Visible to the public Bluetooth for decoy systems: A practical study

TitleBluetooth for decoy systems: A practical study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWong, K., Hunter, A.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)
KeywordsArduino boards, Bluetooth, bluetooth security, composability, Conferences, decoy system, Human Behavior, human factor, low energy bluetooth, Monitoring, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, Raspberry Pi, resilience, Resiliency, security, Servers, telecommunication security, Wireless communication

We present an approach to tracking the behaviour of an attacker on a decoy system, where the decoy communicates with the real system only through low energy bluetooth. The result is a low-cost solution that does not interrupt the live system, while limiting potential damage. The attacker has no way to detect that they are being monitored, while their actions are being logged for further investigation. The system has been physically implemented using Raspberry PI and Arduino boards to replicate practical performance.

Citation Keywong_bluetooth_2017