Visible to the public Wireless Self-Organizing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth based Network For Internet Of Things

TitleWireless Self-Organizing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth based Network For Internet Of Things
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsUshakova, Margarita, Ushakov, Yury, Polezhaev, Petr, Shukhman, Alexandr
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Engineering and Telecommunication (EnT)
Date Publishednov
KeywordsBluetooth, bluetooth security, composability, Cyber physical system, cyber physical systems, energy conservation, energy-saving modes, Human Behavior, Internet of Things, modems, open standards, power consumption, Power demand, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, self-organizing networks, Switches, telecommunication power management, transmission channels, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi network, wireless channels, Wireless fidelity, wireless LAN, wireless networks, wireless self-organizing Wi-Fi
AbstractModern Internet of Things networks are often proprietary, although based on open standards, or are built on the basis of conventional Wi-Fi network, which does not allow the use of energy-saving modes and limits the range of solutions used. The paper is devoted to the study and comparison of two solutions based on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with the functions of a self-organizing network and switching between transmission channels. The power consumption in relation to specific actions and volumes of transmitted data is investigated; a conclusion is drawn on the conditions for the application of a particular technology.
Citation Keyushakova_wireless_2019