncertainty. 2017 XX IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM). :299–300.

The urgent task of the organization of confidential calculations in crucial objects of informatization on the basis of domestic TPM technologies (Trusted Platform Module) is considered. The corresponding recommendations and architectural concepts of the special hardware TPM module (Trusted Platform Module) which is built in a computing platform are proposed and realize a so-called ``root of trust''. As a result it gave the organization the confidential calculations on the basis of domestic electronic base.

Joshi, M., Mittal, S., Joshi, K. P., Finin, T..  2017.  Semantically Rich, Oblivious Access Control Using ABAC for Secure Cloud Storage. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE). :142–149.

Securing their critical documents on the cloud from data threats is a major challenge faced by organizations today. Controlling and limiting access to such documents requires a robust and trustworthy access control mechanism. In this paper, we propose a semantically rich access control system that employs an access broker module to evaluate access decisions based on rules generated using the organizations confidentiality policies. The proposed system analyzes the multi-valued attributes of the user making the request and the requested document that is stored on a cloud service platform, before making an access decision. Furthermore, our system guarantees an end-to-end oblivious data transaction between the organization and the cloud service provider using oblivious storage techniques. Thus, an organization can use our system to secure their documents as well as obscure their access pattern details from an untrusted cloud service provider.

Härtig, H., Roitzsch, M., Weinhold, C., Lackorzynski, A..  2017.  Lateral Thinking for Trustworthy Apps. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1890–1899.

The growing computerization of critical infrastructure as well as the pervasiveness of computing in everyday life has led to increased interest in secure application development. We observe a flurry of new security technologies like ARM TrustZone and Intel SGX, but a lack of a corresponding architectural vision. We are convinced that point solutions are not sufficient to address the overall challenge of secure system design. In this paper, we outline our take on a trusted component ecosystem of small individual building blocks with strong isolation. In our view, applications should no longer be designed as massive stacks of vertically layered frameworks, but instead as horizontal aggregates of mutually isolated components that collaborate across machine boundaries to provide a service. Lateral thinking is needed to make secure systems going forward.

Mirkhanzadeh, B., Shao, C., Shakeri, A., Sato, T., Razo-Razo, M., Tacca, M., Fumagalli, A., Yamanaka, N..  2017.  A two-layer network Orchestrator offering trustworthy connectivity to a ROS-industrial application. 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). :1–4.

This paper describes an experiment carried out to demonstrate robustness and trustworthiness of an orchestrated two-layer network test-bed (PROnet). A Robotic Operating System Industrial (ROS-I) distributed application makes use of end-to-end flow services offered by PROnet. The PROnet Orchestrator is used to provision reliable end-to-end Ethernet flows to support the ROS-I application required data exchange. For maximum reliability, the Orchestrator provisions network resource redundancy at both layers, i.e., Ethernet and optical. Experimental results show that the robotic application is not interrupted by a fiber outage.

You, J., Shangguan, J., Sun, Y., Wang, Y..  2017.  Improved trustworthiness judgment in open networks. 2017 International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). :1–2.

The collaborative recommendation mechanism is beneficial for the subject in an open network to find efficiently enough referrers who directly interacted with the object and obtain their trust data. The uncertainty analysis to the collected trust data selects the reliable trust data of trustworthy referrers, and then calculates the statistical trust value on certain reliability for any object. After that the subject can judge its trustworthiness and further make a decision about interaction based on the given threshold. The feasibility of this method is verified by three experiments which are designed to validate the model's ability to fight against malicious service, the exaggeration and slander attack. The interactive success rate is significantly improved by using the new model, and the malicious entities are distinguished more effectively than the comparative model.

Sprabery, R., Estrada, Z. J., Kalbarczyk, Z., Iyer, R., Bobba, R. B., Campbell, R..  2017.  Trustworthy Services Built on Event-Based Probing for Layered Defense. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). :215–225.

Numerous event-based probing methods exist for cloud computing environments allowing a hypervisor to gain insight into guest activities. Such event-based probing has been shown to be useful for detecting attacks, system hangs through watchdogs, and for inserting exploit detectors before a system can be patched, among others. Here, we illustrate how to use such probing for trustworthy logging and highlight some of the challenges that existing event-based probing mechanisms do not address. Challenges include ensuring a probe inserted at given address is trustworthy despite the lack of attestation available for probes that have been inserted dynamically. We show how probes can be inserted to ensure proper logging of every invocation of a probed instruction. When combined with attested boot of the hypervisor and guest machines, we can ensure the output stream of monitored events is trustworthy. Using these techniques we build a trustworthy log of certain guest-system-call events. The log powers a cloud-tuned Intrusion Detection System (IDS). New event types are identified that must be added to existing probing systems to ensure attempts to circumvent probes within the guest appear in the log. We highlight the overhead penalties paid by guests to increase guarantees of log completeness when faced with attacks on the guest kernel. Promising results (less that 10% for guests) are shown when a guest relaxes the trade-off between log completeness and overhead. Our demonstrative IDS detects common attack scenarios with simple policies built using our guest behavior recording system.

