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Wang, Timothy E., Garoche, Pierre-Loïc, Roux, Pierre, Jobredeaux, Romain, Féron, Éric.  2016.  Formal Analysis of Robustness at Model and Code Level. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. :125–134.

Robustness analyses play a major role in the synthesis and analysis of controllers. For control systems, robustness is a measure of the maximum tolerable model inaccuracies or perturbations that do not destabilize the system. Analyzing the robustness of a closed-loop system can be performed with multiple approaches: gain and phase margin computation for single-input single-output (SISO) linear systems, mu analysis, IQC computations, etc. However, none of these techniques consider the actual code in their analyses. The approach presented here relies on an invariant computation on the discrete system dynamics. Using semi-definite programming (SDP) solvers, a Lyapunov-based function is synthesized that captures the vector margins of the closed-loop linear system considered. This numerical invariant expressed over the state variables of the system is compatible with code analysis and enables its validation on the code artifact. This automatic analysis extends verification techniques focused on controller implementation, addressing validation of robustness at model and code level. It has been implemented in a tool analyzing discrete SISO systems and generating over-approximations of phase and gain margins. The analysis will be integrated in our toolchain for Simulink and Lustre models autocoding and formal analysis.

Maier, Petra R., Kleeberger, Veit, Mueller-Gritschneder, Daniel, Schlichtmann, Ulf.  2016.  Fault Injection at Host-compiled Level with Static Fault Set Reduction for SoC Firmware Robustness Testing. Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis. :18:1–18:10.

Decreasing hardware reliability makes robust firmware imperative for safety-critical applications. Hence, ensuring correct handling of errors in peripherals is a key objective during firmware design. To adequately support robustness considerations of firmware designers during implementation, an efficient qualitative fault injection method is required. This paper presents a high-speed fault injection technique based on host-compiled firmware simulation that is suitable to analyze the impact of transient faults on firmware behavior. Additionally, fault set reduction by static code analysis avoids unnecessary injection of masked and equivalent faults. Application of the proposed fault injection technique on an industrial safety-relevant automotive system-on-chip (SoC) firmware demonstrates at least three orders of magnitude speedup compared to instruction set level. In addition, a fault set reduction by 78% is achieved. While significantly reducing the required fault injection time, the presented techniques provide as accurate feedback to the designer as existing state-of-the-art approaches.

Guin, Ujjwal, Shi, Qihang, Forte, Domenic, Tehranipoor, Mark M..  2016.  FORTIS: A Comprehensive Solution for Establishing Forward Trust for Protecting IPs and ICs. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.. 21:63:1–63:20.

With the advent of globalization in the semiconductor industry, it is necessary to prevent unauthorized usage of third-party IPs (3PIPs), cloning and unwanted modification of 3PIPs, and unauthorized production of ICs. Due to the increasing complexity of ICs, system-on-chip (SoC) designers use various 3PIPs in their design to reduce time-to-market and development costs, which creates a trust issue between the SoC designer and the IP owners. In addition, as the ICs are fabricated around the globe, the SoC designers give fabrication contracts to offshore foundries to manufacture ICs and have little control over the fabrication process, including the total number of chips fabricated. Similarly, the 3PIP owners lack control over the number of fabricated chips and/or the usage of their IPs in an SoC. Existing research only partially addresses the problems of IP piracy and IC overproduction, and to the best of our knowledge, there is no work that considers IP overuse. In this article, we present a comprehensive solution for preventing IP piracy and IC overproduction by assuring forward trust between all entities involved in the SoC design and fabrication process. We propose a novel design flow to prevent IC overproduction and IP overuse. We use an existing logic encryption technique to obfuscate the netlist of an SoC or a 3PIP and propose a modification to enable manufacturing tests before the activation of chips which is absolutely necessary to prevent overproduction. We have used asymmetric and symmetric key encryption, in a fashion similar to Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), to transfer keys from the SoC designer or 3PIP owners to the chips. In addition, we also propose to attach an IP digest (a cryptographic hash of the entire IP) to the header of an IP to prevent modification of the IP by the SoC designers. We have shown that our approach is resistant to various attacks with the cost of minimal area overhead.

Wan, Mengting, Chen, Xiangyu, Kaplan, Lance, Han, Jiawei, Gao, Jing, Zhao, Bo.  2016.  From Truth Discovery to Trustworthy Opinion Discovery: An Uncertainty-Aware Quantitative Modeling Approach. Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :1885–1894.

