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Zhang, Chengzhao, Tang, Huiyue.  2022.  Empirical Research on Multifactor Quantitative Stock Selection Strategy Based on Machine Learning. 2022 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML). :380—383.
In this paper, stock selection strategy design based on machine learning and multi-factor analysis is a research hotspot in quantitative investment field. Four machine learning algorithms including support vector machine, gradient lifting regression, random forest and linear regression are used to predict the rise and fall of stocks by taking stock fundamentals as input variables. The portfolio strategy is constructed on this basis. Finally, the stock selection strategy is further optimized. The empirical results show that the multifactor quantitative stock selection strategy has a good stock selection effect, and yield performance under the support vector machine algorithm is the best. With the increase of the number of factors, there is an inverse relationship between the fitting degree and the yield under various algorithms.
Mantoro, Teddy, Fahriza, Muhammad Elky, Agni Catur Bhakti, Muhammad.  2022.  Effective of Obfuscated Android Malware Detection using Static Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1—5.
The effective security system improvement from malware attacks on the Android operating system should be updated and improved. Effective malware detection increases the level of data security and high protection for the users. Malicious software or malware typically finds a means to circumvent the security procedure, even when the user is unaware whether the application can act as malware. The effectiveness of obfuscated android malware detection is evaluated by collecting static analysis data from a data set. The experiment assesses the risk level of which malware dataset using the hash value of the malware and records malware behavior. A set of hash SHA256 malware samples has been obtained from an internet dataset and will be analyzed using static analysis to record malware behavior and evaluate which risk level of the malware. According to the results, most of the algorithms provide the same total score because of the multiple crime inside the malware application.
Fowze, Farhaan, Choudhury, Muhtadi, Forte, Domenic.  2022.  EISec: Exhaustive Information Flow Security of Hardware Intellectual Property Utilizing Symbolic Execution. 2022 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1–6.
Hardware IPs are assumed to be roots-of-trust in complex SoCs. However, their design and security verification are still heavily dependent on manual expertise. Extensive research in this domain has shown that even cryptographic modules may lack information flow security, making them susceptible to remote attacks. Further, when an SoC is in the hands of the attacker, physical attacks such as fault injection are possible. This paper introduces EISec, a novel tool utilizing symbolic execution for exhaustive analysis of hardware IPs. EISec operates at the pre-silicon stage on the gate level netlist of a design. It detects information flow security violations and generates the exhaustive set of control sequences that reproduces them. We further expand its capabilities to quantify the confusion and diffusion present in cryptographic modules and to analyze an FSM's susceptibility to fault injection attacks. The proposed methodology efficiently explores the complete input space of designs utilizing symbolic execution. In short, EISec is a holistic security analysis tool to help hardware designers capture security violations early on and mitigate them by reporting their triggers.
Amin, Md Rayhan, Bhowmik, Tanmay.  2022.  Existing Vulnerability Information in Security Requirements Elicitation. 2022 IEEE 30th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :220—225.
In software engineering, the aspect of addressing security requirements is considered to be of paramount importance. In most cases, however, security requirements for a system are considered as non-functional requirements (NFRs) and are addressed at the very end of the software development life cycle. The increasing number of security incidents in software systems around the world has made researchers and developers rethink and consider this issue at an earlier stage. An important and essential step towards this process is the elicitation of relevant security requirements. In a recent work, Imtiaz et al. proposed a framework for creating a mapping between existing requirements and the vulnerabilities associated with them. The idea is that, this mapping can be used by developers to predict potential vulnerabilities associated with new functional requirements and capture security requirements to avoid these vulnerabilities. However, to what extent, such existing vulnerability information can be useful in security requirements elicitation is still an open question. In this paper, we design a human subject study to answer this question. We also present the results of a pilot study and discuss their implications. Preliminary results show that existing vulnerability information can be a useful resource in eliciting security requirements and lays ground work for a full scale study.
Xie, Genlin, Cheng, Guozhen, Liang, Hao, Wang, Qingfeng, He, Benwei.  2022.  Evaluating Software Diversity Based on Gadget Feature Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1656—1660.
