Vishnu, B., Sajeesh, Sandeep R, Namboothiri, Leena Vishnu.
Enhanced Image Steganography with PVD and Edge Detection. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :949—953.
Steganography is the concept to conceal information and the data by embedding it as secret data into various digital medium in order to achieve higher security. To achieve this, many steganographic algorithms are already proposed. The ability of human eyes as well as invisibility remain the most important and prominent factor for the security and protection. The most commonly used security measure of data hiding within imagesYet it is ineffective against Steganalysis and lacks proper verifications. Thus the proposed system of Image Steganography using PVD (Pixel Value Differentiating) proves to be a better choice. It compresses and embeds data in images at the pixel value difference calculated between two consecutive pixels. To increase the security, another technique called Edge Detection is used along with PVD to embed data at the edges. Edge Detection techniques like Canny algorithm are used to find the edges in an image horizontally as well as vertically. The edge pixels in an image can be used to handle more bits of messages, because more pixel value shifts can be handled by the image edge area.
Jain, Arpit, Jat, Dharm Singh.
An Edge Computing Paradigm for Time-Sensitive Applications. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :798—803.
Edge computing (EC) is a new developing computing technology where data are collected, and analysed nearer to the edge or sources of the data. Cloud to the edge, intelligent applications and analytics are part of the IoT applications and technology. Edge computing technology aims to bring cloud computing features near to edge devices. For time-sensitive applications in cloud computing, architecture massive volume of data is generated at the edge and stored and analysed in the cloud. Cloud infrastructure is a composition of data centres and large-scale networks, which provides reliable services to users. Traditional cloud computing is inefficient due to delay in response, network delay and congestion as simultaneous transactions to the cloud, which is a centralised system. This paper presents a literature review on cloud-based edge computing technologies for delay-sensitive applications and suggests a conceptual model of edge computing architecture. Further, the paper also presents the implementation of QoS support edge computing paradigm in Python for further research to improve the latency and throughput for time-sensitive applications.
Choudhary, Swapna, Dorle, Sanjay.
Empirical investigation of VANET-based security models from a statistical perspective. 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA). :1—8.
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are one of the most stochastic networks in terms of node movement patterns. Due to the high speed of vehicles, nodes form temporary clusters and shift between clusters rapidly, which limits the usable computational complexity for quality of service (QoS) and security enhancements. Hence, VANETs are one of the most insecure networks and are prone to various attacks like Masquerading, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) etc. Various algorithms have been proposed to safeguard VANETs against these attacks, which vary concerning security and QoS performance. These algorithms include linear rule-checking models, software-defined network (SDN) rules, blockchain-based models, etc. Due to such a wide variety of model availability, it becomes difficult for VANET designers to select the most optimum security framework for the network deployment. To reduce the complexity of this selection, the paper reviews statistically investigate a wide variety of modern VANET-based security models. These models are compared in terms of security, computational complexity, application and cost of deployment, etc. which will assist network designers to select the most optimum models for their application. Moreover, the paper also recommends various improvements that can be applied to the reviewed models, to further optimize their performance.