Visible to the public Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Hyper-chaotic Lorenz Map and Compressed Sensing Theory

TitleImage Encryption Algorithm Based on Hyper-chaotic Lorenz Map and Compressed Sensing Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLv, Weijie, Bai, Ruifeng, Sun, Xueqiang
Conference Name2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordschaos, chaotic sequence, compressed sensing, compressed sensing theory, control theory, cryptography, digital image encryption algorithm, digital images, Encryption, encryption sequence, Hadamard matrices, Hadamard matrix, hyper-chaotic Lorenz map, Image coding, image compression, image encryption, image motion analysis, measurement matrix, motion process, motion state, multidimensional chaotic system, pubcrawl, random matrix design, security, Sparse matrices
AbstractThe motion process of multi-dimensional chaotic system is complex and variable, the randomness of motion state is stronger, and the motion state is more unpredictable within a certain range. This feature of multi-dimensional chaotic system can effectively improve the security performance of digital image encryption algorithm. In this paper, the hyper-chaotic Lorenz map is used to design the encryption sequence to improve the random performance of the encryption sequence, thus optimizing the performance of the digital image encryption algorithm. In this paper, the chaotic sequence is used to randomly select the row vector of the Hadamard matrix to form the Hadamard matrix to determine the measurement matrix, which simplifies the computational difficulty of the algorithm and solves the problem of the discontinuity of the key space in the random matrix design.
Citation Keylv_image_2019