Evaluating the security gains brought by software diversity is one key issue of software diversity research, but the existing software diversity evaluation methods are generally based on conventional code features and are relatively single, which are difficult to accurately reflect the security gains brought by software diversity. To solve these problems, from the perspective of return-oriented programming (ROP) attack, we present a software diversity evaluation method which integrates metrics for the quality and distribution of gadgets. Based on the proposed evaluation method and SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, we implement a software diversity evaluation system for compiled languages and script languages. Diversity techniques with different granularities are used to test. The evaluation results show that the proposed evaluation method can accurately and comprehensively reflect the security gains brought by software diversity.
Sayed, Aya Nabil, Hamila, Ridha, Himeur, Yassine, Bensaali, Faycal.  2022.  Employing Information Theoretic Metrics with Data-Driven Occupancy Detection Approaches: A Comparative Analysis. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :50—54.
Building occupancy data helps increase energy management systems’ performance, enabling lower energy use while preserving occupant comfort. The focus of this study is employing environmental data (e.g., including but not limited to temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), etc.) to infer occupancy information. This will be achieved by exploring the application of information theory metrics with machine learning (ML) approaches to classify occupancy levels for a given dataset. Three datasets and six distinct ML algorithms were used in a comparative study to determine the best strategy for identifying occupancy patterns. It was determined that both k-nearest neighbors (kNN) and random forest (RF) identify occupancy labels with the highest overall level of accuracy, reaching 97.99% and 98.56%, respectively.
Kim, Jawon, Chang, Hangbae.  2022.  An Exploratory Study of Security Data Analysis Method for Insider Threat Prevention. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :611—613.
Insider threats are steadily increasing, and the damage is also enormous. To prevent insider threats, security solutions, such as DLP, SIEM, etc., are being steadily developed. However, they have limitations due to the high rate of false positives. In this paper, we propose a data analysis method and methodology for responding to a technology leak incident. The future study may be performed based on the proposed methodology.
Clark, Nicholas K..  2022.  Enhancing an Information-Centric Network of Things at the Internet Edge with Trust-Based Access Control. 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :1–6.
This work expands on our prior work on an architecture and supporting protocols to efficiently integrate constrained devices into an Information-Centric Network-based Internet of Things in a way that is both secure and scalable. In this work, we propose a scheme for addressing additional threats and integrating trust-based behavioral observations and attribute-based access control by leveraging the capabilities of less constrained coordinating nodes at the network edge close to IoT devices. These coordinating devices have better insight into the behavior of their constituent devices and access to a trusted overall security management cloud service. We leverage two modules, the security manager (SM) and trust manager (TM). The former provides data confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and authorization, while the latter analyzes the nodes' behavior using a trust model factoring in a set of service and network communication attributes. The trust model allows trust to be integrated into the SM's access control policies, allowing access to resources to be restricted to trusted nodes.
Xu, Xinyun, Li, Bing, Wang, Yuhao.  2022.  Exploration of the principle of 6G communication technology and its development prospect. 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Devices, Computational Science (ICEDCS). :100–103.
Nowadays, 5G has been widely used in various fields. People are starting to turn their attention to 6G. Therefore, at the beginning, this paper describes in detail the principle and performance of 6G, and introduces the key technologies of 6G, Cavity technology and THz technology. Based on the high-performance indicators of 6G, we then study the possible application changes brought by 6G, for example, 6G technology will make remote surgery and remote control possible. 6G technology will make remote surgery and remote control possible. 6G will speed up the interconnection of everything, allowing closer and faster connection between cars. Next, virtual reality is discussed. 6G technology will enable better development of virtual reality technology and enhance people's immersive experience. Finally, we present the issues that need to be addressed with 6G technology, such as cybersecurity issues and energy requirements. As well as the higher challenges facing 6G technology, such as connectivity and communication on a larger social plane.
Kaufmann, Kaspar, Wyssenbach, Thomas, Schwaninger, Adrian.  2022.  Exploring the effects of segmentation when learning with Virtual Reality and 2D displays: a study with airport security officers. 2022 IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1–1.
