Visible to the public Confirmation of Mutual Synchronization of the TPMs Using Hash Functions

TitleConfirmation of Mutual Synchronization of the TPMs Using Hash Functions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAleksandrov, Mykyta
Conference Name2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordscompositionality, cryptography, delay, delays, Encryption, graphics processing units, hash, hash algorithms, Hash Function, Hash functions, Hebbian rule, input neurons, learning rules, Market research, Network, Neural networks, ping, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Synchronization, synchronization time, Task Analysis, tree parity machines
AbstractThis paper presents experimental results of evaluating the effect of network delay on the synchronization time of three parity machines. The possibility of using a hash function to confirm the synchronization of parity tree machines has been investigated. Three parity machines have been proposed as a modification of the symmetric encryption algorithm. One advantage of the method is the possibility to use the phenomenon of mutual synchronization of neural networks to generate an identical encryption key for users without the need to transfer it. As a result, the degree of influence of network delay and the type of hash function used on the synchronization time of neural networks was determined. The degree of influence of the network delay and hash function was determined experimentally. The hash function sha512 showed the best results. The tasks for further research have been defined.
Citation Keyaleksandrov_confirmation_2021