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2018 NRI PI Meeting Posters

Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4

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There are four programmed interactive poster sessions: two on day one and two on day two. All posters will stay up for both full days, with a selected number programmed for each session, as indicated below. Additional information regarding Poster Session Process & Preparation can be found at the following link:

Session 1: Monday, October 29, 10:00am -11:30am
First Name Last Name Project Award Number Project Title
Allison Okamura 1637446 Vine Robots: Achieving Locomotion and Construction by Growth
Sourabh Bhattacharya 2017-67021-25965 Saliency driven Robotic-Network for Spatio-Temporal Plant Phenotyping
Cynthia Breazeal 1734443 Development, Deployment and Evaluation of Personalized Learning Companion Robots for Early Literacy and Language Learning
David Cappelleri 1637961 Towards Dexterous Micromanipulation and Assembly
Joyce Chai 1830244 Collaborative Task Planning and Learning through Language Communication
Daniel Flippo 2018-67021-27415 Multi-Robot Farming on Marginal, Highly Sloped Lands
Yogesh Girdhar 1734400 Co-Multi-Robotic Exploration of the Benthic Seafloor - New Methods for Distributed Scene Understanding and Exploration
Michael Gleicher 1830242 Communicating Physical Interactions
Ken Goldberg 1734633 SCHooL: Scalable Collaborative Human-Robot Learning
Yi Guo 1527016 Dynamic Robot Guides for Emergency Evacuations
Robert Howe 1637838 Achieving selective kinematics and stiffness in flexible robotics
SangHyun Lee 1734266 Scene Understanding and Predictive Monitoring for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration in Unstructured and Dynamic Construction Environments
Changying Li 2017-67021-25928 Robot-assisted Field-based High Throughput Plant Phenotyping
Christopher Atkeson 1734449 Individualized Co-Robotics
Hala Nassar 2012247 Drones and the Design of Public Outdoor Spaces
Edwin Olson 1830615 Connected and Continuous Multi-Policy Decision Making
Nikos Papanikolopoulos 1427014 Robotics 2.0 for Disaster Response and Relief Operations
Qibing Pei 1638163 A Variable Stiffness Artificial Muscle Material for Soft Robotics
Alberto Rodriguez 1637753 Accelerating Robotic Manipulation with Data-Enhanced Contact Mechanics
Xiangrong Shen 1734501 Accelerating Large-Scale Adoption of Robotic Lower-Limb Prostheses through Personalized Prosthesis Controller Adaptation
Nabil Simaan 1327566 Complementary Situational Awareness for Human-Robot Partnerships
Aaron Steinfeld 1734361 Mutually Aware Social Navigation
Nabil Simaan 1734461 In-Situ Collaborative Robotics in Confined Spaces
Hao Su 1830613 Soft Wearable Robots for Injury Prevention and Performance Augmentation
Zhiqiang Sui 1638047 Sketching Geometry and Physics informed Inference for Mobile Robot Manipulation in Cluttered Scenes
Aaron Dollar 1637647 Rethinking Multi-Legged Robots: Passive Terrain Adaptability through Underactuated Mechanisms and Exactly-Constrained Kinematics
Patrick Wensing 1734532 Using Template Models to Identify Exoskeleton User Intent
Ryan Williams 1830414 Balancing Collaboration and Autonomy for Multi-Robot Multi-Human Search and Rescue
Jun Zou 1748161 MEMS Co-Steered Optical and Acoustic Dual Modal Communication and Ranging Device for Underwater Vehicles
John Whitney 1830425 Controllable Compliance: A New Robotic Arm for Contact-Rich Manipulation
Session 2: Monday, October 29, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
First Name Last Name Project Award Number Project Title
Peter Adamczyk 1830516 Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation for Safety and Performance in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration and Rehabilitation
Kaveh Akbari Hamed 1637704 Decentralized Feedback Control Design for Cooperative Robotic Walking with Application to Powered Prosthetic Legs
Harry Asada 1637969 Extra Robotic Limbs for Body Support in Kneeling and Crouching Works
Kostas Bekris 1734492 Integrated Modeling and Learning for Robust Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation with Adaptive Hands
Philip Dames 1830419 Distributed, Semantically-Aware Tracking and Planning for Fleets of Robots