With novel 3D imaging technology based on computed tomography (CT) set to replace the current 2D X-ray systems, airports face the challenge of adequately preparing airport security officers (screeners) through knowledge building. Virtual reality (VR) bears the potential to greatly facilitate this process by allowing learners to experience and engage in immersive virtual scenarios as if they were real. However, while general aspects of immersion have been explored frequently, less is known about the benefits of immersive technology for instructional purposes in practical settings such as airport security.In the present study, we evaluated how different display technologies (2D vs VR) and segmentation (system-paced vs learner-paced) affected screeners' objective and subjective knowledge gain, cognitive load, as well as aspects of motivation and technology acceptance. By employing a 2 x 2 between-subjects design, four experimental groups experienced uniform learning material featuring information about 3D CT technology and its application in airport security: 2D system-paced, 2D learner-paced, VR system-paced, and VR learner-paced. The instructional material was presented as an 11 min multimedia lesson featuring words (i.e., narration, onscreen text) and pictures in dynamic form (i.e., video, animation). Participants of the learner-paced groups were prompted to initialize the next section of the multimedia lesson by pressing a virtual button after short segments of information. Additionally, a control group experiencing no instructional content was included to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional material. The data was collected at an international airport with screeners having no prior 3D CT experience (n=162).The results show main effects on segmentation for objective learning outcomes (favoring system-paced), germane cognitive load on display technology (supporting 2D). These results contradict the expected benefits of VR and segmentation, respectively. Overall, the present study offers valuable insight on how to implement instructional material for a practical setting.
ISSN: 2153-0742
Shen, Wendi, Yang, Genke.  2022.  An error neighborhood-based detection mechanism to improve the performance of anomaly detection in industrial control systems. 2022 International Conference on Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering (CMAEE). :25—29.
Anomaly detection for devices (e.g, sensors and actuators) plays a crucial role in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) for security protection. The typical framework of deep learning-based anomaly detection includes a model to predict or reconstruct the state of devices and a detection mechanism to determine anomalies. The majority of anomaly detection methods use a fixed threshold detection mechanism to detect anomalous points. However, the anomalies caused by cyberattacks in ICSs are usually continuous anomaly segments. In this paper, we propose a novel detection mechanism to detect continuous anomaly segments. Its core idea is to determine the start and end times of anomalies based on the continuity characteristics of anomalies and the dynamics of error. We conducted experiments on the two real-world datasets for performance evaluation using five baselines. The F1 score increased by 3.8% on average in the SWAT dataset and increased by 15.6% in the WADI dataset. The results show a significant improvement in the performance of baselines using an error neighborhood-based continuity detection mechanism in a real-time manner.
Liu, Lisa, Engelen, Gints, Lynar, Timothy, Essam, Daryl, Joosen, Wouter.  2022.  Error Prevalence in NIDS datasets: A Case Study on CIC-IDS-2017 and CSE-CIC-IDS-2018. 2022 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :254—262.
Benchmark datasets are heavily depended upon by the research community to validate theoretical findings and track progression in the state-of-the-art. NIDS dataset creation presents numerous challenges on account of the volume, heterogeneity, and complexity of network traffic, making the process labor intensive, and thus, prone to error. This paper provides a critical review of CIC-IDS-2017 and CIC-CSE-IDS-2018, datasets which have seen extensive usage in the NIDS literature, and are currently considered primary benchmarking datasets for NIDS. We report a large number of previously undocumented errors throughout the dataset creation lifecycle, including in attack orchestration, feature generation, documentation, and labeling. The errors destabilize the results and challenge the findings of numerous publications that have relied on it as a benchmark. We demonstrate the implications of these errors through several experiments. We provide comprehensive documentation to summarize the discovery of these issues, as well as a fully-recreated dataset, with labeling logic that has been reverse-engineered, corrected, and made publicly available for the first time. We demonstrate the implications of dataset errors through a series of experiments. The findings serve to remind the research community of common pitfalls with dataset creation processes, and of the need to be vigilant when adopting new datasets. Lastly, we strongly recommend the release of labeling logic for any dataset released, to ensure full transparency.
Ambedkar, B. R., Bharti, P. K., Husain, Akhtar.  2022.  Enhancing the Performance of Hash Function Using Autonomous Initial Value Proposed Secure Hash Algorithm 256. 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). :560—565.
