Visible to the public LevelTree: A New Scalable Data Center Networks Topology

TitleLevelTree: A New Scalable Data Center Networks Topology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPal, Manjish, Sahu, Prashant, Jaiswal, Shailesh
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4119-4
KeywordsBandwidth, Bisection Bandwidth, cloud based applications, computer centres, computer networks, control theory, critical topologies, Cyber physical system, cyber physical systems, Data Center Network(DCN), data centers, DCN topology, Diameter of graph, Fattree, graph theory, high bisection bandwidth, Human Behavior, Jellyfish, LevelTree, Network topology, new scalable data center network topology, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Servers, shortest path, telecommunication network routing, telecommunication network topology, topological properties, Topology, tree topology, Vegetation, VolvoxDC

In recent time it has become very crucial for the data center networks (DCN) to broaden the system limit to be able to meet with the increasing need of cloud based applications. A decent DCN topology must comprise of numerous properties for low diameter, high bisection bandwidth, ease of organization and so on. In addition, a DCN topology should depict aptness in failure resiliency, scalability, construction and routing. In this paper, we introduce a new Data Center Network topology termed LevelTree built up with several modules grows as a tree topology and each module is constructed from a complete graph. LevelTree demonstrates great topological properties and it beats critical topologies like Jellyfish, VolvoxDC, and Fattree regarding providing a superior worthwhile plan with greater capacity.

Citation Keypal_leveltree:_2018