Visible to the public Multi-Band Acoustic-Wave-Lumped-Element Resonator-Based Bandstop Filters with Continuously Tunable Stopband Bandwidths

TitleMulti-Band Acoustic-Wave-Lumped-Element Resonator-Based Bandstop Filters with Continuously Tunable Stopband Bandwidths
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPsychogiou, D., Simpson, D. J.
Conference Name2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS
Keywordsacoustic coupling, Acoustic-wave (AW) filter, Band-pass filters, bandstop filter (BPF), enhancement, high-quality-factor filter, Human Behavior, pubcrawl, Radio frequency, Resiliency, Resonator filters, Resonators, RF/micro-wave filter, Scalability, Scattering parameters, Surface acoustic waves, surface acoustic-wave (SAW) resonator, Tuning
AbstractA new class of multi-band acoustic-wave-Iumped-ele-ment-resonator (AWLR)-based bandstop filters (BSFs) is reported. It is based on\$N\$multi-resonant A WLRs-shaped by\$K\$AWLRs and 2K inverters-that are connected to an all-pass network and result in\$\textbackslashtextbackslashpmbK\textbackslashtextbackslash N^th\$order rejection bands. The proposed concept allows the realization of multiple rejection bands with the following characteristics: i) fractional bandwidths (FBWs) larger than the electromechanical coupling coefficient\$\textbackslashtextbackslashpmbk\_t^\textbackslashtextbackslash 2\$of its constituent acoustic-wave resonators, ii) continuously variable and inde-pendently-controlled FBWs, iii) intrinsically-switched stopbands, and iv) an all pass state. For proof-of-concept validation purposes a dual-band prototype was designed, built, and tested. It exhibits two stopbands centered at 418 and 433 MHz that can be continu-ously-tuned in FBW (up to 7.7:1 tuning range) and in number.
Citation Keypsychogiou_multi-band_2018