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Islamy, Chaidir Chalaf, Ahmad, Tohari, Ijtihadie, Royyana Muslim.  2022.  Secret Image Sharing and Steganography based on Fuzzy Logic and Prediction Error. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT). :137—142.
Transmitting data through the internet may have severe security risks due to illegal access done by attackers. Some methods have been introduced to overcome this issue, such as cryptography and steganography. Nevertheless, some problems still arise, such as the quality of the stego data. Specifically, it happens if the stego is shared with some users. In this research, a shared-secret mechanism is combined with steganography. For this purpose, the fuzzy logic edge detection and Prediction Error (PE) methods are utilized to hide private data. The secret sharing process is carried out after data embedding in the cover image. This sharing mechanism is performed on image pixels that have been converted to PE values. Various Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values are obtained from the experiment. It is found that the number of participants and the threshold do not significantly affect the image quality of the shares.
De La Croix, Ntivuguruzwa Jean, Islamy, Chaidir Chalaf, Ahmad, Tohari.  2022.  Secret Message Protection using Fuzzy Logic and Difference Expansion in Digital Images. 2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Development (NIGERCON). :1—5.

Secrete message protection has become a focal point of the network security domain due to the problems of violating the network use policies and unauthorized access of the public network. These problems have led to data protection techniques such as cryptography, and steganography. Cryptography consists of encrypting secrete message to a ciphertext format and steganography consists of concealing the secrete message in codes that make up a digital file, such as an image, audio, and video. Steganography, which is different from cryptography, ensures hiding a secret message for secure transmission over the public network. This paper presents a steganographic approach using digital images for data hiding that aims to providing higher performance by combining fuzzy logic type I to pre-process the cover image and difference expansion techniques. The previous methods have used the original cover image to embed the secrete message. This paper provides a new method that first identifies the edges of a cover image and then proceeds with a difference expansion to embed the secrete message. The experimental results of this work identified an improvement of 10% of the existing method based on increased payload capacity and the visibility of the stego image.

Fionov, Andrey, Klevtsov, Alexandr.  2021.  Eliminating Broadband Covert Channels in DSA-Like Signatures. 2021 XVII International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY). :45–48.
The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a representative of a family of digital signature algorithms that are known to have a number of subliminal channels for covert data transmission. The capacity of these channels stretches from several bits (narrowband channels) to about 256 or so bits (a broadband channel). There are a couple of methods described in the literature to prevent the usage of the broadband channel with the help of a warden. In the present paper, we discuss some weaknesses of the known methods and suggest a solution that is free of the weaknesses and eliminates the broadband covert channel. Our solution also requires a warden who does not participate in signature generation and is able to check any signed message for the absence of the covert communication.
Nisperos, Z. A., Gerardo, B., Hernandez, A..  2020.  Key Generation for Zero Steganography Using DNA Sequences. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
Some of the key challenges in steganography are imperceptibility and resistance to detection of steganalysis algorithms. Zero steganography is an approach to data hiding such that the cover image is not modified. This paper focuses on the generation of stego-key, which is an essential component of this steganographic approach. This approach utilizes DNA sequences and shifting and flipping operations in its binary code representation. Experimental results show that the key generation algorithm has a low cracking probability. The algorithm satisfies the avalanche criterion.
Kumar, B. M., Sri, B. R. S., Katamaraju, G. M. S. A., Rani, P., Harinadh, N., Saibabu, C..  2020.  File Encryption and Decryption Using DNA Technology. 2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA). :382–385.
Cryptography is the method of transforming the original texted message into an unknown form and in reverse also. It is the process of hiding and forwarding the data in an appropriate form so that only authorized persons can know and can process it. Cryptographic process secures the data from hijacking or transmutation, it is mainly used for users data security. This paper justifies the encryption and decryption using DNA(Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) sequence. This process includes several intermediate steps, the perception of binary-coded form and generating of arbitrary keys is used to encrypt the message. A common key should be established between the sender and receiver for encryption and decryption process. The common key provides more security to the sequence. In this paper, both the process of binary-coded form and generating of arbitrary keys are used to encrypt the message. It is widely used in an institution and by every individual to hide their data from the muggers and hijackers and provides the data securely, and confidentially over the transmission of information.
Li, M., Chang, H., Xiang, Y., An, D..  2020.  A Novel Anti-Collusion Audio Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Fourier Coefficients Reversing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 27:1794—1798.

