Visible to the public Network Security Posture Prediction Based on SAPSO-Elman Neural Networks

TitleNetwork Security Posture Prediction Based on SAPSO-Elman Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsRen, Xun-yi, Luo, Qi-qi, Shi, Chen, Huang, Jia-ming
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICAICE)
Date Publishedoct
KeywordsCommunication networks, computer security, Cyber-physical systems, Elman neural network, Metrics, Neural Network Security, Neural networks, particle swarm algorithm, policy-based governance, posture prediction, Prediction algorithms, Prediction methods, pubcrawl, Resiliency, simulated annealing, Training
AbstractWith the increasing popularity of the Internet, mobile Internet and the Internet of Things, the current network environment continues to become more complicated. Due to the increasing variety and severity of cybersecurity threats, traditional means of network security protection have ushered in a huge challenge. The network security posture prediction can effectively predict the network development trend in the future time based on the collected network history data, so this paper proposes an algorithm based on simulated annealing-particle swarm algorithm to optimize improved Elman neural network parameters to achieve posture prediction for network security. Taking advantage of the characteristic that the value of network security posture has periodicity, a simulated annealing algorithm is introduced along with an improved particle swarm algorithm to solve the problem that neural network training is prone to fall into a local optimal solution and achieve accurate prediction of the network security posture. Comparison of the proposed scheme with existing prediction methods validates that the scheme has a good posture prediction accuracy.
Citation Keyren_network_2020