Visible to the public Building a National Cyber Strategy: The Process and Implications of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report

TitleBuilding a National Cyber Strategy: The Process and Implications of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsValeriano, Brandon, Jensen, Benjamin
Conference Name2021 13th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)
KeywordsBuildings, coercion, cyber strategy, Cyberspace, deterrence, Escalation, Human Behavior, Production, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability
AbstractCrafting a national cyber strategy is an enormous undertaking. In this article we review the process by which the Cyberspace Solarium Commission generated the Solarium Commission Report, developed the strategy of layered cyber deterrence, and strategized for legislative success in implementing its recommendations. This is an article about the development of a whole-of-nation strategy. Once the production of the strategy of layered cyber deterrence is explained, the article goes on to elaborate on implementation strategies, the challenge of escalation management, and future efforts to ensure that the work of the Solarium Commission becomes entrenched in U.S. national cyber strategy and behavior. We review the work left undone by the Solarium Commission, highlighting the enormous effort that went into the process of building out a strategy to defend a nation.11It takes a village; we thank the entire Solarium Commission team, as their efforts generated the final Commission Report and the legislative successes that followed. In some ways, this article seeks to chronicle the process of building a strategy that was developed through the efforts of hundreds of people. This work reflects the process that we went through to construct the Solarium Commission report, which is particular to our experience; others may have had different recollections of the events under consideration. Brandon Valeriano is also a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and a Senior Advisor to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Benjamin Jensen is also a Scholar in Residence at American University and the Research Director for the Cyberspace Solarium Commission.
Citation Keyvaleriano_building_2021