In this era of information explosion, conflicts are often encountered when information is provided by multiple sources. Traditional truth discovery task aims to identify the truth the most trustworthy information, from conflicting sources in different scenarios. In this kind of tasks, truth is regarded as a fixed value or a set of fixed values. However, in a number of real-world cases, objective truth existence cannot be ensured and we can only identify single or multiple reliable facts from opinions. Different from traditional truth discovery task, we address this uncertainty and introduce the concept of trustworthy opinion of an entity, treat it as a random variable, and use its distribution to describe consistency or controversy, which is particularly difficult for data which can be numerically measured, i.e. quantitative information. In this study, we focus on the quantitative opinion, propose an uncertainty-aware approach called Kernel Density Estimation from Multiple Sources (KDEm) to estimate its probability distribution, and summarize trustworthy information based on this distribution. Experiments indicate that KDEm not only has outstanding performance on the classical numeric truth discovery task, but also shows good performance on multi-modality detection and anomaly detection in the uncertain-opinion setting.

Rauf, Usman, Gillani, Fida, Al-Shaer, Ehab, Halappanavar, Mahantesh, Chatterjee, Samrat, Oehmen, Christopher.  2016.  Formal Approach for Resilient Reachability Based on End-System Route Agility. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :117–127.

The deterministic nature of existing routing protocols has resulted into an ossified Internet with static and predictable network routes. This gives persistent attackers (e.g. eavesdroppers and DDoS attackers) plenty of time to study the network and identify the vulnerable (critical) links to plan devastating and stealthy attacks. Recently, Moving Target Defense (MTD) based approaches have been proposed to to defend against DoS attacks. However, MTD based approaches for route mutation are oriented towards re-configuring the parameters in Local Area Networks (LANs), and do not provide any protection against infrastructure level attacks, which inherently limits their use for mission critical services over the Internet infrastructure. To cope with these issues, we extend the current routing architecture to consider end-hosts as routing elements, and present a formal method based agile defense mechanism to embed resiliency in the existing cyber infrastructure. The major contributions of this paper include: (1) formalization of efficient and resilient End to End (E2E) reachability problem as a constraint satisfaction problem, which identifies the potential end-hosts to reach a destination while satisfying resilience and QoS constraints, (2) design and implementation of a novel decentralized End Point Route Mutation (EPRM) protocol, and (3) design and implementation of planning algorithm to minimize the overlap between multiple flows, for the sake of maximizing the agility in the system. Our PlanetLab based implementation and evaluation validates the correctness, effectiveness and scalability of the proposed approach.

Sean Smith, Dartmouth College, Ross Koppel, University of Pennsylvania, Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Vijay Kothari, Dartmouth College.  2017.  Flawed Mental Models Lead to Bad Cybersecurity Decisions: Let’s Do a Better Job!.

Presented at the Symposium and Bootcamp in the Science of Security (HotSoS 2017), poster session in Hanover, MD, April 4-5, 2017.

Carnevale, B., Baldanzi, L., Pilato, L., Fanucci, L..  2016.  A flexible system-on-a-chip implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard. 2016 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). :156–161.
Systems-on-a-Chip are among the best-performing and complete solutions for complex electronic systems. This is also true in the field of network security, an application requiring high performance with low resource usage. This work presents an Advanced Encryption Standard implementation for Systems-on-a-Chip using as a reference the Cipher Block Chaining mode. In particular, a flexible interface based and the Advanced Peripheral Bus to integrate the encryption algorithm with any kind of processor is presented. The hardware-software approach of the architecture is also analyzed and described. The final system was integrated on a Xilinx Zynq 7000 to prototype and evaluate the idea. Results show that our solution demonstrates good performance and flexibility with low resource usage, occupying less than 2% of the Zynq 7000 with a throughput of 320 Mbps. The architecture is suitable when implementations of symmetric encryption algorithms for modern Systems-on-a-Chip are required.
Srinivas, N. S. S., Akramuddin, M..  2016.  FPGA based hardware implementation of AES Rijndael algorithm for Encryption and Decryption. 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). :1769–1776.
AES algorithm or Rijndael algorithm is a network security algorithm which is most commonly used in all types of wired and wireless digital communication networks for secure transmission of data between two end users, especially over a public network. This paper presents the hardware implementation of AES Rijndael Encryption and Decryption Algorithm by using Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. The hardware design approach is entirely based on pre-calculated look-up tables (LUTs) which results in less complex architecture, thereby providing high throughput and low latency. There are basically three different formats in AES. They are AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. The encryption and decryption blocks of all the three formats are efficiently designed by using Verilog-HDL and are synthesized on Virtex-7 XC7VX690T chip (Target Device) with the help of Xilinx ISE Design Suite-14.7 Tool. The synthesis tool was set to optimize speed, area and power. The power analysis is made by using Xilinx XPower Analyzer. Pre-calculated LUTs are used for the implementation of algorithmic functions, namely S-Box and Inverse S-Box transformations and also for GF (28) i.e. Galois Field Multiplications involved in Mix-Columns and Inverse Mix-Columns transformations. The proposed architecture is found to be having good efficiency in terms of latency, throughput, speed/delay, area and power.
Sheng Liu, Michael K. Reiter, Vyas Sekar.  2017.  Flow reconnaissance via timing attacks on SDN switches. 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

