Visible to the public Sandbox: Revindicate failure as the foundation of learning

TitleSandbox: Revindicate failure as the foundation of learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCano M, Jeimy J.
Conference Name2020 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE)
Date PublishedMarch 2020
ISBN Number 978-1-7281-6638-4
KeywordsCollaboration, collaboration agreements, composability, Education, Educational spaces, experiments, Failure, learning, Pedagogical innovation, policy-based governance, Proposals, pubcrawl, reflection, Sandboxing, Scalability, Standards, Systemic thinking, Technological innovation, Uncertainty

In an increasingly asymmetric context of both instability and permanent innovation, organizations demand new capacities and learning patterns. In this sense, supervisors have adopted the metaphor of the "sandbox" as a strategy that allows their regulated parties to experiment and test new proposals in order to study them and adjust to the established compliance frameworks. Therefore, the concept of the "sandbox" is of educational interest as a way to revindicate failure as a right in the learning process, allowing students to think, experiment, ask questions and propose ideas outside the known theories, and thus overcome the mechanistic formation rooted in many of the higher education institutions. Consequently, this article proposes the application of this concept for educational institutions as a way of resignifying what students have learned.

Citation Keycano_m_sandbox_2020