Visible to the public Off-sensing and Route Manipulation Attack: A Cross-Layer Attack in Cognitive Radio based Wireless Mesh Networks

TitleOff-sensing and Route Manipulation Attack: A Cross-Layer Attack in Cognitive Radio based Wireless Mesh Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsHossain, M., Xie, J.
Conference NameIEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications
Date Publishedapr
KeywordsCognitive radio, cognitive radio based wireless mesh networks, composability, CR-based wireless mesh networks, cross-layer assault, cross-layer attack, cross-layer routing protocols, FCC, individual network layers, Knowledge engineering, Metrics, off-sensing and route manipulation attack, pubcrawl, resilience, route manipulation attack, Routing, Routing protocols, Sensors, single-layer defenses, telecommunication security, Traffic flow, Wireless communication, wireless mesh networks, Wireless sensor networks
AbstractCognitive Radio (CR) has garnered much attention in the last decade, while the security issues are not fully studied yet. Existing research on attacks and defenses in CR - based networks focuses mostly on individual network layers, whereas cross-layer attacks remain fortified against single-layer defenses. In this paper, we shed light on a new vulnerability in cross-layer routing protocols and demonstrate how a perpetrator can exploit this vulnerability to manipulate traffic flow around it. We propose this cross-layer attack in CR-based wireless mesh networks (CR-WMNs), which we call off-sensing and route manipulation (OS-RM) attack. In this cross-layer assault, off-sensing attack is launched at the lower layers as the point of attack but the final intention is to manipulate traffic flow around the perpetrator. We also introduce a learning strategy for a perpetrator, so that it can gather information from the collaboration with other network entities and capitalize this information into knowledge to accelerate its malice intentions. Simulation results show that this attack is far more detrimental than what we have experienced in the past and need to be addressed before commercialization of CR-based networks.
Citation Keyhossain_off-sensing_2018