When encountering a packet for which it has no matching forwarding rule, a software-defined networking (SDN) switch requests an appropriate rule from its controller; this request delays the routing of the flow until the controller responds.  We show that this delay gives rise to a timing side channel in which an attacker can test for the recent occurrence of a target flow by judiciously probing the switch with forged flows and using the delays they encounter to discern whether covering rules were previously installed in the switch.  We develop a Markov model of an SDN switch to permit the attacker to select the best probe (or probes) to infer whether a target flow has recently occurred.  Our model captures practical challenges related to rule evictions to make room for other rules; rule timeouts due to inactivity; the presence of multiple rules that apply to overlapping sets of flows; and rule priorities.  We show that our model enables detection of target flows with considerable accuracy in many cases.

Suarez, Drew, Mayer, Daniel.  2016.  Faux Disk Encryption: Realities of Secure Storage on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. :283–284.

This paper reviews the challenges faced when securing data on mobile devices. After a discussion of the state-of-the-art of secure storage for iOS and Android, the paper introduces an attack which demonstrates how Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on Android can be ineffective in practice.

Wang, Xinyuan.  2016.  On the feasibility of real-time cyber attack attribution on the Internet. :289–294.

The capability to reliably and accurately identify the attacker has long been believed as one of the most effective deterrents to an attack. Ideally, the attribution of cyber attack should be automated from the attack target all the way toward the attack source on the Internet in real-time. Real-time, network-wide attack attribution, however, is every challenging, and many people have doubted whether it is feasible to have practical attack attribution on the Internet. In this paper, we look into the problem, challenges of real-time attack attribution on the Internet, and analyze what it takes to have the real-time attack attribution on the Internet. We show that it is indeed feasible and practical to attribute certain cyber attacks on the Internet in real-time. We build such a real-time attack attribution system upon the malware immunization and packet flow watermarking techniques we have developed. We demonstrate the unprecedented real-time attack attribution capability via live experiments on the Internet and Tor nodes all over the world.

Suarez, Drew, Mayer, Daniel.  2016.  Faux Disk Encryption: Realities of Secure Storage on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. :283–284.

This paper reviews the challenges faced when securing data on mobile devices. After a discussion of the state-of-the-art of secure storage for iOS and Android, the paper introduces an attack which demonstrates how Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on Android can be ineffective in practice.

Wang, Xinyuan.  2016.  On the feasibility of real-time cyber attack attribution on the Internet. :289–294.

The capability to reliably and accurately identify the attacker has long been believed as one of the most effective deterrents to an attack. Ideally, the attribution of cyber attack should be automated from the attack target all the way toward the attack source on the Internet in real-time. Real-time, network-wide attack attribution, however, is every challenging, and many people have doubted whether it is feasible to have practical attack attribution on the Internet. In this paper, we look into the problem, challenges of real-time attack attribution on the Internet, and analyze what it takes to have the real-time attack attribution on the Internet. We show that it is indeed feasible and practical to attribute certain cyber attacks on the Internet in real-time. We build such a real-time attack attribution system upon the malware immunization and packet flow watermarking techniques we have developed. We demonstrate the unprecedented real-time attack attribution capability via live experiments on the Internet and Tor nodes all over the world.

