Visible to the public A Middleware for Managing the Heterogeneity of Data Provining from IoT Devices in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

TitleA Middleware for Managing the Heterogeneity of Data Provining from IoT Devices in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCedillo, Priscila, Riofrio, Xavier, Prado, Daniela, Orellana, Marcos
Conference Name2020 IEEE ANDESCON
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9365-6
Keywordscloud computing, composability, Computational modeling, edge computing, Fog Computing, healthcare system, Medical services, middleware, performance evaluation, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Servers, software architecture
AbstractInternet of Things (IoT) has been growing exponentially in the commercial market in recent years. It is also a fact that people hold one or more computing devices at home. Many of them have been developed to operate through internet connectivity with cloud computing technologies that result in the demand for fast, robust, and secure services. In most cases, the lack of these services makes difficult the transfer of data to fulfill the devices' purposes. Under these conditions, an intermediate layer or middleware is needed to process, filter, and send data through a more efficient alternative. This paper presents the adaptive solution of a middleware architecture as an intermediate layer between smart devices and cloud computing to enhance the management of the heterogeneity of data provining from IoT devices. The proposed middleware provides easy configuration, adaptability, and bearability for different environments. Finally, this solution has been implemented in the healthcare domain, in which IoT solutions are deployed into Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments.
Citation Keycedillo_middleware_2020