Matei Ciocarlie 1526960 Active Tendon-driven Orthosis for Prehensile Manipulation after Stroke
Matei Ciocarlie 1734557 Scalable Multimodal Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulators in Manufacturing
Robert Gregg 1830360 A Robust Convex Optimization Framework for the Design of Ubiquitous Series Elastic Actuators
Kris Hauser 1830366 Customizing Semi-Autonomous Nursing Robots using Human Expertise
Jesse Hoagg 2018-67021-27416 Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Robots for Livestock Health Monitoring
Panagiotis Tsiotras 1426945 Information-Theoretic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning and Control with Applications to Space Proximity Operations
Xiaogang Hu 1637892 Towards Restoring Natural Sensation of Hand Amputees via Wearable Surface Grid Electrodes
Aleksandra Kalinowska 1637764 Task-Based Assistance for Software-Enabled Biomedical Devices
Carmel Majidi 1830362 Soft Active Contact Pads with Tunable Stiffness and Adhesion for Customizable Robotic Grasping
Philippos Mordohai 1637761 Autonomous Quadrotors for 3D Modeling and Inspection of Outdoor Infrastructure
Gina Olson 1734627 Bioinspired Design and Shared Autonomy for Underwater Robots with Soft Limbs
Lizhi Pan 1527202 Novel Neural Control of Multifunctional Prosthetic Arms Based on Internal Musculoskeletal Biomechanical Model
Nikos Papanikolopoulos 1338042 Development of an Instrument that Monitors Behaviors Associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors and Schizophrenia
Feifei Qian 1734355 Co-Robotic Systems for GeoSciences Field Research
Mo Rastgaar 1830460 Anthropomorphic Robotic Ankle Prosthesis with Programmable Materials
Bill Smart R01 EB024330 Robotics to Improve Patient Care for Highly Infectious Diseases
Yang Tao 2018-67021-27417 Machine Vision Robotic Systems for Automated Disassembling Crab Complex Compartments and Extracting Meats
Minoru Taya 1637535 Design of nanorobotics based on FePd alloy nanohelices for a diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Vishesh Vikas 1830432 M3SoRo - Mobility and Morphing using Modular Soft Robots
Stavros Vougioukas 2016-67021-24535 Robotic Harvest-Aiding Orchard Platforms
Matthew Walter 1638072 Learning Adaptive Representations for Robust Mobile Robot Navigation from Multi-Modal Interactions
Indika Wijayasinghe 1734383 Light-Powered Microrobots for Future MIcrofactories
Michael Yip 1830403 A Foundational Approach to Muscle Actuators that Lowers Barriers to Muscle-Powered Robotics Research
Yu Zhang 1844524 EAGER: Reconciling Model Discrepancies in Human-Robot Teams
Session 3: Tuesday, October 30, 10:00am - 11:30am
First Name Last Name Project Award Number Project Title
Allison Okamura 1830163 / 1830146 Intuitive, Wearable Haptic Devices for Communication with Ubiquitous Robots
Nikolay Atanasov 1830399 Distributed Bayesian Learning and Safe Control for Autonomous Wildfire Detection
Elin Bjorling 1734100 Design and Development of a Social Robot for Gathering Ecological Momentary Stress Data from Teens
Sonia Chernova 1637562 Scalable Robot Autonomy through Remote Operator Assistance and Lifelong Learning
Sung Kwon Cho 1637815 3-D Maneuverable Feedback-Controlled Micro Swimming Drone for Biomedical Applications
Prashant Doshi 1830421 Inverse Learning of Robot Behavior for Collaborative Planning
Yu Gu 2017-67022-25926 Precision Pollination Robot
Roger Laurence 1527919 Targeted Observation of Severe Local Storms Using Aerial Robots
Guy Hoffman 1830471 Ad-Hoc Collaborative Human-Robot Swarms
Guy Hoffman 1734399 Collaborative Control for Wearable Robots
Anirban Mazumdar 1830498 Rapid Operator Awareness via Mobile Robotics (ROAMR)
Kamran Mohseni 1638034 Operating in the Abyss: Bringing Together Humans and Bio-Inpsired Autonomous Vehicles for Maritime Applications
Chris Amato 1734497 Coordinating Human-Robot Teams in Uncertain Environments
Luke Osborn 1849417 Scalable, Customizable Sensory Solutions for Dexterous Robotic Hands
Michael Posa 1830218 Contact-aware Control of Dynamic Manipulation
Sanjiban Choudhury 1748582 Learning Deep Sensorimotor Policies for Shared Autonomy
Siddharth Reddy 1700696 Learning Deep Sensorimotor Policies for Shared Autonomy
