Visible to the public Security Monitoring System Using Magnetically-Activated RFID Tags

TitleSecurity Monitoring System Using Magnetically-Activated RFID Tags
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAsci, Cihan, Wang, Wei, Sonkusale, Sameer
Conference Name2020 IEEE SENSORS
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6801-2
KeywordsAntenna measurements, antennas, Entry detection, Human Behavior, IoT, magnetic sensors, Monitoring, Passive RFID tags, proximity sensor, pubcrawl, radio frequency identification, Radio frequency identification (RFID), reed switch, resilience, Resiliency, RFID, RFIDs, security monitoring, Sensors, Switches
AbstractExisting methods for home security monitoring depend on expensive custom battery-powered solutions. In this article, we present a battery-free solution that leverages any off-the-shelf passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for real-time entry detection. Sensor consists of a printed RFID antenna on paper, coupled to a magnetic reed switch and is affixed on the door. Opening of the door triggers the reed switch causing RFID signal transmission detected by any off-the-shelf passive RFID reader. This paper shows simulation and experimental results for such magnetically-actuated RFID (or magRFID) opening sensor.
Citation Keyasci_security_2020