To verify the integrity and confidentiality of data communicated through the web is a very big issue worldwide because every person wants very fast computing and secure electronic data communication via the web. The authentication of electronic data is done by hashing algorithms. Presently researchers are using one-time padding to convert variable-length input messages into a block of fixed length and also using constant initial values that are constant for any input message. So this reason we are proposing the autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm-256 (AIVPSHA256) and we are enhancing the performance of the hash function by designing and compuiting its experimental results in python 3.9.5 programming language.
Albatoosh, Ahmed H., Shuja'a, Mohamed Ibrahim, Al-Nedawe, Basman M..  2022.  Effectiveness Improvement of Offset Pulse Position Modulation System Using Reed-Solomon Codes. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—5.
Currently, the pulse position modulation (PPM) schemes are suffering from bandwidth application where the line rate is double that of the initial data rate. Thus, the offset pulse position modulation (OPPM) has been suggested to rectify this concern. Several attempts to improve the OPPM can be found in the open literature. This study focuses on the utilization of Reed Solomon (RS) codes to enhance the forward error correction (FEC) bit error rate, which is not yet explored. The performance of errors of the uncoded OPPM was compared to the one used by RS coded OPPM using the number of photons per pulse, the transmission's efficacy, and bandwidth growth. The results demonstrate that employing FEC coding would increase the system's error performance especially when the RS is operating at its finest settings. Specifically, when operating with a capacity that is equivalent to or even more 0.7, the OPPM with RS code outperforms the uncoded OPPM where the OPPM with MLSD needs only 1.2×103 photons per pulse with an ideal coding rate of about 3/4.
Hasan, Darwito, Haryadi Amran, Sudarsono, Amang.  2022.  Environmental Condition Monitoring and Decision Making System Using Fuzzy Logic Method. 2022 International Electronics Symposium (IES). :267—271.

Currently, air pollution is still a problem that requires special attention, especially in big cities. Air pollution can come from motor vehicle fumes, factory smoke or other particles. To overcome these problems, a system is made that can monitor environmental conditions in order to know the good and bad of air quality in an environment and is expected to be a solution to reduce air pollution that occurs. The system created will utilize the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) combined with Waspmote Smart Environment PRO, so that later data will be obtained in the form of temperature, humidity, CO levels and CO2 levels. From the sensor data that has been processed on Waspmote, it will then be used as input for data processing using a fuzzy algorithm. The classification obtained from sensor data processing using fuzzy to monitor environmental conditions there are 5 classifications, namely Very Good, Good, Average, Bad and Dangerous. Later the data that has been collected will be distributed to Meshlium as a gateway and will be stored in the database. The process of sending information between one party to another needs to pay attention to the confidentiality of data and information. The final result of the implementation of this research is that the system is able to classify values using fuzzy algorithms and is able to secure text data that will be sent to the database via Meshlium, and is able to display data sent to the website in real time.

Abu-Khadrah, Ahmed.  2022.  An Efficient Fuzzy Logic Modelling of TiN Coating Thickness. 2022 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS). :1—5.
In this paper, fuzzy logic was implemented as a proposed approach for modelling of Thickness as an output response of thin film layer in Titanium Nitrite (TiN). The layer was deposited using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process that uses a sputtering technique to coat insert cutting tools with TiN. Central cubic design (CCD) was used for designing the optimal points of the experiment. In order to develop the fuzzy rules, the experimental data that collected by PVD was used. Triangular membership functions (Trimf) were used to develop the fuzzy prediction model. Residual error (e) and prediction accuracy (A) were used for validating the result of the proposed fuzzy model. The result of the developed fuzzy model with triangular membership function revealed that the average residual error of 0.2 is low and acceptable. Furthermore, the model obtained high prediction accuracy with 90.04%. The result revealed that the rule-based model of fuzzy logic could be an efficient approach to predict coatings layer thickness in the TiN.
Rajderkar, Vedashree.P., Chandrakar, Vinod K.  2022.  Enhancement of Power System Security by Fuzzy based Unified Power Flow Controller. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
The paper presents the design of fuzzy logic controller based unified power flow controller (UPFC) to improve power system security performance during steady state as well as fault conditions. Fuzzy interference has been design with two inputs Vref and Vm for the shunt voltage source Converter and two inputs for Series Id, Idref, Iq, Iqref at the series voltage source converter location. The coordination of shunt and series VSC has been achieved by using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The comparative performance of PI based UPFC and fuzzy based UPFC under abnormal condition has been validated in MATLB domain. The combination of fuzzy with a UPFC is tested on multi machine system in MATLAB domain. The results shows that the power system security enhancement as well as oscillations damping.