Rogers, R., Apeh, E., Richardson, C. J..  2016.  Resilience of the Internet of Things (IoT) from an Information Assurance (IA) perspective. 2016 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management Applications (SKIMA). :110–115.

Internet infrastructure developments and the rise of the IoT Socio-Technical Systems (STS) have frequently generated more unsecure protocols to facilitate the rapid intercommunication between the plethoras of IoT devices. Whereas, current development of the IoT has been mainly focused on enabling and effectively meeting the functionality requirement of digital-enabled enterprises we have seen scant regard to their IA architecture, marginalizing system resilience with blatant afterthoughts to cyber defence. Whilst interconnected IoT devices do facilitate and expand information sharing; they further increase of risk exposure and potential loss of trust to their Socio-Technical Systems. A change in the IoT paradigm is needed to enable a security-first mind-set; if the trusted sharing of information built upon dependable resilient growth of IoT is to be established and maintained. We argue that Information Assurance is paramount to the success of IoT, specifically its resilience and dependability to continue its safe support for our digital economy.

Vavala, B., Neves, N., Steenkiste, P..  2017.  Secure Tera-scale Data Crunching with a Small TCB. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :169–180.

Outsourcing services to third-party providers comes with a high security cost-to fully trust the providers. Using trusted hardware can help, but current trusted execution environments do not adequately support services that process very large scale datasets. We present LASTGT, a system that bridges this gap by supporting the execution of self-contained services over a large state, with a small and generic trusted computing base (TCB). LASTGT uses widely deployed trusted hardware to guarantee integrity and verifiability of the execution on a remote platform, and it securely supplies data to the service through simple techniques based on virtual memory. As a result, LASTGT is general and applicable to many scenarios such as computational genomics and databases, as we show in our experimental evaluation based on an implementation of LAST-GT on a secure hypervisor. We also describe a possible implementation on Intel SGX.

Zhang, Y., Wang, L., You, Y., Yi, L..  2017.  A Remote-Attestation-Based Extended Hash Algorithm for Privacy Protection. 2017 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :254–257.

Compared to other remote attestation methods, the binary-based approach is the most direct and complete one, but privacy protection has become an important problem. In this paper, we presented an Extended Hash Algorithm (EHA) for privacy protection based on remote attestation method. Based on the traditional Merkle Hash Tree, EHA altered the algorithm of node connection. The new algorithm could ensure the same result in any measure order. The security key is added when the node connection calculation is performed, which ensures the security of the value calculated by the Merkle node. By the final analysis, we can see that the remote attestation using EHA has better privacy protection and execution performance compared to other methods.

Thuraisingham, B., Kantarcioglu, M., Hamlen, K., Khan, L., Finin, T., Joshi, A., Oates, T., Bertino, E..  2016.  A Data Driven Approach for the Science of Cyber Security: Challenges and Directions. 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI). :1–10.

This paper describes a data driven approach to studying the science of cyber security (SoS). It argues that science is driven by data. It then describes issues and approaches towards the following three aspects: (i) Data Driven Science for Attack Detection and Mitigation, (ii) Foundations for Data Trustworthiness and Policy-based Sharing, and (iii) A Risk-based Approach to Security Metrics. We believe that the three aspects addressed in this paper will form the basis for studying the Science of Cyber Security.

Stanić, B., Afzal, W..  2017.  Process Metrics Are Not Bad Predictors of Fault Proneness. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :493–499.

The correct prediction of faulty modules or classes has a number of advantages such as improving the quality of software and assigning capable development resources to fix such faults. There have been different kinds of fault/defect prediction models proposed in literature, but a great majority of them makes use of static code metrics as independent variables for making predictions. Recently, process metrics have gained a considerable attention as alternative metrics to use for making trust-worthy predictions. The objective of this paper is to investigate different combinations of static code and process metrics for evaluating fault prediction performance. We have used publicly available data sets, along with a frequently used classifier, Naive Bayes, to run our experiments. We have, both statistically and visually, analyzed our experimental results. The statistical analysis showed evidence against any significant difference in fault prediction performances for a variety of different combinations of metrics. This reinforced earlier research results that process metrics are as good as predictors of fault proneness as static code metrics. Furthermore, the visual inspection of box plots revealed that the best set of metrics for fault prediction is a mix of both static code and process metrics. We also presented evidence in support of some process metrics being more discriminating than others and thus making them as good predictors to use.

Abdelhamid, N., Thabtah, F., Abdel-jaber, H..  2017.  Phishing detection: A recent intelligent machine learning comparison based on models content and features. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :72–77.

