Visible to the public Counteraction against Internet of Things Botnets in Private Networks

TitleCounteraction against Internet of Things Botnets in Private Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsProkofiev, Anton O., Smirnova, Yulia S.
Conference Name2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus)
Keywordsarchitectural features, Botnet, botnet behavior, botnet prevention, botnet threats, botnets, compositionality, Computer architecture, Computer crime, computer network security, data privacy, Internet of Things, Internet of Things botnets, invasive software, IoT, IoT botnets activity, IoT devices, Metrics, performance evaluation, private Internet of Things network, private IoT networks, private networks, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Software systems
AbstractThis article focuses on problems related to detection and prevention of botnet threats in private Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Actual data about IoT botnets activity on the Internet is provided in the paper. Results of analysis of widespread botnets, as well as key characteristics of botnet behavior and activity on IoT devices are also provided. Features of private IoT networks are determined. The paper provides architectural features as well as functioning principles of software systems for botnet prevention in private networks. Recommendations for process of interaction between such system and a user are suggested. Suggestions for future development of the approach are formulated.
Citation Keyprokofiev_counteraction_2019