Giri, Sarwesh, Singh, Gurchetan, Kumar, Babul, Singh, Mehakpreet, Vashisht, Deepanker, Sharma, Sonu, Jain, Prince.  2022.  Emotion Detection with Facial Feature Recognition Using CNN & OpenCV. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :230—232.
Emotion Detection through Facial feature recognition is an active domain of research in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Humans are able to share multiple emotions and feelings through their facial gestures and body language. In this project, in order to detect the live emotions from the human facial gesture, we will be using an algorithm that allows the computer to automatically detect the facial recognition of human emotions with the help of Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and OpenCV. Ultimately, Emotion Detection is an integration of obtained information from multiple patterns. If computers will be able to understand more of human emotions, then it will mutually reduce the gap between humans and computers. In this research paper, we will demonstrate an effective way to detect emotions like neutral, happy, sad, surprise, angry, fear, and disgust from the frontal facial expression of the human in front of the live webcam.
Lee, Gwo-Chuan, Li, Zi-Yang, Li, Tsai-Wei.  2022.  Ensemble Algorithm of Convolution Neural Networks for Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII ). :111—115.
Artificial intelligence (AI) cooperates with multiple industries to improve the overall industry framework. Especially, human emotion recognition plays an indispensable role in supporting medical care, psychological counseling, crime prevention and detection, and crime investigation. The research on emotion recognition includes emotion-specific intonation patterns, literal expressions of emotions, and facial expressions. Recently, the deep learning model of facial emotion recognition aims to capture tiny changes in facial muscles to provide greater recognition accuracy. Hybrid models in facial expression recognition have been constantly proposed to improve the performance of deep learning models in these years. In this study, we proposed an ensemble learning algorithm for the accuracy of the facial emotion recognition model with three deep learning models: VGG16, InceptionResNetV2, and EfficientNetB0. To enhance the performance of these benchmark models, we applied transfer learning, fine-tuning, and data augmentation to implement the training and validation of the Facial Expression Recognition 2013 (FER-2013) Dataset. The developed algorithm finds the best-predicted value by prioritizing the InceptionResNetV2. The experimental results show that the proposed ensemble learning algorithm of priorities edges up 2.81% accuracy of the model identification. The future extension of this study ventures into the Internet of Things (IoT), medical care, and crime detection and prevention.
Kiruthiga, G, Saraswathi, P, Rajkumar, S, Suresh, S, Dhiyanesh, B, Radha, R.  2022.  Effective DDoS Attack Detection using Deep Generative Radial Neural Network in the Cloud Environment. 2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :675—681.
Recently, internet services have increased rapidly due to the Covid-19 epidemic. As a result, cloud computing applications, which serve end-users as subscriptions, are rising. Cloud computing provides various possibilities like cost savings, time and access to online resources via the internet for end-users. But as the number of cloud users increases, so does the potential for attacks. The availability and efficiency of cloud computing resources may be affected by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that could disrupt services' availability and processing power. DDoS attacks pose a serious threat to the integrity and confidentiality of computer networks and systems that remain important assets in the world today. Since there is no effective way to detect DDoS attacks, it is a reliable weapon for cyber attackers. However, the existing methods have limitations, such as relatively low accuracy detection and high false rate performance. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a Deep Generative Radial Neural Network (DGRNN) with a sigmoid activation function and Mutual Information Gain based Feature Selection (MIGFS) techniques for detecting DDoS attacks for the cloud environment. Specifically, the proposed first pre-processing step uses data preparation using the (Network Security Lab) NSL-KDD dataset. The MIGFS algorithm detects the most efficient relevant features for DDoS attacks from the pre-processed dataset. The features are calculated by trust evaluation for detecting the attack based on relative features. After that, the proposed DGRNN algorithm is utilized for classification to detect DDoS attacks. The sigmoid activation function is to find accurate results for prediction in the cloud environment. So thus, the proposed experiment provides effective classification accuracy, performance, and time complexity.
