Non-Technical Loss (NTL) fraud is a very common fraud in power systems. In traditional power grid, energy theft, via meter tampering, is the main form of NTL fraud. With the rise of Smart Grid, adversaries can take advantage of two-way communication to commit NTL frauds by meter manipulation or network intrusion. Previous schemes were proposed to detect NTL frauds but are not efficient. In this paper, we propose a Fast NTL Fraud Detection and verification scheme (FNFD). FNFD is based on Recursive Least Square (RLS) to model adversary behavior. Experimental results show that FNFD outperforms existing schemes in terms of efficiency and overhead.
In ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption scheme, access policies are associated with ciphertext and tied to it. It is necessary to hide the access policy in the most sensitive spots such as political, medical and economic fields, that is, receiver's anonymity. In this paper, we propose an efficient CP-ABE construction with hidden policy and prove it to be fully secure under static assumptions applying the dual system encryption methodology. Access structures in our construction are AND gates on positive, negative and wildcard attributes and the ciphertext size is short, which is only concerned with the number of wildcards.
Botnets have become one of the most significant cyber threats over the last decade. The diffusion of the "Internet of Things" and its for-profit exploitation, contributed to botnets spread and sophistication, thus providing real, efficient and profitable criminal cyber-services. Recent research on botnet detection focuses on traffic pattern-based detection, and on analyzing the network traffic generated by the infected hosts, in order to find behavioral patterns independent from the specific payloads, architectures and protocols. In this paper we address the periodic behavioral patterns of infected hosts communicating with their Command-and-Control servers. The main novelty introduced is related to the traffic analysis in the frequency domain without using the well-known Fast Fourier Transform. Moreover, the mentioned analysis is performed through the exploitation of the proxy logs, easily deployable on almost every real-world scenario, from enterprise networks to mobile devices.
More and more current industrial control systems (e.g, smart grids, oil and gas systems, connected cars and trucks) have the capability to collect and transmit users' data in order to provide services that are tailored to the specific needs of the customers. Such smart industrial control systems fall into the category of Internet of Things (IoT). However, in many cases, the data transmitted by such IoT devices includes sensitive information and users are faced with an all-or-nothing choice: either they adopt the proposed services and release their private data, or refrain from using services which could be beneficial but pose significant privacy risks. Unfortunately, encryption alone does not solve the problem, though techniques to counter these privacy risks are emerging (e.g., by using applications that alter, merge or bundle data to ensure they cannot be linked to a particular user). In this paper, we propose a general framework, whereby users can not only specify how their data is managed, but also restrict data collection from their connected devices. More precisely, we propose to use data collection policies to govern the transmission of data from IoT devices, coupled with policies to ensure that once the data has been transmitted, it is stored and shared in a secure way. To achieve this goal, we have designed a framework for secure data collection, storage and management, with logical foundations that enable verification of policy properties.
In this paper we describe a system that allows the real time creation of firewall rules in response to geographic and political changes in the control-plane. This allows an organization to mitigate data exfiltration threats by analyzing Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) updates and blocking packets from being routed through problematic jurisdictions. By inspecting the autonomous system paths and referencing external data sources about the autonomous systems, a BGP participant can infer the countries that traffic to a particular destination address will traverse. Based on this information, an organization can then define constraints on its egress traffic to prevent sensitive data from being sent via an untrusted region. In light of the many route leaks and BGP hijacks that occur today, this offers a new option to organizations willing to accept reduced availability over the risk to confidentiality. Similar to firewalls that allow organizations to block traffic originating from specific countries, our approach allows blocking outbound traffic from transiting specific jurisdictions. To illustrate the efficacy of this approach, we provide an analysis of paths to various financial services IP addresses over the course of a month from a single BGP vantage point that quantifies the frequency of path alterations resulting in the traversal of new countries. We conclude with an argument for the utility of country-based egress policies that do not require the cooperation of upstream providers.
Software development is often accompanied by security audits such as penetration tests, usually performed on behalf of the software vendor. In penetration tests security experts identify entry points for attacks in a software product. Many development teams undergo such audits for the first time if their product is attacked or faces new security concerns. The audits often serve as an eye-opener for development teams: they realize that security requires much more attention. However, there is a lack of clarity with regard to what lasting benefits developers can reap from penetration tests. We report from a one-year study of a penetration test run at a major software vendor, and describe how a software development team managed to incorporate the test findings. Results suggest that penetration tests improve developers' security awareness, but that long-lasting enhancements of development practices are hampered by a lack of dedicated security stakeholders and if security is not properly reflected in the communicative and collaborative structures of the organization.