Matthew Spenko 1637899 Receding Horizon Integrity-A New Navigation Safety Methodology for Co-Robotic Passenger Vehicles
Matthew Spenko 1830642 The Urban Design and Policy Implications of Ubiquitous Robots and Navigation Safety
Vaibhav Srivastava 1734272 A Framework for Human-Team-Supervised Autonomy with Application to Underwater Search and Rescue
Neville Hogan 1637824 Features of Free Motion Persist in Constrained Actions
Dagmar Sternad 1637854 Stability and Predictability in Dynamically Complex Physical Interactions
Pratap Tokekar 1637915 Coordinated Detection and Tracking of Hazardous Agents with Aerial and Aquatic Robots to Inform Emergency Responders
Roberto Tron 1734454 Robust, Scalable, Distributed Semantic Mapping for Search-and-Rescue and Manufacturing Co-Robots
Alan Wagner 1830390 Interactive and Collaborative Robot-Assisted Emergency Evacuations
Kesh Kesavadas 1464737 Human Cognition Assisted Control of Robots in Manufacturing
Holly Yanco DE-EM0004482 Cooperative Control of Humanoid Robots for Remote Operations in Nuclear Environments
Aaron Young 1830215 Robotic Human Enhancement Enabled through Wearable Hip Exoskeletons Capable of Community Ambulation
Jingjin Yu 1734419 Collaborative Multi-Robot Systems with Provable Availability, Safety, and Optimality Guarantees
John Zimmerman 1832758 Human-Robot Collaboration with Distributed and Embodied Intelligence
Session 4: Tuesday, October 30, 3:00pm - 4:30pm
First Name Last Name Project Award Number Project Title
M. Cenk Cavusoglu 1524363 Human-Supervised Manipulation of Deformable Objects
Suman Chakravorty 1637889 A model based approach in distributed adaptive sampling of spatio-temporally varying fields
Monroe Kennedy 1328722 Human-Robot Coordinated Manipulation and Transportation of Large Objects
Satyandra Gupta 1634431 A Proactive Approach to Managing Contingencies during Human Robot Collaboration in Manufacturing
Bradley Hayes 1830686 Life-Long Learning for Motion Planning by Robots in Human Populated Environments
Beryl Hoffman 1830450 Girls Immersed in Robotics Learning Simulations (GIRLS)
Andrew Hundt 1637949 Training Frankenstein's Creature to Stack: HyperTree Architecture Search
Blake Hannaford 1637444 Software Framework for Research in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation
Gregory Fischer 1637759 Software Framework for Research in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation
Peter Kazanzides 1637789 Software Framework for Research in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation
Jana Kosecka 1527208 Task Dependent Semantic Modeling for Robot Perception
Bryan Minor 1734558 Robotic Activity Support (RAS): A Cognitive Assistant for the Smart Home
Marcia O'Malley 1638073 Guiding with touch: Haptic cueing of surgical techniques on virtual and robotic platforms
Elliott Rouse 1760247 An Open-Source Robotic Leg Platform that Lowers the Barrier for Advanced Prosthetics Research
Yu Sun 1560761 Characterizing Physical Interaction in Instrument Manipulations
John Swensen 1734117 Smart Material Composites and Design of Internal Structural Geometry for Tunably Compliant Soft Robots
Masayoshi Tomizuka 1734109 Safe and Efficient Robot Collaboration System (SERoCS) for Next Generation Intelligent Industrial Co-Robots
Moshe Vardi 1830549 Robotic Collaboration through Scalable Reactive Synthesis
Matthew Walter 1830660 Shared Autonomy for Unstructured Underwater Environments through Vision and Language
Pei Wang 1637941 Real-Time Semantic Computer Vision for Co-robotics
Gloria Wiens 1830479, 1830383, 1830295 Manufacturing USA: Intelligent Human-Robot Collaboration for Smart Factory
Harel Yedidsion 1637736 Natural Language Understanding for Robots with Dialog Learning and Language Grounding
Hyung Jin Yoon 1830639 Synergetic Drone Delivery Network in Metropolis
Hyung-Jin Yoon 1528036 Socially-Aware Path Planning for a Flying Robot in Close Proximity of Humans
Jnaneshwar Das 2015-67021-23857 Robotics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning for Precision Agriculture
Justin Bradley 1638099 Enabling UAS Fire Ignitions in Complex Firefighting Contexts
Justin Bradley 2017-67021-25924 At the Water's Edge: Installation and Optimization of Robotic Sensing Systems