Almutairi, Mishaal M., Apostolopoulou, Dimitra, Halikias, George, Abi Sen, Adnan Ahmed, Yamin, Mohammad.  2022.  Enhancing Privacy and Security in Crowds using Fog Computing. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :57—62.
Thousands of crowded events take place every year. Often, management does not properly implement and manage privacy and security of data of the participants and personnel of the events. Crowds are also prone to significant security issues and become vulnerable to terrorist attacks. The aim of this paper is to propose a privacy and security framework for large, crowded events like the Hajj, Kumbh, Arba'een, and many sporting events and musical concerts. The proposed framework uses the latest technologies including Internet of Things, and Fog computing, especially in the Location based Services environments. The proposed framework can also be adapted for many other scenarios and situations.
Qasaimeh, Ghazi, Al-Gasaymeh, Anwar, Kaddumi, Thair, Kilani, Qais.  2022.  Expert Systems and Neural Networks and their Impact on the Relevance of Financial Information in the Jordanian Commercial Banks. 2022 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS). :1—7.
The current study aims to discern the impact of expert systems and neural network on the Jordanian commercial banks. In achieving the objective, the study employed descriptive analytical approach and the population consisted of the 13 Jordanian commercial banks listed at Amman Stock Exchange-ASE. The primary data were obtained by using a questionnaire with 188 samples distributed to a group of accountants, internal auditors, and programmers, who constitute the study sample. The results unveiled that there is an impact of the application of expert systems and neural networks on the relevance of financial information in Jordanian commercial banks. It also revealed that there is a high level of relevance of financial information in Jordanian commercial banks. Accordingly, the study recommended the need for banks to keep pace with the progress and development taking place in connection to the process and environment of expertise systems by providing modern and developed devices to run various programs and expert systems. It also recommended that, Jordanian commercial banks need to rely more on advanced systems to operate neural network technology more efficiently.
Parshyna, Olena, Parshyna, Marharyta, Parshyn, Yurii, Chumak, Tetiana, Yarmolenko, Ljudmila, Shapoval, Andrii.  2022.  Expert Assessment of Information Protection in Complex Energy Systems. 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES). :1—6.
The paper considers the important problem of information protection in complex energy systems. The expert assessment of information protection in complex energy systems method has been developed. Based on the conducted research and data processing, a method of forming the analytical basis for decision-making aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of complex information protection systems has been developed.
Liao, Mancheng.  2022.  Establishing a Knowledge Base of an Expert System for Criminal Investigation. 2022 3rd International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE). :562—566.
In the information era, knowledge is becoming increasingly significant for all industries, especially criminal investigation that deeply relies on intelligence and strategies. Therefore, there is an urgent need for effective management and utilization of criminal investigation knowledge. As an important branch of knowledge engineering, the expert system can simulate the thinking pattern of an expert, proposing strategies and solutions based on the knowledge stored in the knowledge base. A crucial step in building the expert system is to construct the knowledge base, which determines the function and capability of the expert system. This paper establishes a practical knowledge base for criminal investigation, combining the technologies of cloud computing with traditional method of manual entry to acquire and process knowledge. The knowledge base covers data information and expert knowledge with detailed classification of rules and cases, providing answers through comparison and reasoning. The knowledge becomes more accurate and reliable after repeated inspection and verification by human experts.
Wenqi, Huang, Lingyu, Liang, Xin, Wang, Zhengguo, Ren, Shang, Cao, Xiaotao, Jiang.  2022.  An Early Warning Analysis Model of Metering Equipment Based on Federated Hybrid Expert System. 2022 15th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID). :217—220.
The smooth operation of metering equipment is inseparable from the monitoring and analysis of equipment alarm events by automated metering systems. With the generation of big data in power metering and the increasing demand for information security of metering systems in the power industry, how to use big data and protect data security at the same time has become a hot research field. In this paper, we propose a hybrid expert model based on federated learning to deal with the problem of alarm information analysis and identification. The hybrid expert system can divide the metering warning problem into multiple sub-problems for processing, which greatly improves the recognition and prediction accuracy. The experimental results show that our model has high accuracy in judging and identifying equipment faults.