Most anti-collusion audio fingerprinting schemes are aiming at finding colluders from the illegal redistributed audio copies. However, the loss caused by the redistributed versions is inevitable. In this letter, a novel fingerprinting scheme is proposed to eliminate the motivation of collusion attack. The audio signal is transformed to the frequency domain by the Fourier transform, and the coefficients in frequency domain are reversed in different degrees according to the fingerprint sequence. Different from other fingerprinting schemes, the coefficients of the host media are excessively modified by the proposed method in order to reduce the quality of the colluded version significantly, but the imperceptibility is well preserved. Experiments show that the colluded audio cannot be reused because of the poor quality. In addition, the proposed method can also resist other common attacks. Various kinds of copyright risks and losses caused by the illegal redistribution are effectively avoided, which is significant for protecting the copyright of audio.

Singh, Kuhu, Sajnani, Anil Kumar, Kumar Khatri, Sunil.  2019.  Data Security Enhancement in Cloud Computing Using Multimodel Biometric System. 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :175—179.
Today, data is all around us, every device that has computation power is generating the data and we can assume that in today's world there is about 2 quintillion bytes of data is been generating every day. as data increase in the database of the world servers so as the risk of data leak where we are talking about unlimited confidential data that is available online but as humans are developing their data online so as its security, today we've got hundreds of way to secure out data but not all are very successful or compatible there the big question arises that how to secure our data to hide our all the confidential information online, in other words one's all life work can be found online which is on risk of leak. all that says is today we have cloud above all of our data centers that stores all the information so that one can access anything from anywhere. in this paper we are introducing a new multimodal biometric system that is possible for the future smartphones to be supported where one can upload, download or modify the files using cloud without worrying about the unauthorized access of any third person as this security authentication uses combination of multiple security system available today that are not easy to breach such as DNA encryption which mostly is based on AES cipher here in this paper there we have designed triple layer of security.
Gupta, Arpit, Kaur, Arashdeep, Dutta, Malay Kishore, Schimmel, Jiří.  2019.  Perceptually Transparent Robust Audio Watermarking Algorithm Using Multi Resolution Decomposition Cordic QR Decomposition. 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :313—317.

This paper proposes an audio watermarking algorithm having good balance between perceptual transparency, robustness, and payload. The proposed algorithm is based on Cordic QR decomposition and multi-resolution decomposition meeting all the necessary audio watermarking design requirements. The use of Cordic QR decomposition provides good robustness and use of detailed coefficients of multi-resolution decomposition help to obtain good transparency at high payload. Also, the proposed algorithm does not require original signal or the embedded watermark for extraction. The binary data embedding capacity of the proposed algorithm is 960.4 bps and the highest SNR obtained is 35.1380 dB. The results obtained in this paper show that the proposed method has good perceptual transparency, high payload and robustness under various audio signal processing attacks.

Nisperos, Zhella Anne V., Gerardo, Bobby D., Hernandez, Alexander A..  2019.  A Coverless Approach to Data Hiding Using DNA Sequences. 2019 2nd World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE). :21–25.
In recent years, image steganography is being considered as one of the methods to secure the confidentiality of sensitive and private data sent over networks. Conventional image steganography techniques use cover images to hide secret messages. These techniques are susceptible to steganalysis algorithms based on anomaly detection. This paper proposes a new approach to image steganography without using cover images. In addition, it utilizes Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequences. DNA sequences are used to generate key and stego-image. Experimental results show that the use of DNA sequences in this technique offer very low cracking probability and the coverless approach contributes to its high embedding capacity.
Puteaux, Pauline, Puech, William.  2019.  Image Analysis and Processing in the Encrypted Domain. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :3020–3022.

