Visible to the public Image Analysis and Processing in the Encrypted Domain

TitleImage Analysis and Processing in the Encrypted Domain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPuteaux, Pauline, Puech, William
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Date Publishedsep
ISBN Number978-1-5386-6249-6
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, crypto-compressed image recompression, cryptography, data compression, data encapsulation, data hiding, encrypted domain, encryption phase, Entropy, Image analysis, Image coding, image encryption, multimedia security, Noise measurement, noisy encrypted images, privacy, pubcrawl, research project, secret image sharing, signal processing in the encrypted domain, social networking (online), theoretical cryptography, Transform coding

In this research project, we are interested by finding solutions to the problem of image analysis and processing in the encrypted domain. For security reasons, more and more digital data are transferred or stored in the encrypted domain. However, during the transmission or the archiving of encrypted images, it is often necessary to analyze or process them, without knowing the original content or the secret key used during the encryption phase. We propose to work on this problem, by associating theoretical aspects with numerous applications. Our main contributions concern: data hiding in encrypted images, correction of noisy encrypted images, recompression of crypto-compressed images and secret image sharing.

Citation Keyputeaux_image_2019