Kamoona, M., El-Sharkawy, M..  2016.  FlexiWi-Fi Security Manager Using Freescale Embedded System. 2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS). :1–4.

Among the current Wi-Fi two security models (Enterprise and Personal), while the Enterprise model (802.1X) offers an effective framework for authenticating and controlling the user traffic to a protected network, the Personal model (802.11) offers the cheapest and the easiest to setup solution. However, the drawback of the personal model implementation is that all access points and client radio NIC on the wireless LAN should use the same encryption key. A major underlying problem of the 802.11 standard is that the pre-shared keys are cumbersome to change. So if those keys are not updated frequently, unauthorized users with some resources and within a short timeframe can crack the key and breach the network security. The purpose of this paper is to propose and implement an effective method for the system administrator to manage the users connected to a router, update the keys and further distribute them for the trusted clients using the Freescale embedded system, Infrared and Bluetooth modules.

Gonzalez, N., Calot, E. P..  2015.  Finite Context Modeling of Keystroke Dynamics in Free Text. 2015 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). :1–5.

Keystroke dynamics analysis has been applied successfully to password or fixed short texts verification as a means to reduce their inherent security limitations, because their length and the fact of being typed often makes their characteristic timings fairly stable. On the other hand, free text analysis has been neglected until recent years due to the inherent difficulties of dealing with short term behavioral noise and long term effects over the typing rhythm. In this paper we examine finite context modeling of keystroke dynamics in free text and report promising results for user verification over an extensive data set collected from a real world environment outside the laboratory setting that we make publicly available.

Bottazzi, G., Italiano, G. F..  2015.  Fast Mining of Large-Scale Logs for Botnet Detection: A Field Study. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing. :1989–1996.

Botnets are considered one of the most dangerous species of network-based attack today because they involve the use of very large coordinated groups of hosts simultaneously. The behavioral analysis of computer networks is at the basis of the modern botnet detection methods, in order to intercept traffic generated by malwares for which signatures do not exist yet. Defining a pattern of features to be placed at the basis of behavioral analysis, puts the emphasis on the quantity and quality of information to be caught and used to mark data streams as normal or abnormal. The problem is even more evident if we consider extensive computer networks or clouds. With the present paper we intend to show how heuristics applied to large-scale proxy logs, considering a typical phase of the life cycle of botnets such as the search for C&C Servers through AGDs (Algorithmically Generated Domains), may provide effective and extremely rapid results. The present work will introduce some novel paradigms. The first is that some of the elements of the supply chain of botnets could be completed without any interaction with the Internet, mostly in presence of wide computer networks and/or clouds. The second is that behind a large number of workstations there are usually "human beings" and it is unlikely that their behaviors will cause marked changes in the interaction with the Internet in a fairly narrow time frame. Finally, AGDs can highlight, at the moment, common lexical features, detectable quickly and without using any black/white list.

Wang, R. T., Chen, C. T..  2015.  Framework Building and Application of the Performance Evaluation in Marine Logistics Information Platform in Taiwan. 2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering. :245–249.

This paper has conducted a trial in establishing a systematic instrument for evaluating the performance of the marine information systems. Analytic Network Process (ANP) was introduced for determining the relative importance of a set of interdependent criteria concerned by the stakeholders (shipper/consignee, customer broker, forwarder, and container yard). Three major information platforms (MTNet, TradeVan, and Nice Shipping) in Taiwan were evaluated according to the criteria derived from ANP. Results show that the performance of marine information system can be divided into three constructs, namely: Safety and Technology (3 items), Service (3 items), and Charge (3 items). The Safety and Technology is the most important construct of marine information system evaluation, whereas Charger is the least important construct. This study give insights to improve the performance of the existing marine information systems and serve as the useful reference for the future freight information platform.

Chen, S., Wang, T., Ai, J..  2015.  A fair exchange and track system for RFID-tagged logistic chains. 2015 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI). :661–666.

RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) is attractive for the strong visibility it provides into logistics operations. In this paper, we explore fair-exchange techniques to encourage honest reporting of item receipt in RFID-tagged supply chains and present a fair ownership transfer system for RFID-tagged supply chains. In our system, a receiver can only access the data and/or functions of the RFID tag by providing the sender with a cryptographic attestation of successful receipt; cheating results in a defunct tag. Conversely, the sender can only obtain the receiver's attestation by providing the secret keys required to access the tag.