In this research project, we are interested by finding solutions to the problem of image analysis and processing in the encrypted domain. For security reasons, more and more digital data are transferred or stored in the encrypted domain. However, during the transmission or the archiving of encrypted images, it is often necessary to analyze or process them, without knowing the original content or the secret key used during the encryption phase. We propose to work on this problem, by associating theoretical aspects with numerous applications. Our main contributions concern: data hiding in encrypted images, correction of noisy encrypted images, recompression of crypto-compressed images and secret image sharing.

Wang, Y., Sun, C., Kuan, P., Lu, C., Wang, H..  2018.  Secured graphic QR code with infrared watermark. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Invention (ICASI). :690–693.

The barcode is an important link between real life and the virtual world nowadays. One of the most common barcodes is QR code, which its appearance, black and white modules, is not visually pleasing. The QR code is applied to product packaging and campaign promotion in the market. There are more and more stores using QR code for transaction payment. If the QR code is altered or illegally duplicated, it will endanger the information security of users. Therefore, the study uses infrared watermarking to embed the infrared QR code information into the explicit QR code to strengthen the anti-counterfeiting features. The explicit graphic QR code is produced by data hiding with error diffusion in this study. With the optical characteristics of K, one of the four printed ink colors CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), only K can be rendered in infrared. Hence, we use the infrared watermarking to embed the implicit QR code information into the explicit graphic QR code. General QR code reader may be used to interpret explicit graphic QR code information. As for implicit QR code, it needs the infrared detector to extract its implicit QR code information. If the QR code is illegally copied, it will not show the hidden second QR code under infrared detection. In this study, infrared watermark hidden in the graphic QR code can enhance not only the aesthetics of QR code, but also the anti-counterfeiting feature. It can also be applied to printing related fields, such as security documents, banknotes, etc. in the future.

Cabaj, Krzysztof, Mazurczyk, Wojciech, Nowakowski, Piotr, \textbackslash.Zórawski, Piotr.  2018.  Towards Distributed Network Covert Channels Detection Using Data Mining-Based Approach. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :12:1-12:10.

Currently, due to improvements in defensive systems network covert channels are increasingly drawing attention of cybercriminals and malware developers as they can provide stealthiness of the malicious communication and thus to bypass existing security solutions. On the other hand, the utilized data hiding methods are getting increasingly sophisticated as the attackers, in order to stay under the radar, distribute the covert data among many connections, protocols, etc. That is why, the detection of such threats becomes a pressing issue. In this paper we make an initial step in this direction by presenting a data mining-based detection of such advanced threats which relies on pattern discovery technique. The obtained, initial experimental results indicate that such solution has potential and should be further investigated.

Zhang, Xiaoqiang, Wang, Xuesong, Wang, Qingming.  2018.  Additive Spread Spectrum Image Hiding Algorithm Based on Host Signal. Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications. :164-168.

Image hiding is the important tools to protect the ownership rights of digital multimedia contents. To reduce the interference effect of the host signal in the popular Spread Spectrum (SS) image hiding algorithm, this paper proposes an Improved Additive Spread Spectrum (IASS) image hiding algorithm. The proposed IASS image hiding algorithm maintains the simple decoder of the Additive Spread Spectrum (ASS) image hiding algorithm. This paper makes the comparative experiments with the ASS image hiding algorithm and Correlation-and-bit-Aware Spread Spectrum (CASS) image hiding algorithm. For the noise-free scenario, the proposed IASS image hiding algorithm could yield error-free decoding performance in theory. For the noise scenario, the experimental results show that the proposed IASS image hiding algorithm could significantly reduce the host effect in data hiding and improve the watermark decoding performance remarkably.

Sajisha, K. S., Mathew, S..  2017.  An encryption based on DNA cryptography and steganography. 2017 International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). 2:162–167.

The data security is a challenging issue nowadays with the increase of information capacity and its transmission rate. The most common and widely used techniques in the data security fields are cryptography and steganography. The combination of cryptography and steganography methods provides more security to the data. Now, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is explored as a new carrier for data security since it achieves maximum protection and powerful security with high capacity and low modification rate. A new data security method can be developed by taking the advantages of DNA based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cryptography and DNA steganography. This new technique will provide multilayer security to the secret message. Here the secret message is first encoded to DNA bases then DNA based AES algorithm is applied to it. Finally the encrypted DNA will be concealed in another DNA sequence. This hybrid technique provides triple layer security to the secret message.