In the last decade, numerous fake websites have been developed on the World Wide Web to mimic trusted websites, with the aim of stealing financial assets from users and organizations. This form of online attack is called phishing, and it has cost the online community and the various stakeholders hundreds of million Dollars. Therefore, effective counter measures that can accurately detect phishing are needed. Machine learning (ML) is a popular tool for data analysis and recently has shown promising results in combating phishing when contrasted with classic anti-phishing approaches, including awareness workshops, visualization and legal solutions. This article investigates ML techniques applicability to detect phishing attacks and describes their pros and cons. In particular, different types of ML techniques have been investigated to reveal the suitable options that can serve as anti-phishing tools. More importantly, we experimentally compare large numbers of ML techniques on real phishing datasets and with respect to different metrics. The purpose of the comparison is to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of ML predictive models and to show their actual performance when it comes to phishing attacks. The experimental results show that Covering approach models are more appropriate as anti-phishing solutions, especially for novice users, because of their simple yet effective knowledge bases in addition to their good phishing detection rate.

Sun, F., Zhang, P., White, J., Schmidt, D., Staples, J., Krause, L..  2017.  A Feasibility Study of Autonomically Detecting In-Process Cyber-Attacks. 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF). :1–8.

A cyber-attack detection system issues alerts when an attacker attempts to coerce a trusted software application to perform unsafe actions on the attacker's behalf. One way of issuing such alerts is to create an application-agnostic cyber- attack detection system that responds to prevalent software vulnerabilities. The creation of such an autonomic alert system, however, is impeded by the disparity between implementation language, function, quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, and architectural patterns present in applications, all of which contribute to the rapidly changing threat landscape presented by modern heterogeneous software systems. This paper evaluates the feasibility of creating an autonomic cyber-attack detection system and applying it to several exemplar web-based applications using program transformation and machine learning techniques. Specifically, we examine whether it is possible to detect cyber-attacks (1) online, i.e., as they occur using lightweight structures derived from a call graph and (2) offline, i.e., using machine learning techniques trained with features extracted from a trace of application execution. In both cases, we first characterize normal application behavior using supervised training with the test suites created for an application as part of the software development process. We then intentionally perturb our test applications so they are vulnerable to common attack vectors and then evaluate the effectiveness of various feature extraction and learning strategies on the perturbed applications. Our results show that both lightweight on-line models based on control flow of execution path and application specific off-line models can successfully and efficiently detect in-process cyber-attacks against web applications.

Massonet, P., Dupont, S., Michot, A., Levin, A., Villari, M..  2016.  Enforcement of global security policies in federated cloud networks with virtual network functions. 2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :81–84.

Federated cloud networks are formed by federating virtual network segments from different clouds, e.g. in a hybrid cloud, into a single federated network. Such networks should be protected with a global federated cloud network security policy. The availability of network function virtualisation and service function chaining in cloud platforms offers an opportunity for implementing and enforcing global federated cloud network security policies. In this paper we describe an approach for enforcing global security policies in federated cloud networks. The approach relies on a service manifest that specifies the global network security policy. From this manifest configurations of the security functions for the different clouds of the federation are generated. This enables automated deployment and configuration of network security functions across the different clouds. The approach is illustrated with a case study where communications between trusted and untrusted clouds, e.g. public clouds, are encrypted. The paper discusses future work on implementing this architecture for the OpenStack cloud platform with the service function chaining API.

Urien, P..  2016.  Three Innovative Directions Based on Secure Elements for Trusted and Secured IoT Platforms. 2016 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1–2.

This paper presents the foundations of secured and trusted architecture for the Internet of Things platforms, based on Secure Elements (SE). Some IoT networks could be managed by service providers, dealing with smart grids or healthcare. Many platforms are using DTLS or TLS protocols. Therefore SEs running such stacks could provide strong mutual authentication and secure communications. Three future research directions are illustrated by previous experiments. TLS/DTLS SE servers for objects, CoAP DTLS clients for SIM modules, and RACS authorization servers based on SE TLS servers.

Venugopalan, V., Patterson, C. D., Shila, D. M..  2016.  Detecting and thwarting hardware trojan attacks in cyber-physical systems. 2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :421–425.

Cyber-physical system integrity requires both hardware and software security. Many of the cyber attacks are successful as they are designed to selectively target a specific hardware or software component in an embedded system and trigger its failure. Existing security measures also use attack vector models and isolate the malicious component as a counter-measure. Isolated security primitives do not provide the overall trust required in an embedded system. Trust enhancements are proposed to a hardware security platform, where the trust specifications are implemented in both software and hardware. This distribution of trust makes it difficult for a hardware-only or software-only attack to cripple the system. The proposed approach is applied to a smart grid application consisting of third-party soft IP cores, where an attack on this module can result in a blackout. System integrity is preserved in the event of an attack and the anomalous behavior of the IP core is recorded by a supervisory module. The IP core also provides a snapshot of its trust metric, which is logged for further diagnostics.