Ontology literature review as guidelines for improving Croatian Qualification Framework
Title | Ontology literature review as guidelines for improving Croatian Qualification Framework |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Klarin, K., Nazor, I., Celar, S. |
Conference Name | 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) |
Date Published | may |
Keywords | composability, computer-interpretable data, Croatian qualification framework, CROQF, E-learning, Education, education-related ontologies, educational administrative data processing, educational systems, expandability, grid service architecture, Information systems, interoperability, labour market, meta data, mutual relations, ontological structures, ontologies (artificial intelligence), Ontology, ontology literature review, open systems, pubcrawl, public web, Qualifications, Resiliency |
Abstract | Development of information systems dealing with education and labour market using web and grid service architecture enables their modularity, expandability and interoperability. Application of ontologies to the web helps with collecting and selecting the knowledge about a certain field in a generic way, thus enabling different applications to understand, use, reuse and share the knowledge among them. A necessary step before publishing computer-interpretable data on the public web is the implementation of common standards that will ensure the exchange of information. Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) is a project of standardization of occupations for the labour market, as well as standardization of sets of qualifications, skills and competences and their mutual relations. This paper analysis a respectable amount of research dealing with application of ontologies to information systems in education during the last decade. The main goal is to compare achieved results according to: 1) phases of development/classifications of education-related ontologies; 2) areas of education and 3) standards and structures of metadata for educational systems. Collected information is used to provide insight into building blocks of CROQF, both the ones well supported by experience and best practices, and the ones that are not, together with guidelines for development of own standards using ontological structures. |
DOI | 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8757055 |
Citation Key | klarin_ontology_2019 |
- interoperability
- Resiliency
- Qualifications
- public web
- pubcrawl
- open systems
- ontology literature review
- Ontology
- ontologies (artificial intelligence)
- ontological structures
- mutual relations
- meta data
- labour market
- composability
- Information systems
- grid service architecture
- expandability
- educational systems
- educational administrative data processing
- education-related ontologies
- education
- E-Learning
- Croatian qualification framework
- computer-interpretable data