Simulation and verification of the on-die power delivery network (PDN) is one of the key steps in the design of integrated circuits (ICs). With the very large sizes of modern grids, verification of PDNs has become very expensive and a host of techniques for faster simulation and grid model approximation have been proposed. These include topological node elimination, as in TICER and full-blown numerical model order reduction (MOR) as in PRIMA and related methods. However, both of these traditional approaches suffer from certain drawbacks that make them expensive and limit their scalability to very large grids. In this paper, we propose a novel technique for grid reduction that is a hybrid of both approaches–-the method is numerical but also factors in grid topology. It works by eliminating whole internal layers of the grid at a time, while aiming to preserve the dynamic behavior of the resulting reduced grid. Effectively, instead of traditional node-by-node topological elimination we provide a numerical layer-by-layer block-matrix approach that is both fast and accurate. Experimental results show that this technique is capable of handling very large power grids and provides a 4.25x speed-up in transient analysis.
A compiler is fully-abstract if the compilation from source language programs to target language programs reflects and preserves behavioural equivalence. Such compilers have important security benefits, as they limit the power of an attacker interacting with the program in the target language to that of an attacker interacting with the program in the source language. Proving compiler full-abstraction is, however, rather complicated. A common proof technique is based on the back-translation of target-level program contexts to behaviourally-equivalent source-level contexts. However, constructing such a back-translation is problematic when the source language is not strong enough to embed an encoding of the target language. For instance, when compiling from the simply-typed λ-calculus (λτ) to the untyped λ-calculus (λu), the lack of recursive types in λτ prevents such a back-translation. We propose a general and elegant solution for this problem. The key insight is that it suffices to construct an approximate back-translation. The approximation is only accurate up to a certain number of steps and conservative beyond that, in the sense that the context generated by the back-translation may diverge when the original would not, but not vice versa. Based on this insight, we describe a general technique for proving compiler full-abstraction and demonstrate it on a compiler from λτ to λu . The proof uses asymmetric cross-language logical relations and makes innovative use of step-indexing to express the relation between a context and its approximate back-translation. We believe this proof technique can scale to challenging settings and enable simpler, more scalable proofs of compiler full-abstraction.
Malware detection increasingly relies on machine learning techniques, which utilize multiple features to separate the malware from the benign apps. The effectiveness of these techniques primarily depends on the manual feature engineering process, based on human knowledge and intuition. However, given the adversaries' efforts to evade detection and the growing volume of publications on malware behaviors, the feature engineering process likely draws from a fraction of the relevant knowledge. We propose an end-to-end approach for automatic feature engineering. We describe techniques for mining documents written in natural language (e.g. scientific papers) and for representing and querying the knowledge about malware in a way that mirrors the human feature engineering process. Specifically, we first identify abstract behaviors that are associated with malware, and then we map these behaviors to concrete features that can be tested experimentally. We implement these ideas in a system called FeatureSmith, which generates a feature set for detecting Android malware. We train a classifier using these features on a large data set of benign and malicious apps. This classifier achieves a 92.5% true positive rate with only 1% false positives, which is comparable to the performance of a state-of-the-art Android malware detector that relies on manually engineered features. In addition, FeatureSmith is able to suggest informative features that are absent from the manually engineered set and to link the features generated to abstract concepts that describe malware behaviors.
The face is the most dominant and distinct communication tool of human beings. Automatic analysis of facial behavior allows machines to understand and interpret a human's states and needs for natural interactions. This research focuses on developing advanced computer vision techniques to process and analyze facial images for the recognition of various facial behaviors. Specifically, this research consists of two parts: automatic facial landmark detection and tracking, and facial behavior analysis and recognition using the tracked facial landmark points. In the first part, we develop several facial landmark detection and tracking algorithms on facial images with varying conditions, such as varying facial expressions, head poses and facial occlusions. First, to handle facial expression and head pose variations, we introduce a hierarchical probabilistic face shape model and a discriminative deep face shape model to capture the spatial relationships among facial landmark points under different facial expressions and face poses to improve facial landmark detection. Second, to handle facial occlusion, we improve upon the effective cascade regression framework and propose the robust cascade regression framework for facial landmark detection, which iteratively predicts the landmark visibility probabilities and landmark locations. The second part of this research applies our facial landmark detection and tracking algorithms to facial behavior analysis, including facial action recognition and face pose estimation. For facial action recognition, we introduce a novel regression framework for joint facial landmark detection and facial action recognition. For head pose estimation, we are working on a robust algorithm that can perform head pose estimation under facial occlusion.
