Visible to the public A Related work on secure event logs protection with user identity using privacy preservation for the cloud infrastructure

TitleA Related work on secure event logs protection with user identity using privacy preservation for the cloud infrastructure
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsM, Kiruthika., M.S, Saravanan.
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
Keywordscloud computing security, cloud infrastructure, Cloud Security, Companies, Computer architecture, identify as a service, Informatics, Migration, Monitoring, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, user privacy in the cloud
AbstractThe cloud infrastructure is not new to the society from past one decade. But even in recent time, the companies started migrating from local services to cloud services for better connectivity and for other requirements, this is due to companies financial limitations on existing infrastructure, they are migrating to less cost and hire and fire support based cloud infrastructures. But the proposed cloud infrastructure require security on event logs accessed by different end users on the cloud environment. To adopt the security on local services to cloud service based infrastructure, it need better identify management between end users. Therefore this paper presents the related works of user identity as a service for each user involving in cloud service and the accessing permission and protection will be monitored and controlled by the cloud security infrastructures.
Citation Keym_related_2021