Visible to the public A Low Power Cybersecurity Mechanism for WSNs in a Smart Grid Environment

TitleA Low Power Cybersecurity Mechanism for WSNs in a Smart Grid Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsDhunna, G. S., Al-Anbagi, I.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-0817-3
KeywordsCIP, CIP-002 standards, CIP-009 standards, communication functionalities, compositionality, computer security, critical infrastructure protection standards, critical power grid infrastructure, cybersecurity, cybersecurity requirements, delay, Denial-of-Sleep Attack, distributed sensing, Human Behavior, human factors, low power consumption, low power cybersecurity mechanism, MAC layer, Monitoring, NERC, NERC CIP requirements, NERC CIP standards, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, phasor measurement, phasor measurement units, power consumption, power system security, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, security of data, sensor devices, smart grid cybersecurity, smart grid environment, smart grid monitoring application, Smart Grid Sensors, Smart grids, smart power grids, Substations, Throughput, Wireless sensor networks, WSN cybersecurity mechanism, WSN security mechanisms, WSNs

Smart Grid cybersecurity is one of the key ingredients for successful and wide scale adaptation of the Smart Grid by utilities and governments around the world. The implementation of the Smart Grid relies mainly on the highly distributed sensing and communication functionalities of its components such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and other protection devices. This distributed nature and the high number of connected devices are the main challenges for implementing cybersecurity in the smart grid. As an example, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards (CIP-002 through CIP-009) to define cybersecurity requirements for critical power grid infrastructure. However, NERC CIP standards do not specify cybersecurity for different communication technologies such as WSNs, fiber networks and other network types. Implementing security mechanisms in WSNs is a challenging task due to the limited resources of the sensor devices. WSN security mechanisms should not only focus on reducing the power consumption of the sensor devices, but they should also maintain high reliability and throughput needed by Smart Grid applications. In this paper, we present a WSN cybersecurity mechanism suitable for smart grid monitoring application. Our mechanism can detect and isolate various attacks in a smart grid environment, such as denial of sleep, forge and replay attacks in an energy efficient way. Simulation results show that our mechanism can outperform existing techniques while meeting the NERC CIP requirements.

Citation Keydhunna_low_2017