Face is crucial for human identity, while face identification has become crucial to information security. It is important to understand and work with the problems and challenges for all different aspects of facial feature extraction and face identification. In this tutorial, we identify and discuss four research challenges in current Face Detection/Recognition research and related research areas: (1) Unavoidable Facial Feature Alterations, (2) Voluntary Facial Feature Alterations, (3) Uncontrolled Environments, and (4) Accuracy Control on Large-scale Dataset. We also direct several different applications (spin-offs) of facial feature studies in the tutorial.
In this paper, we extend the Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) problem to Łukasiewicz logic. The MaxSAT problem for a set of formulae Φ is the problem of finding an assignment to the variables in Φ that satisfies the maximum number of formulae. Three possible solutions (encodings) are proposed to the new problem: (1) Disjunctive Linear Relations (DLRs), (2)Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and (3)Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP). Like its Boolean counterpart, the extended fuzzy MaxSAT will have numerous applications in optimization problems that involve vagueness.
Availability is one of the most important requirements in the production system. Keeping the level of high availability in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing is a challenge task because of the complexity of service providing. By definition, the availability can be maintain by using fault tolerance approaches. Recently, many fault tolerance methods have been developed, but few of them focus on the fault detection aspect. In this paper, after a rigorous analysis on the nature of failures, we would like to introduce a technique to identified the failures occurring in IaaS system. By using fuzzy logic algorithm, this proposed technique can provide better performance in terms of accuracy and detection speed, which is critical for the cloud system.
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are useful in many practical applications including agriculture, military and health care systems. However, the nodes in a sensor network are constrained by energy and hence the lifespan of such sensor nodes are limited due to the energy problem. Temporal logics provide a facility to predict the lifetime of sensor nodes in a WSN using the past and present traffic and environmental conditions. Moreover, fuzzy logic helps to perform inference under uncertainty. When fuzzy logic is combined with temporal constraints, it increases the accuracy of decision making with qualitative information. Hence, a new data collection and cluster based energy efficient routing algorithm is proposed in this paper by extending the existing LEACH protocol. Extensions are provided in this work by including fuzzy temporal rules for making data collection and routing decisions. Moreover, this proposed work uses fuzzy temporal logic for forming clusters and to perform cluster based routing. The main difference between other cluster based routing protocols and the proposed protocol is that two types of cluster heads are used here, one for data collection and other for routing. In this research work we conducted an experiment and it is observed that the proposed fuzzy cluster based routing algorithm with temporal constrains enhances the network life time reduces the energy consumption and enhances the quality of service by increasing the packet delivery ratio by reducing the delay.
Cloud has gained a wide acceptance across the globe. Despite wide acceptance and adoption of cloud computing, certain apprehensions and diffidence, related to safety and security of data still exists. The service provider needs to convince and demonstrate to the client, the confidentiality of data on the cloud. This can be broadly translated to issues related to the process of identifying, developing, maintaining and optimizing trust with clients regarding the services provided. Continuous demonstration, maintenance and optimization of trust of the agreed upon services affects the relationship with a client. The paper proposes a framework of integration of trust at the IAAS level in the cloud. It proposes a novel method of generation of trust index factor, considering the performance and the agility of the feedback received using fuzzy logic.
This paper analyzes the authenticated encryption algorithm ACORN, a candidate in the CAESAR cryptographic competition. We identify weaknesses in the state update function of ACORN which result in collisions in the internal state of ACORN. This paper shows that for a given set of key and initialization vector values we can construct two distinct input messages which result in a collision in the ACORN internal state. Using a standard PC the collision can be found almost instantly when the secret key is known. This flaw can be used by a message sender to create a forged message which will be accepted as legitimate.
We present the largest kinship recognition dataset to date, Families in the Wild (FIW). Motivated by the lack of a single, unified dataset for kinship recognition, we aim to provide a dataset that captivates the interest of the research community. With only a small team, we were able to collect, organize, and label over 10,000 family photos of 1,000 families with our annotation tool designed to mark complex hierarchical relationships and local label information in a quick and efficient manner. We include several benchmarks for two image-based tasks, kinship verification and family recognition. For this, we incorporate several visual features and metric learning methods as baselines. Also, we demonstrate that a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as an off-the-shelf feature extractor outperforms the other feature types. Then, results were further boosted by fine-tuning two deep CNNs on FIW data: (1) for kinship verification, a triplet loss function was learned on top of the network of pre-train weights; (2) for family recognition, a family-specific softmax classifier was added to the network.
