Visible to the public A Novel Logical Locking Technique Against Key-Guessing Attacks

TitleA Novel Logical Locking Technique Against Key-Guessing Attacks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsSree Ranjani, R, Nirmala Devi, M
Conference Name2018 8th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED)
Keywordsadded logics, Brute Force Attack, brute force attacks, Collaboration, Computer crime, Embedded computing, Hamming distance, Hardware, hardware attacks, hill climbing attack, human factors, illegal integrated circuit overproduction, industrial property, integrated circuits, intellectual property, intellectual property piracy, invasive software, ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits, key guessing attacks, Key-gates, key-guessing attacks, logical locking, logical locking technique, logically locked design, Observability, path sensitization attacks, policy-based governance, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Secret key, secured hardware, secured locking mechanism, System analysis and design, Testability measures, Trojan insertion
AbstractLogical locking is the most popular countermeasure against the hardware attacks like intellectual property (IP) piracy, Trojan insertion and illegal integrated circuit (IC) overproduction. The functionality of the design is locked by the added logics into the design. Thus, the design is accessible only to the authorized users by applying the valid keys. However, extracting the secret key of the logically locked design have become an extensive effort and it is commonly known as key guessing attacks. Thus, the main objective of the proposed technique is to build a secured hardware against attacks like Brute force attack, Hill climbing attack and path sensitization attacks. Furthermore, the gates with low observability are chosen for encryption, this is to obtain an optimal output corruption of 50% Hamming distance with minimal design overhead and implementation complexity. The experimental results are validated on ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits, with a highly secured locking mechanism.
Citation Keysree_ranjani_novel_2018