Visible to the public An Organizational Structure for the Thing-User Community Formation

TitleAn Organizational Structure for the Thing-User Community Formation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsJoo, Seong-Soon, You, Woongsshik, Pyo, Cheol Sig, Kahng, Hyun-Kook
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
KeywordsCollaborative Work, convergence, human factors, information and communication technology, intelligent agents, Knowledge engineering, Logistics, organizational structure, pubcrawl, Scalability, Social Agents, social networking (online), thing-user, thing-user centric communication, thing-user community formation, thing-user social community
AbstractThe special feature of the thing-user centric communication is that thing-users can form a society autonomously and collaborate to solve problems. To share experiences and knowledge, thing-users form, join, and leave communities. The thing-user, who needs a help from other thing-users to accomplish a mission, searches thing-user communities and nominates thing-users of the discovered communities to organize a collaborative work group. Thing-user community should perform autonomously the social construction process and need principles and procedures for the community formation and collaboration within the thing-user communities. This paper defines thing-user communities and proposes an organizational structure for the thing-user community formation.
Citation Keyjoo_organizational_2020