The proliferation of wearable devices, e.g., smartwatches and activity trackers, with embedded sensors has already shown its great potential on monitoring and inferring human daily activities. This paper reveals a serious security breach of wearable devices in the context of divulging secret information (i.e., key entries) while people accessing key-based security systems. Existing methods of obtaining such secret information relies on installations of dedicated hardware (e.g., video camera or fake keypad), or training with labeled data from body sensors, which restrict use cases in practical adversary scenarios. In this work, we show that a wearable device can be exploited to discriminate mm-level distances and directions of the user's fine-grained hand movements, which enable attackers to reproduce the trajectories of the user's hand and further to recover the secret key entries. In particular, our system confirms the possibility of using embedded sensors in wearable devices, i.e., accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, to derive the moving distance of the user's hand between consecutive key entries regardless of the pose of the hand. Our Backward PIN-Sequence Inference algorithm exploits the inherent physical constraints between key entries to infer the complete user key entry sequence. Extensive experiments are conducted with over 5000 key entry traces collected from 20 adults for key-based security systems (i.e. ATM keypads and regular keyboards) through testing on different kinds of wearables. Results demonstrate that such a technique can achieve 80% accuracy with only one try and more than 90% accuracy with three tries, which to our knowledge, is the first technique that reveals personal PINs leveraging wearable devices without the need for labeled training data and contextual information.
Mobile devices store a diverse set of private user data and have gradually become a hub to control users' other personal Internet-of-Things devices. Access control on mobile devices is therefore highly important. The widely accepted solution is to protect access by asking for a password. However, password authentication is tedious, e.g., a user needs to input a password every time she wants to use the device. Moreover, existing biometrics such as face, fingerprint, and touch behaviors are vulnerable to forgery attacks. We propose a new touch-based biometric authentication system that is passive and secure against forgery attacks. In our touch-based authentication, a user's touch behaviors are a function of some random "secret". The user can subconsciously know the secret while touching the device's screen. However, an attacker cannot know the secret at the time of attack, which makes it challenging to perform forgery attacks even if the attacker has already obtained the user's touch behaviors. We evaluate our touch-based authentication system by collecting data from 25 subjects. Results are promising: the random secrets do not influence user experience and, for targeted forgery attacks, our system achieves 0.18 smaller Equal Error Rates (EERs) than previous touch-based authentication.
We consider the problem of translating a deterministic \textbackslashemph\simulation model\ (like Matlab-Simunk, Modelica or Ptolemy models) into a \textbackslashemphěrification model\ expressed by a network of hybrid automata. The goal is to verify safety using reachability analysis on the verification model. Simulation models typically use transitions with urgent semantics, which must be taken as soon as possible. Urgent transitions also make it possible to decompose systems that would otherwise need to be modeled with a monolithic hybrid automaton. In this paper, we include urgent transitions in our verification models and propose a suitable adaptation of our reachability algorithm. However, the simulation model, due to its imperfections, may be unsafe even though the corresponding hybrid automata are safe. Conversely, set-based reachability may not be able to show safety of an ideal formal model, since complex dynamics necessarily entail overapproximations. Taken as a whole, the formal modeling and verification process can both falsely claim safety and fail to show safety of the concrete system. We address this inconsistency by relaxing the model as follows. The standard semantics of hybrid automata is a mathematical idealization, where reactions are considered to be instantaneous and physical measurements infinitely precise. We propose semantics that relax these assumptions, where guard conditions are sampled in discrete time and admit measurement errors. The relaxed semantics can be translated to an equivalent relaxed model in standard semantics. The relaxed model is realistic in the sense that it can be implemented on hardware fast and precise enough, and in a way that safety is preserved. Finally, we show that overapproximative reachability analysis can show safety of relaxed models, which is not the case in general.
We propose a modular framework which deploys state-of-the art techniques in dynamic pattern matching as well as machine learning algorithms for Big Data predictive and be-havioural analytics to detect threats and attacks in Managed File Transfer and collaboration platforms. We leverage the use of the kill chain model by looking for indicators of compromise either for long-term attacks as Advanced Persistent Threats, zero-day attacks or DDoS attacks. The proposed engine can act complimentary to existing security services as SIEMs, IDS, IPS and firewalls.