Visible to the public Securing IoT Devices and SecurelyConnecting the Dots Using REST API and Middleware

TitleSecuring IoT Devices and SecurelyConnecting the Dots Using REST API and Middleware
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGarg, Hittu, Dave, Mayank
Conference Name2019 4th International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU)
Date PublishedApril 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1253-4
Keywordsapplication program interfaces, authentication, Authorization, cloud computing, composability, computer network security, data privacy, fairly disruptive technology, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT applications, IoT devices, IoT security, IoT systems, Logic gates, Metrics, middleware, pubcrawl, representational state transfer API, resilience, Resiliency, REST API, secure IoT system, security

Internet of Things (IoT) is a fairly disruptive technology with inconceivable growth, impact, and capability. We present the role of REST API in the IoT Systems and some initial concepts of IoT, whose technology is able to record and count everything. We as well highlight the concept of middleware that connects these devices and cloud. The appearance of new IoT applications in the cloud has brought new threats to security and privacy of data. Therefore it is required to introduce a secure IoT system which doesn't allow attackers infiltration in the network through IoT devices and also to secure data in transit from IoT devices to cloud. We provide the details on how Representational State Transfer (REST) API allows to securely expose connected devices to applications on cloud and users. In the proposed model, middleware is primarily used to expose device data through REST and to hide details and act as an interface to the user to interact with sensor data.

Citation Keygarg_securing_2019