Visible to the public DDoS Attack Detection System using Apache Spark

TitleDDoS Attack Detection System using Apache Spark
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKousar, Heena, Mulla, Mohammed Moin, Shettar, Pooja, D. G., Narayan
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
Keywordsapache spark, Classification of DDos attack, Cluster computing, DDoS Attack, DDoS attack detection, Decision trees, denial-of-service attack, distributed processing, HDFS, Human Behavior, machine learning, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, telecommunication traffic, Training
AbstractDistributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS) are most widely used cyber-attacks. Thus, design of DDoS detection mechanisms has attracted attention of researchers. Design of these mechanisms involves building statistical and machine learning models. Most of the work in design of mechanisms is focussed on improving the accuracy of the model. However, due to large volume of network traffic, scalability and performance of these techniques is an important research issue. In this work, we use Apache Spark framework for detection of DDoS attacks. We use NSL-KDD Cup as a benchmark dataset for experimental analysis. The results reveal that random forest performs better than decision trees and distributed processing improves the performance in terms of pre-processing and training time.
Citation Keykousar_ddos_2021