Visible to the public Next-Generation CPS Testbed-based Grid Exercise - Synthetic Grid, Attack, and Defense Modeling

TitleNext-Generation CPS Testbed-based Grid Exercise - Synthetic Grid, Attack, and Defense Modeling
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsRavikumar, Gelli, Hyder, Burhan, Govindarasu, Manimaran
Conference Name2020 Resilience Week (RWS)
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-8693-1
KeywordsComputational modeling, CPS Resilience, cyber physical systems, cyberattack, Grid Exercise, Hardware-in-the-Loop, ISO standards, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Power and Cyber System Testbed, Power industry, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, SCADA, Software systems, Training, WAMS
AbstractQuasi-Realistic cyber-physical system (QR-CPS) testbed architecture and operational environment are critical for testing and validating various cyber attack-defense algorithms for the wide-area resilient power systems. These QR-CPS testbed environments provide a realistic platform for conducting the Grid Exercise (GridEx), CPS security training, and attack-defense exercise at a broader scale for the cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems. The NERC has established a tabletop based GridEx platform for the North American power utilities to demonstrate how they would respond to and recover from cyber threats and incidents. The NERC-GridEx is a bi-annual activity with tabletop attack injects and incidence response management. There is a significant need to build a testbed-based hands-on GridEx for the utilities by leveraging the CPS testbeds, which imitates the pragmatic CPS grid environment. We propose a CPS testbed-based Quasi-Realistic Grid Exercise (QR-GridEx), which is a model after the NERC's tabletop GridEx. We have designed the CPS testbed-based QR-GridEx into two parts. Part-I focuses on the modeling of synthetic grid models for the utilities, including SCADA and WAMS communications, and attack-and-defense software systems; and the Part-II focuses on the incident response management and risk-based CPS grid investment strategies. This paper presents the Part-I of the CPS testbed-based QRGridEx, which includes modeling of the synthetic grid models in the real-time digital simulator, stealthy, and coordinated cyberattack vectors, and integration of intrusion/anomaly detection systems. We have used our existing HIL CPS security testbed to demonstrate the testbed-based QR-GridEx for a Texas-2000 bus US synthetic grid model and the IEEE-39 bus grid models. The experiments demonstrated significant results by 100% real-time performance with zero overruns for grid impact characteristics against stealthy and coordinated cyberattack vectors.
Citation Keyravikumar_next-generation_2020