El-Khamy, S. E., Korany, N. O., El-Sherif, M. H..  2017.  Correlation based highly secure image hiding in audio signals using wavelet decomposition and chaotic maps hopping for 5G multimedia communications. 2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS). :1–3.

Audio Steganography is the technique of hiding any secret information behind a cover audio file without impairing its quality. Data hiding in audio signals has various applications such as secret communications and concealing data that may influence the security and safety of governments and personnel and has possible important applications in 5G communication systems. This paper proposes an efficient secure steganography scheme based on the high correlation between successive audio signals. This is similar to the case of differential pulse coding modulation technique (DPCM) where encoding uses the redundancy in sample values to encode the signals with lower bit rate. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) of audio samples is used to store hidden data in the least important coefficients of Haar transform. We use the benefit of the small differences between successive samples generated from encoding of the cover audio signal wavelet coefficients to hide image data without making a remarkable change in the cover audio signal. instead of changing of actual audio samples so this doesn't perceptually degrade the audio signal and provides higher hiding capacity with lower distortion. To further increase the security of the image hiding process, the image to be hidden is divided into blocks and the bits of each block are XORed with a different random sequence of logistic maps using hopping technique. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been estimated extensively against attacks and experimental results show that the proposed method achieves good robustness and imperceptibility.

Kar, N., Aman, M. A. A. A., Mandal, K., Bhattacharya, B..  2017.  Chaos-based video steganography. 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :482–487.

In this paper a novel data hiding method has been proposed which is based on Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register and Tinkerbell 2D chaotic map. So far, the major work in Steganography using chaotic map has been confined to image steganography where significant restrictions are there to increase payload. In our work, 2D chaotic map and NLFSR are used to developed a video steganography mechanism where data will be embedded in the segregated frames. This will increase the data hiding limit exponentially. Also, embedding position of each frame will be different from others frames which will increase the overall security of the proposed mechanism. We have achieved this randomized data hiding points by using a chaotic map. Basically, Chaotic theory which is non-linear dynamics physics is using in this era in the field of Cryptography and Steganography and because of this theory, little bit changes in initial condition makes the output totally different. So, it is very hard to get embedding position of data without knowing the initial value of the chaotic map.

Allawi, M. A. A., Hadi, A., Awajan, A..  2015.  MLDED: Multi-layer Data Exfiltration Detection System. 2015 Fourth International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensic (CyberSec). :107–112.

Due to the growing advancement of crime ware services, the computer and network security becomes a crucial issue. Detecting sensitive data exfiltration is a principal component of each information protection strategy. In this research, a Multi-Level Data Exfiltration Detection (MLDED) system that can handle different types of insider data leakage threats with staircase difficulty levels and their implications for the organization environment has been proposed, implemented and tested. The proposed system detects exfiltration of data outside an organization information system, where the main goal is to use the detection results of a MLDED system for digital forensic purposes. MLDED system consists of three major levels Hashing, Keywords Extraction and Labeling. However, it is considered only for certain type of documents such as plain ASCII text and PDF files. In response to the challenging issue of identifying insider threats, a forensic readiness data exfiltration system is designed that is capable of detecting and identifying sensitive information leaks. The results show that the proposed system has an overall detection accuracy of 98.93%.

Eddeen, L.M.H.N., Saleh, E.M., Saadah, D..  2014.  Genetic Hash Algorithm. Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 2014 6th International Conference on. :23-26.

Security is becoming a major concern in computing. New techniques are evolving every day; one of these techniques is Hash Visualization. Hash Visualization uses complex random generated images for security, these images can be used to hide data (watermarking). This proposed new technique improves hash visualization by using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are a search optimization technique that is based on the evolution of living creatures. The proposed technique uses genetic algorithms to improve hash visualization. The used genetic algorithm was away faster than traditional previous ones, and it improved hash visualization by evolving the tree that was used to generate the images, in order to obtain a better and larger tree that will generate images with higher security. The security was satisfied by calculating the fitness value for each chromosome based on a specifically designed algorithm.