Visible to the public Self-Healing Anonymous Routing in Unstable Sensor Networks

TitleSelf-Healing Anonymous Routing in Unstable Sensor Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBaranov, Nikita, Bashkin, Mikhail, Bashkin, Vladimir
Conference Name2019 7th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud)
Keywordsanonymous routing, composability, homomorphic encryption, limited deanonymization, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, self-healing networks, Sensor networks
AbstractA lightweight decentralized adaptive anonymous routing scheme is presented that combines onion routing for the initial global route request and threshold-based secret sharing for the subsequent local route tuning/healing. The encrypted propagation of the partial routes information allows to handle minor network topology changes locally, without new route requests and with a limited deanonymization of participants. The intermediate node can discover/decrypt the local routing data only together with its designated neigbour (threshold-based secret sharing is used) and only in the event of a topology change.
Citation Keybaranov_self-healing_2019