Visible to the public Privacy Preserving in TPA for Secure Cloud by Using Encryption Technique

TitlePrivacy Preserving in TPA for Secure Cloud by Using Encryption Technique
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSingh, R., Ataussamad, Prakash, S.
Conference Name2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)
Keywordsauditing, auditing task, cloud computing, cloud data, compositionality, cryptography, data holders, data integrity, data privacy, data services, EAP, Encryption, encryption audits, Encryption technique, extensible authentication protocol, human error, liberated encryption standard, Metrics, privacy identification, privacy preserving, Protocols, pubcrawl, public auditing, public verifiers, resilience, Resiliency, secure cloud, Secure storage, Servers, shared data, software/hardware error, Task Analysis, TPA, VerifyProof

With all data services of cloud, it's not only stored the data, although shared the data among the multiple users or clients, which make doubt in its integrity due to the existence of software/hardware error along with human error too. There is an existence of several mechanisms to allow data holders and public verifiers to precisely, efficiently and effectively audit integrity of cloud data without accessing the whole data from server. After all, public auditing on the integrity of shared data with pervious extant mechanisms will somehow affirm the confidential information and its identity privacy to the public verifiers. In this paper, to achieve the privacy preserving public for auditing, we intended an explanation for TPA using three way handshaking protocol through the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) with liberated encryption standard. Appropriately, from the cloud, we use the VerifyProof execute by TPA to audit to certify. In addition to this mechanism, the identity of each segment in the shared data is kept private from the public verifiers. Moreover, rather than verifying the auditing task one by one, this will capable to perform, the various auditing tasks simultaneously.

Citation Keysingh_privacy_2017