Visible to the public Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Identify Fake Profiles

TitleUse of Artificial Neural Networks to Identify Fake Profiles
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHajdu, Gergo, Minoso, Yaclaudes, Lopez, Rafael, Acosta, Miguel, Elleithy, Abdelrahman
Conference Name2019 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT)
Keywordsartificial neural network, Artificial neural networks, cyber physical systems, Facebook friend request, fake profiles identification, Identify Fake Profiles, learning (artificial intelligence), machine learning, malicious users, neural nets, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security of data, sigmoid function, social media, social network page, social networking (online)
AbstractIn this paper, we use machine learning, namely an artificial neural network to determine what are the chances that Facebook friend request is authentic or not. We also outline the classes and libraries involved. Furthermore, we discuss the sigmoid function and how the weights are determined and used. Finally, we consider the parameters of the social network page which are utmost important in the provided solution.
Citation Keyhajdu_use_2019