Chi, H., Hu, Y. H..  2015.  Face de-identification using facial identity preserving features. 2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). :586–590.

Automated human facial image de-identification is a much needed technology for privacy-preserving social media and intelligent surveillance applications. Other than the usual face blurring techniques, in this work, we propose to achieve facial anonymity by slightly modifying existing facial images into "averaged faces" so that the corresponding identities are difficult to uncover. This approach preserves the aesthesis of the facial images while achieving the goal of privacy protection. In particular, we explore a deep learning-based facial identity-preserving (FIP) features. Unlike conventional face descriptors, the FIP features can significantly reduce intra-identity variances, while maintaining inter-identity distinctions. By suppressing and tinkering FIP features, we achieve the goal of k-anonymity facial image de-identification while preserving desired utilities. Using a face database, we successfully demonstrate that the resulting "averaged faces" will still preserve the aesthesis of the original images while defying facial image identity recognition.

Nakashima, Y., Koyama, T., Yokoya, N., Babaguchi, N..  2015.  Facial expression preserving privacy protection using image melding. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). :1–6.

An enormous number of images are currently shared through social networking services such as Facebook. These images usually contain appearance of people and may violate the people's privacy if they are published without permission from each person. To remedy this privacy concern, visual privacy protection, such as blurring, is applied to facial regions of people without permission. However, in addition to image quality degradation, this may spoil the context of the image: If some people are filtered while the others are not, missing facial expression makes comprehension of the image difficult. This paper proposes an image melding-based method that modifies facial regions in a visually unintrusive way with preserving facial expression. Our experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method can retain facial expression while protecting privacy.

Dai, Z., Li, Z. Y..  2015.  Fuzzy Optimization of Automobile Supply Chain Network of Considering Risks. 2015 Seventh International Symposium on Parallel Architectures Algorithms and Programming (PAAP). :134–138.

In this paper, an optimization model of automobile supply chain network with risks under fuzzy price is put forward. The supply chain network is composed of component suppliers, plants, and distribution centers. The total costs of automobile supply chain consist of variable costs, fixed costs, and transportation costs. The objective of this study is to minimize the risks of total profits. In order to deal with this model, this paper puts forward an approximation method to transform a continuous fuzzy problem into discrete fuzzy problem. The model is solved using Cplex 12.6. The results show that Cplex 12.6 can perfectly solve this model, the expected value and lower semi-variance of total profits converge with the increasing number of discretization points, the structure of automobile supply chain network keeps unchanged with the increasing number of discretization points.

Rifat, Md. Rashidujjaman, Siddique, Aysha, Abouzied, Azza, Chen, Jay.  2016.  From Alley to Landfill: Challenges of and Design Opportunities for Cleaning Dhaka's Communal Trash. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. :9:1–9:10.

Garbage is an endemic problem in developing cities due to the continual influx of migrants from rural areas coupled with deficient municipal capacity planning. In cities like Dhaka, open waste dumps contribute to the prevalence of disease, environmental contamination, catastrophic flooding, and deadly fires. Recent interest in the garbage problem has prompted cursory proposals to introduce technology solutions for mapping and fundraising. Yet, the role of technology and its potential benefits are unexplored in this large-scale problem. In this paper, we contribute to the understanding of the waste ecology in Dhaka and how the various actors acquire, perform, negotiate, and coordinate their roles. Within this context, we explore design opportunities for using computing technologies to support collaboration between waste pickers and residents of these communities. We find opportunities in the presence of technology and the absence of mechanisms to facilitate coordination of community funding and crowd work.

Park, Jonggyu, Kang, Dong Hyun, Eom, Young Ik.  2016.  File Defragmentation Scheme for a Log-Structured File System. Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems. :19:1–19:7.

In recent years, many researchers have focused on log-structured file systems (LFS), because it gracefully enhances the random write performance and efficiently resolves the consistency issue. However, the write policy of LFS can cause a file fragmentation problem, which degrades sequential read performance of the file system. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between file fragmentation and the sequential read performance, considering the characteristics of underlying storage devices. We also propose a novel file defragmentation scheme on LFS to effectively address the file fragmentation problem. Our scheme reorders the valid data blocks belonging to a victim segment based on the inode numbers during the cleaning process of LFS. In our experiments, our scheme eliminates file fragmentation by up to 98.5% when compared with traditional LFS.